The Fikushima incident been blown so out of proportion all around the world. This incident needs to be looked at but properly understood, the proximity of the plant to a active tectonic zone was a real concern which India does not need to have. What happened at Fukushima was tragic but a culmination of unique circumstances. Every single Nuclear power plant in India is more technologically advanced with more safety and back up systems than the Fukushima plant. Because of VERY strict rules by the Indian atomic agency all nuclear power plants are made with more back-up systems than the industry norm (including present at Fukushima) so a repeat of what happened at Fukushima- all back up generators failing leading to the stopping of water pumps is almost impossible in any Indian nuclear power plant. Additionally according to rules from the India atomic agency all nuclear power plants must also have passive cooling systems free from all electrical input, so if power did go down the reactor could still be cooled. All the measures would prevent an Indian Fukushima-FACT. Not to mention post Fukushima, MMS ordered a review of all nuclear power plants regarding a similar incident in India and all power plants were found to have easily passed the tests because they are all state of the art and more technologically advanced than Fukushima.
The recent protests are really just political point sodding with opportunists trying to make some cheap shots and cater to vote banks and play of the ignorance of most common people. I absolutely hate this sort of news- India already has a significant power generation shortfall so tracking these plans but offering no solutions is utterly pointless and harmful. Renewable energy sources are still not mature or efficient enough and adding coal powered power stations is far from ideal.
But gladly sense is/will prevail, as per recent news, India plans to build 10 new nuclear power plants by 2017 on top of the 9 already under construction.
Would these people would prefer human suffering to continue with many citizens going without power? Are these people giving a suitable alternative? NO,NO,NO!!
GoI made an excellent decisions here to get rid of these NGOs with vested interests and MMS pulled another masterstroke in getting nuclear plants back on track.
Just to shut these guys up- India WILL have a nuclear power capcity of 63,000 MW by 2030, SUCK IT!!!