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Indian General Elections - 2014

Whom will you Vote for in 2014 General Elections??

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Guys you must know the congress modus operundi in Indian elections. They give Rs. 10 lakh briefcase to every sarpanch of the village to insure all votes for Congress. Regretabily the educated people are not voting by saying ye sale sab chor hain.

Those supporters were commies or congi suporters.


She is one of moron and is at very senior post

Says the content not available.
Tweet of the month.

Subramanian Swamy ‏@Swamy39
I met Farooq Abdullah yesterday in Chennai. He told me that he was pleased to tell me that his ancestors were Brahmins. So why can't others?
@arp2041 @KRAIT @hinduguy @Ayush @doppelganger

The question that whether Modi is better than Rahul is a non starter in itself. Modi has ably administered a state and brought benefits (although the quantum and spread of those benefits is open for discussion and in a healthy democracy should be debated) to it while Rahul is someone I wouldn't even trust with running my neighborhood panwari. Rahul's lack of administrative acumen in glaringly obvious. That having been said, Modi needs to delink himself from the clowns in the VHP and the RSS who want to link social and cultural pride to politics- politics which must be absolutely a-religious in nature- THERE CAN BE NO 2ND OPINION ON THAT. But Modi seems to be able to manage that too- he's often reigned in the RSS fellows and shown them the door, he is not one to bow down easily and bend a knee no matter what his personal biases might be.

Completely AGREED with your First Para.

The problem though is- I have a grouse with most Modi supporters- not with Modi himself but with his supporters. That he is a prime candidate for the PM post is obvious- even I'll be "voting" for him. BUT what does voting for him construe- remember in this country we do not directly vote our PM in- we vote in the ruling party and we do that by voting in regional and local representatives. The threat is that most people blind sided by Modi's abilities- apt which they are- will ignore the possible short comings of their local reps. Remember a PM cannot micro-manage the whole nation. No single man or leader can shape the destiny of 1.2 billion people. To put any leader on a pedestal and accord to him divinity is a severe disservice to the nation. Modi or any other leader cannot be a panacea to our problems.

Yes, we don't elect PM directly, but more often only people's choice becomes the PM IF that party gets elected, eg. AB VP or Indira Gandhi. Plus, I can Guarantee you, if BJP will announce Modi as the PM candidate, he will hand pick each & every candidate by himself just like he does in Gujarat. That means he will elect his trustworthy people + He will elect those people who only want development, so even by selecting local people you are in a way making Modi more stronger & making his work of developing each & every part of India much more easier, obviously you cannot say that He will bring a Ram-Rajya in India because he is not Lord Ram, just a normal Human Being, who are bound to make mistakes, asking for catering the demands & solving the grievances of each & every one of the 1.2 billion population is too much to ask for. So we don't have to elect the person who can solve everything but the person who can solve nearly everything.

I had mentioned this to @KRAIT before: IF we the polity do not mature and pull ourselves out of petty politics then EVEN MODI will fail. The Congress will continue to enjoy its carte blanche when it comes to vote bank politics and divisive politics. The BJP and its allies need to put up a clean and able roster and not just one singular leader. Also we need to be careful and balanced in our appraisal of our leaders- even the best of them have made mistakes. The way we talk of them today is in the naive terms of absolute black and white- such a dynamic nations cannot afford such an inflexible and myopic approach.

But Congress needs to go- I'll post later on how they have single-handedly made the largest contribution to our fiscal deficit by enacting inefficient populist measures simply to win elections the last time around.

If congress enjoys a CARTE BLANCHE than who has given it to Congress on the first place?? God?? No, it's us, who talk about every possible differences b/w us, be it caste, creed, religion, language, you name it.

I like Modi b'coz he never talks about these differences in his speech & only talks about the developmental works that have been done in the past 10 years under his rule, compare that to the people who have nothing to show for there profile & take the easiest route of divisive politics. Modi hasn't taken the easier route, he has taken the most difficult path ever taken by any Indian Politician - POLITICS OF DEVELOPMENT.

Even the Modi haters hate him b'coz of divisive mindset present in the society, in there heart even they admire him as the Politician on a mission.

I ask them, can't we give them just one CHANCE of 5 years so that India can get overall development & can get into a place where it can challenge China??

We have given Congress more than 50+ years of power at the center in Independent India & the result is in front of everyone to see, so why can't just 5 years to Modi??

If he does the same things as he is often accused of during his tenure, than we all have the power to never re-elect him, but why not just A CHANCE, not for anyone else, but for the country we love - INDIA
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Let me assure you guys ...There is nightwatchman under construction and he may be chidu ...

Congis have sensed their fall and there is only one man in india who can take on gandhis directly i.e Modi.
Who all will comprise the third front ?

There is nothing called a THIRD FRONT.

It's just the Front made on PAPER to extract more & more from the other two FRONTS.

Ultimately it's all about Pride in Power & Greed of Money.

Whoever gives the best deal.
Also if mr modi wins these congressi will have 1000s of cases against them CBI
So this going to affect congress in a major way
Please make people around you aware if you of what modi has done & why you should vote for him
good for the countries economy. but then this is just another plot, to basically woo the people by making them realise that freebies are if no good and that they are a responsible party who are not gonna waste money.
but still better than before.

I was trying to highlight their policies before the previous election. This time around they've put up a surprisingly balanced budget absent populist measures- BUT I see that as them fixing mistakes that they themselves made and too far too late in the game.
Its their country their Laws................Are US Government too Commi or Congi Supporters (Visa-Problem)

lol....Do u know who protested against Modi there?

They are bunch of indian mfkers who are at senior post and btw? there is no need of visa for video conferencing :lol:

and look at the others who are invited and they are the ppl who are either supporting kashmir liberation or congis ..
about your second paragraph I agree .we can't just rely on modi and hail him as a Messiah just like many Pakistanis are doing with IK.

Comparing Modi to IK is a non-starter.

Modi has an experience of 10 years of Governing a State of India among other positions he has held within BJP.

While IK is a Party President who has no administrative experience.

Mostly, IK is saying those things which are appealing to common man in Pakistan but is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to apply when he comes to Power eg being standing up to US on Drone strikes or ending terrorism within months.

It's not sure, if he is saying all these things just to come into power or he means every word, remember what Obama had said about Guantanamo Prison, but what did he do about it once he came to power?? or what change he brought to American Economy which he was talking about in nearly every speech?? American Economy today is no different to good old Bush Days.

Pakistani People are fed up of corruption & incompetency of the GOP & having no other option but to trust IK.

But we have options, we just have to choose the best among them.
Billionare politicians:

#4 Sonia Gandhi

Net Worth: $2-19 billion

Residence: India
Position: President, Indian National Congress (political party)
Gandhi is originally from Italy. She is the widow of Rajiv Gandhi, the assassinated former prime minister. As leader of the Congress party, Gandhi played a key role in reviving the party's fortune and power.
There's some dispute about her actual net worth, while Forbes doesn't list it. And India's National Election Watch has it listed at about $200,000.
Source: World's Luxury Guide (based on OpenSecrets.org, Forbes.com, Bloomberg.com, Wikipedia.org, Guardian.co.uk)

Read more: World's Richest Politicians - Business Insider

My question to all those Congressi folks here; where did she get all these billions from?

World's Richest Politicians - Business Insider
Opinion polls before the 2009 elections

Net result after the elections


Gives a good idea about the survey polls
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