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Indian Foreign Affairs News & Discussions (non-US & Pakistan related

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i seriously think that chinese should have a look around their country.
I dont think its their fault sincerely, their media is so ****ed up and censored.

I 've also heard that they have rules restricting movement of people within their own country.

I just feel sorry for them
I respect these people for their adventures. They escaped unfavorable government. They walked across mountains, rivers to reach India on horseback or barefoot.
And then this man managed to unify the Tibetan movement to such a scale that everyone in the world recognizes it now.

Everyone should learn from their determination.
i seriously think that chinese should have a look around their country.
I dont think its their fault sincerely, their media is so ****ed up and censored.

I 've also heard that they have rules restricting movement of people within their own country.

I just feel sorry for them

I've also heard Indians claim India to be superpower, LOL, what a country, what a pity
i seriously think that chinese should have a look around their country.
I dont think its their fault sincerely, their media is so ****ed up and censored.

I 've also heard that they have rules restricting movement of people within their own country.

I just feel sorry for them

There are more than 20 million Chinese on web.

When they look around their country, they find they have resolved land disputes with 13 of 14 of their land-connected neighbors.

Further, they also find India hasn’t resolved any existing land disputes with any of its neighbors since India’s independence.

Indeed, it is a heart-felt sorrow, but not for China.
There are more than 20 million Chinese on web.

When they look around their country, they find they have resolved land disputes with 13 of 14 of their land-connected neighbors.

Further, they also find India hasn’t resolved any existing land disputes with any of its neighbors since India’s independence.

Indeed, it is a heart-felt sorrow, but not for China.

But on the contarary..!! It seems that you have or had problems with everyone around you.. whther it is solved or not..!!! Well surely a sign of a bully..!!!! ;)
China can't feed its own people, because of its size,but it dreams of more,.....why??? But hey! they are lowering da numbers of da hungry-by KILLING them........huh!And de cry bout India being poor.........

Think about what u are saying, India has even bigger dreams.:lol:
i seriously think that chinese should have a look around their country.
I dont think its their fault sincerely, their media is so ****ed up and censored.

I 've also heard that they have rules restricting movement of people within their own country.

I just feel sorry for them

Maybe that's the reason they are doing so good?
Tibet's future is with china , no matter how hard we beat the anti chinese drums , its of no use. And thinking pragmatic is way out. china and tibet have to be togteher for prosparity of tibet. Tibet need china more than china need tibet.

Its just that there have be more help from chinese givt to keep tibet culture and people in check.
And things are getting better.China is a responsible country times will change and tibeten will see china and chinese will see tibet from each other's looking mirror.
watch ur language.

heres a nice fact to know, they are averagely smartest in the world.

take a look at some of his posts,you will see da reason...unless u r blinded by da so called 'sino-pak friendship'
There are more than 20 million Chinese on web.

When they look around their country, they find they have resolved land disputes with 13 of 14 of their land-connected neighbors.

Further, they also find India hasn’t resolved any existing land disputes with any of its neighbors since India’s independence.

Indeed, it is a heart-felt sorrow, but not for China.

Thats because all others fear a war wid neighbors and Indians don't...
For Example U dint go on war wid USSR over Germany cuuzz u feared them!
But u went on war wid Vietnam cuz US knew it was a smaller country and u culd win the war............But overconfidence led them nowhere but hell............

Think about what u are saying, India has even bigger dreams.:lol:

and Pakistan has biggest........! atleast India has achieved a lot of dreams
sorry for Off-Topic

I don't see why not. The only question is that Dalai Lama seems to have sold to India his Zang Nan, or southern Tibet, or AP, a place where older Lamas in the lineage and he himself used to call home?

It says home is where the heart is....... wer is ur home!? in China?! and btw ! AP is a Indian STATE in the constituent of India.......U BETTER NOT CALL IT ZANG NAN! u aren't Chinese ryt? Even if he sold it to us den its ours......

If you guys were not brainwashed, or otherwise had an access to all sides of the story, you would be aware that PLA would have caught him, should Mao and CPC have not decided to let him go, as PLA was well aware his movement.

I guess Mao and CPC figured out that if Dalai Lama, who at that time was still holding a position in central government (vice chairman of NPC), was a pack of pus, why not let it be discharged. If he was a purely religious figure, leaving tens of millions of Tibetan Chinese and non-Tibetan Chinese followers in China would not do his religion any better.

In addition, his terrorist violence of 1959 sponsored by CIA and India government, which resulted in thousands being killed, earned him a Nobel Peace Prize. :rofl:
plzz provide some source links of wat MAO and CPC were thinking.........dont fly your own thoughts.....

yeah, i do believe there are lots of people are not rich
But they are not in hungry,
Which in China, There are about 30 million are in hungry.
not 600 million

Why dont u give some god-damn links!...... and plzz! plzz! i Would love to c ur holiday pics of "a trip to China......My Lovely Country"..! Take that nationalism thing outta ur eye so that it would be more like exploration tour to china........! and u will know ur country better.....and also u will directly contribute in the tourism wealth....Be Proud..! do send me the pics.........plz!:enjoy:
India's Nuclear Technology Can Make it the Richest Nation in the World!​

India possess more than 30% of the world's Thorium reserves estimated at 360,000 tonnes ahead of Australia (300,000), Norway (170,000), USA (160,000), Canada (100,000), South Africa (35,000), Brazil (16,000) and the rest (95,000).

India's Thorium based fast breeder technology is the most advanced in the world and growing at phenomenal pace. India is way ahead of the world in terms of Thorium based FBR know how. India is building a Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) in Kalpakkam that will produce 500MW of energy and will become functional in 2010. India is the only country in the world to attempt such a fate.

The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) plans to have an installed nuclear generation capacity of 20,000 MWe in the country by the year 2020. This will consist of a mix of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors, Fast Breeder Reactors and Advanced Light Water Reactors. By 2050, India plans to produce 30% of its electricity from thorium fuel cycle nuclear generating facilities.

India is unbelievably close to archiving complete energy security for at least 2500 years. Experts believe that the recovery of thorium from Indian beaches would be almost unbelievably high, and the energy extracted could power the Indian economy for thousands of years, potentially making India the richest nation in the world.

I will be posting some more unbiased detailed analysis and news reports on Indian Thorium research and resulting benefits.
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