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Tibet should be liberated.........u know wat i feel........dat india is gonna free tibet in 2017...........dats y it fears an Chinese attack i 2017 and dats y its preparing till 2017.....if not 2017 den 2022 for sure........
yea, tibet will be surely liberated while chinese will take over the whole indian mainland.Dude can you tell me what are you smoking?Do you honestly believe you can capture Chinese Territory?
yea, tibet will be surely liberated while chinese will take over the whole indian mainland.Dude can you tell me what are you smoking?Do you honestly believe you can capture Chinese Territory?

He said Tibet should be liberated didn't mentioned that it should be liberated by any specific country.
The Dalai Lama says he is grateful for the care and support he has received from India.

I don't see why not. The only question is that Dalai Lama seems to have sold to India his Zang Nan, or southern Tibet, or AP, a place where older Lamas in the lineage and he himself used to call home?

“Most fearful sort of moment is... (the) night of 17 March 1959," he said. The Dalai Lama and some of his followers were about to cross a river on horseback when they suddenly realized they were within sight of a Chinese army camp.

"Soldiers, yes, we can see," the Dalai Lama said, learning forward, his eyes wide and voice strong. "We are very much afraid."…

If you guys were not brainwashed, or otherwise had an access to all sides of the story, you would be aware that PLA would have caught him, should Mao and CPC have not decided to let him go, as PLA was well aware his movement.

I guess Mao and CPC figured out that if Dalai Lama, who at that time was still holding a position in central government (vice chairman of NPC), was a pack of pus, why not let it be discharged. If he was a purely religious figure, leaving tens of millions of Tibetan Chinese and non-Tibetan Chinese followers in China would not do his religion any better.

In addition, his terrorist violence of 1959 sponsored by CIA and India government, which resulted in thousands being killed, earned him a Nobel Peace Prize. :rofl:
You neer stop working in your wet dream. We all aware of that, and nothing is refreshing. :rofl:

:rofl: WE all know what happen in Vietnam wen these Chinese......supported em! Nightmare for u ryt.............

we wer a colony 60 yrs ago...and India dreamed to gain a position wer it is now........!
we got it.........

We still dream big and inshallah we would definitely get it......

600 million = 0.6 billion?

does China have so many poor?

Mr.Jetli i have told u so many times to tour ur own country..........y dont u just take my advice seriously!

yea, tibet will be surely liberated while chinese will take over the whole indian mainland.Dude can you tell me what are you smoking?Do you honestly believe you can capture Chinese Territory?

Sorry for goin off-topic!
wen pakistan can think of conquering India den y not India can think of conquering China and moreover Pakistan is nowhere compared to India but India can still stand China offence!
If you guys were not brainwashed, or otherwise had an access to all sides of the story, you would be aware that PLA would have caught him, should Mao and CPC have not decided to let him go, as PLA was well aware his movement.

The only side of the story we care about is the plight of Tibetians. Who cares about PLA. They came around killing the tibetians, and at the end of the campaign thousands of tibetians were killed.

So they would have caught him? And? Why did they kill all other peacful tibetians? Complete BS! Why should we sympathise with PRC? Let the Chinese do that.Its foolish to seek justify killing of thousands of unarmed peaceloving monks. It is inhumane and unacceptable to any sane living on this planet.

In addition, his terrorist violence of 1959 sponsored by CIA and India government, which resulted in thousands being killed, earned him a Nobel Peace Prize.

Againt Gpit, you are being stupid and I have to applaud your sense of humour. Its one of a kind. He was awarded the Nobel Prize not for the views you have, but the view the world shares.

600 million = 0.6 billion?

does China have so many poor?

Do you believe your communist government?
I have mentioned the little known fact before as well.
Here it is:

NYT:- China: Lives of Povertyhttp://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/13/world/asia/13china.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=poverty china&st=cse
Do you believe your communist government?
I have mentioned the little known fact before as well.
Here it is:
yeah, i do believe there are lots of people are not rich
But they are not in hungry,
Which in China, There are about 30 million are in hungry.
not 600 million
yeah, i do believe there are lots of people are not rich
But they are not in hungry,
Which in China, There are about 30 million are in hungry.
not 600 million

If they were hungry,they would have been dead in 10 days.:woot:
yeah, i do believe there are lots of people are not rich
But they are not in hungry,
Which in China, There are about 30 million are in hungry.
not 600 million

Thats precisely what I ment when I asked you do you believe what your government tells you. And the answer is yes you do, and youve been taken for a ride.

Read the article i have cited, you will be shocked.
China can't feed its own people, because of its size,but it dreams of more,.....why??? But hey! they are lowering da numbers of da hungry-by KILLING them........huh!And de cry bout India being poor.........
:rofl: WE all know what happen in Vietnam wen these Chinese......supported em! Nightmare for u ryt.............

To burst your bubble, Vietnam PM has recently pledged to China to solve whatever problems with China in a fashion of "brothers plus comrades."

I bet your biased propaganda doesn't like to let you know that. :lol:
The only side of the story we care about is the plight of Tibetians.

Why don't you care more about the plight of your 51% of Indian children stunted by undernutrition first? Because that it what you can do, now, immediately.

Your nosiness is in a wrong place, buddy.

So they would have caught him? And? Why did they kill all other peacful tibetians? Complete BS! Why should we sympathise with PRC? Let the Chinese do that.Its foolish to seek justify killing of thousands of unarmed peaceloving monks. It is inhumane and unacceptable to any sane living on this planet.

You call cutting off people dead "peacefull"? Setting fires to house "peacefull"?

For Whom is your Sympathy?

May we ask all those vociferous self-styled sympathizers of the Tibetan people, just who are the "Tibetan people" you sympathize with? Whose autonomy or independence is the autonomy or "independence" of Tibet you propagandise? Whose defeat is the defeat of the rebellion in Tibet which you weep and mourn over?

It seems that many of the so-called "sympathisers" are only usurping the name of the Tibetan people, the name of Tibetan autonomy and the name of humanitarianism. It is not the Tibetan people" they sympathize with, but those who for generations oppressed, exploited and slaughtered the Tibetan people, those chiefs of the cannibalistic system in Tibet. When the big serfowners in Tibet gouge out the eyes and hearts of the serfs, these specialists in sympathy did not feel it a tragedy and did not demand of these serf-owners moderation and humanitarianism. When these big serf-owners launched armed attacks on the People's Liberation Army stationed on the soil of their own country, when they used savage methods to slaughter captured PLA fighters and People's Government personnel, these sympathisers only cried "bravo", and blustered: that these serf-owners could carry on a one-hundred-year guerrilla war; they did not demand of them moderation and humanitarianism.

Only when the People's Liberation Army went over from the defensive to the offensive against those wolves who persisted in rebellion, that is to say, only when this cruelest and most savage serfdom in the world finally met with crisis as a result of the defeat of the rebellion of the armed bandits, only then did all the cries of tragedy, sympathy, humanitarianism, autonomy and independence: flood forth like a torrent bursting through sluice gates.

From this it can be seen that except for some who have misunderstood, those who uttered such cries are precisely the defenders of the most reactionary serfdom and the most barbarous big serf-owners, precisely the enemies of the freedom and liberation of the Tibetan people. ...

The People's Daily
6 May 1959
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