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Indian Field Marshal about Pakistan Army in East Pakistan

Thats real bravery......that deserve biggest gallantry award..not like indian navy which awarded its officers for fake bravery for the job they didnt do......ie sinking of ghazi.


Jo baat sahi hai woh sahi hai....even FM Manekshaw agreed to the bravery of PA soldiers in East pakistan.And His junior at that time in eastern sector LT. Gen.JFR Jacob came down heavily on Indian navy for its fake bravery.

Btw my post is on topic if someone starts trollfest then i dont think that i 've to be blamed for it.


Didn't you know that indians already surrendered after mumbai incident and are still sending their surrender papers aka dossiers duly signed in triplicate for almost 4 consecutive years.


Actually indians hijacked the victory of bangladesh and claimed it as their military victory.After the 3rd wold wra most of british colonies got free due to american and russian pressure on colonial powers of europe. these free colonies ever gave credit to usa and ussr for their freedom and instead major credit was given to freedom struggle in respective colonies.neither did usa /ussr asked for any credit from these colonies.

But indians being like bania even took the credit from bangladesh janata of their successful freedom struggle and showed it as indian victory.Problem was there is no victory for india in its victory column .from time immemorial there are only defeats in its dfeated column.hence in 1971 saw the best chance to show atleast one victory by dishonestly taking credit away from bangladeshis.


Above is surrender and another surrender india did was in 1999 in kandhar during ic-814 hijacking.


FOR SOMEONE HAVING TROUBLES AS TO WHAT THE TOPIC IS IT'S - "Indian Field Marshal about Pakistan Army in East Pakistan".
Its unbelievable how shameless some Pakistanis are, taking pride in acts of terrorism and hijackings against innocent civilians.
Also, they have shameless pride when over 93,000 well armed and trained military personnel surrender to their arch-enemy without a fight, to save their own skin, that too after committing a genocide on their own countrymen.
Please tell me your joking. I understand that for Pakistanis whatever the PA does is supposed to be brave. But these people were simply saving their lives by surrendering. The bengalis were out to murder every Pakistani there. Fighting further was guarantee for death for the PA by either IA or Bengalis.
They didn't surrender to avoid death of civilians. The PA were ordered to kill any Bengali they deemed fit and they did it with flair. Please dont peddle trash.

Do you really think 93000 Pakistani soldiers would have been killed by the Indian trained Mukhti Bahini and IA without a fight ? Its absolutely absurd. If there had been a fight, the infrastructure of the country would have been destroyed by all armies. Not to mention the civilians. Yes, they the PA army would have been defeated ultimately but they would have done "some" damage. I don't think PA was brave but the decision it took was morally correct. Also you're incorrect to think that all Bengalis were thinking to kill Pakistani soldiers. Most of them wanted to diffuse the situation and work out some solution but couldn't.





FOR SOMEONE HAVING TROUBLES AS TO WHAT THE TOPIC IS IT'S - "Indian Field Marshal about Pakistan Army in East Pakistan".

Take-6 .....relationship of above incident with that of present thread topic is beyond the understanding of indians.so you better stop posting your off topic takes.Instead contribute on topic.otherwise dont reply to my posts.
Its unbelievable how shameless some Pakistanis are, taking pride in acts of terrorism and hijackings against innocent civilians.
Also, they have shameless pride when over 93,000 well armed and trained military personnel surrender to their arch-enemy without a fight, to save their own skin, that too after committing a genocide on their own countrymen.
And its really unbelievable how shameless indians term surrender after mumbai incident and at kandhar as their restraint ,pursuit etc etc.
If above two are not surrender then 1971 is not surrender for pakistan instead it was pakistan restrain to avoid civilian casualtites caught in between the two warring armies.
It was pakistan's restraint to avoid making dhaka as another Beirut.
He just said it to stand his collar up, so that no one would ever say it was a cake walk for him.
If that was the case, then India would not have had 93'000 Pakistani POWs, a world record, not even second world war had so many POWs......he made it up, to justify his courage and might - fighting fit enemy and not the weaker one......

the record is of 91000 of German soldiers in Stalingrad not of out soldiers n ours were just 90,000 not 93000 its just indian after war propaganda.
And its really unbelievable how shameless indians term surrender after mumbai incident and at kandhar as their restraint ,pursuit etc etc.
If above two are not surrender then 1971 is not surrender for pakistan instead it was pakistan restrain to avoid civilian casualtites caught in between the two warring armies.
It was pakistan's restraint to avoid making dhaka as another Beirut.

1)Indians never surrendered in 26/11.Even there would have been war then the whole equation of afghan war would have changed.Pakistan from starting have been forced by U.S to keep its military involved in War on terror but pakistan uses india as excuse so that was the reason why condoleeza rice ran to india during 26/11 coz U.S needed pakistan in afghan war otherwise this was the situation of pakistan :lol: -->

"I called back again. No response. By now the international phone lines were buzzing with the news. The Pakistanis were calling everyone--the Saudis, the Emiratis, the Chinese. Finally Mukherjee called back. I told him what I'd heard," Rice wrote.

Post-26/11, Mukherjee's words rattled Pakistan: Condoleezza Rice - Times Of India

it explains enough...

2) There was no way to deal with that situation and civilians were important than those terrorist.Even israel liberated 1000 palestininan terrorist for 1 israeli soldier so it means israel is coward?

and india then after made law that it will blow aircraft in case of hijacking by terrorist cells.

BUT your brain wont understand it coz you are not made to think so :) ..
You mean like this??
nah like this.........................



Above is the worst kind of surrender .
Do you really think 93000 Pakistani soldiers would have been killed by the Indian trained Mukhti Bahini and IA without a fight ? Its absolutely absurd. If there had been a fight, the infrastructure of the country would have been destroyed by all armies. Not to mention the civilians. Yes, they the PA army would have been defeated ultimately but they would have done "some" damage. I don't think PA was brave but the decision it took was morally correct. Also you're incorrect to think that all Bengalis were thinking to kill Pakistani soldiers. Most of them wanted to diffuse the situation and work out some solution but couldn't.
Sorry. Fighting would not have carried out for long. India had complete air superiority over Bangladesh. Even the navy was bombing using their carrier. Yes it would have gone longer but to what end.not for long and not worth death as there was no relief coming.
No Bengal wanted to diffuse the situation. They were out for blood as before India invaded Pakistan army had killed tens of thousands of Bengali as well as raped them. No Bengali wanted to sit across the table to discuss and solve it without violence. They wanted revenge on Pakistan army.

Do you know the bengalis were.killing Pakistan army personnel in cold blood wherever they could even after pa had been disarmed in individual groups.

One of the main reasons India took the pow was to prevent absolute slaughter of the pows. Initially India wanted to let BD have the pows for effect. The plan was dropped when they realized the consequence of leaving PA in BD hands.
The Secret Story Of Pakistan's Debacle In 1971 -
The Hamoodur Rahman Report


Every pakistani should read this which was never published in Pakistan
1)Indians never surrendered in 26/11.Even there would have been war then the whole equation of afghan war would have changed.Pakistan from starting have been forced by U.S to keep its military involved in War on terror but pakistan uses india as excuse so that was the reason why condoleeza rice ran to india during 26/11 coz U.S needed pakistan in afghan war otherwise this was the situation of pakistan :lol: -->
so usa asked india to surrender to pakistan so it can carry on its wot....wah re indian slave of america.

Post-26/11, Mukherjee's words rattled Pakistan: Condoleezza Rice - Times Of India

it explains enough...

2) There was no way to deal with that situation and civilians were important than those terrorist.Even israel liberated 1000 palestininan terrorist for 1 israeli soldier so it means israel is coward?

and india then after made law that it will blow aircraft in case of hijacking by terrorist cells.

BUT your brain wont understand it coz you are not made to think so :) ..
So rattled was pakistan by mukherjee's words that india had to send the dossier aka its own surrender papers to isb to be approved by GHQ RWP.......:lol:
And Auntyji, what would you have done so different if you were responsible for a plane load of civilians?
Shoot the Tunical Talibanis and "compensate" the passengers in the name of galantry?
the record is of 91000 of German soldiers in Stalingrad not of out soldiers n ours were just 90,000 not 93000 its just indian after war propaganda.

Guys just look at the gem of the day here. This guy thinks that 'just' 90000 soldiers surrendered was less shamefull :rofl:

nah like this.........................



Above is the worst kind of surrender .

If that was surrender Pakistan is surrendering everyday. OBL raid for instance. (dont want to go off topic but just going by your defination.)
nah like this.........................



Above is the worst kind of surrender .

No this is worst kind of surrender. Giving green single to drone attack to kill little children.. Shame...


PHC serves notice to Musharraf for allowing drone attacks | DAWN.COM

nah like this.........................



Above is the worst kind of surrender .

No this is worst kind of surrender. Giving green single to drone attack to kill little children.. Shame...


And Auntyji, what would you have done so different if you were responsible for a plane load of civilians?
Shoot the Tunical Talibanis and "compensate" the passengers in the name of galantry?
never surrender.And how about the 1000 others killed by those after their release at kandhar during surrender .
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