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Indian Field Marshal about Pakistan Army in East Pakistan

or may be gallantry award for fake bravery in fake encounter to present COAS gen.bikram singh in kashmir.

2.5 decades of insurgency and total killed in Kashmir is 40k , Nothing compared to what PA did in BD. millions where killed . I would suggest you better look at Sasural before pointing fingers at yr Mayaka.:yahoo:
last sentence says it all height of ignorance! keep your head burried in the sand and keep getting instituionalised by your media. what i posted was a fact that you chose to deny:wave:

My last sentence wasn't denial, neither I am denying what you might have posted in those youtube videos(since I can not see it), but a challenge for you to prove what have I written in post no 90 wrong..just like you claim in your previous post.
Also their own lives,

The whole situation is very stupid.

I feel Pakistani Army grossly misjudged the anti establishment sentiment in East Pakistan.

If Mujib is going to Agartala to meet Raw agents or whatever,that itself i a big enough crisis situation.

Those 93000 would have got slaughtered in beech bazaar if the truce did not happen.

It is the Indians who avoided this for the Pak Army.

Fully Agreed. The army did misjudged the anti establishment sentiments and if the truce didn't happen, it would have been a disaster not only for East Pakistan but for West Pakistan as well.
Real surrender was of Sq ldr sikand in 1965 war .....lol

Do you know what real surrender is ?? lending of one's own swatva to another. In that sense neither did Pakistan's or India's leaders have surrendered to each other anytime. But I know someone actually did that recently.
My last sentence wasn't denial, neither I am denying what you might have posted in those youtube videos(since I can not see it), but a challenge for you to prove what have I written in post no 90 wrong..just like you claim in your previous post.

firstly YOU are claiming something without giving any evidence to your claim. so burden of proof is on you. as far as my video it shows the kashmiri people pelting the indian army and shutter down strikes in kashmir over killing of students by indian army.

i don't know what i have to prove wrong when clearly the video speaks for itself! but your claims definetly do need some proof.
Big deal?

We all already know that 71' wasn't india's military victory. It was just Pakistan's political defeat...
In that vein, Hitler did not die at the end of WWII, he apparently just took cyanide, shot himself and his body was then doused in petrol and then burnt. Apart from that he was just fine.

Retarded analogy that can only come from an indian...LOL.

Despite being 7x larger entity, india has remained helpless infront of mainland Pakistan (W.Pakistan). Your mighty indian sena could not put even an iota of pressure on Pakistan while we were containing you, allying with China, destroying USSR in Afghanistan, putting our government in that region, etc...

Even now, Pakistan is building under-ground tunnel through Wakkhan to access central asia, giving Gawadar port to china..while indians are just watching helplessly...

Believe what ever you want, the fact remains that just one Islamic Nation has completely entangled you within the fat landmass of South Asia, cutting you off from central Asia and middle-east....

Your mighty military is rendered completely useless by Pakistan military might in the broader geopolitical struggle.

Many Pakistanis now see themselves as a part of greater global struggle (of the two greatest ever and ONLY "global" human civilizations--Western/Christian Civilization vs Eastern/Islamic Civilization)...

indians don't even inspire anything
PS. get ready for post 2014 era ....:cheesy:
Retarded analogy that can only come from an indian...LOL.

Despite being 7x larger entity, india has remained helpless infront of mainland Pakistan (W.Pakistan). Your mighty indian sena could not put even an iota of pressure on Pakistan while we were containing you, allying with China, destroying USSR in Afghanistan, putting our government in that region, etc...

Even now, Pakistan is building under-ground tunnel through Wakkhan to access central asia, giving Gawadar port to china..while indians are just watching helplessly...

Believe what ever you want, the fact remains that just one Islamic Nation has completely entangled you within the fat landmass of South Asia, cutting you off from central Asia and middle-east....

Your mighty military is rendered completely useless by Pakistan military might in the broader geopolitical struggle.

Many Pakistanis now see themselves as a part of greater global struggle (of the two greatest ever and ONLY "global" human civilizations--Western/Christian Civilization vs Eastern/Islamic Civilization)...

indians don't even inspire anything
PS. get ready for post 2014 era ....:cheesy:

If in your opinion the 1971 war was not a military defeat for Pakistan, and if you think that what you have written above passes for success (far less analysis) I can wish you best of luck.

As for getting ready for the post 2014 era, could you elaborate with some definitive statements, instead of hiding behind allusions, like some people who boast but never really have the courage to say what they mean?

It seems to me that you're in the US and seem to be supporting the use of non-state actors in the support of cross border terrorism? Can you confirm or deny this?

I bet you won't, though. Because it's easy to talk.
Its unbelievable how shameless some Pakistanis are, taking pride in acts of terrorism and hijackings against innocent civilians.
Also, they have shameless pride when over 93,000 well armed and trained military personnel surrender to their arch-enemy without a fight, to save their own skin, that too after committing a genocide on their own countrymen.

Its a shame you like rubbing salt in wounds
Actually indians hijacked the victory of bangladesh and claimed it as their military victory.After the 3rd wold wra most of british colonies got free due to american and russian pressure on colonial powers of europe. these free colonies ever gave credit to usa and ussr for their freedom and instead major credit was given to freedom struggle in respective colonies.neither did usa /ussr asked for any credit from these colonies.

But indians being like bania even took the credit from bangladesh janata of their successful freedom struggle and showed it as indian victory.Problem was there is no victory for india in its victory column .from time immemorial there are only defeats in its dfeated column.hence in 1971 saw the best chance to show atleast one victory by dishonestly taking credit away from bangladeshis.

bangladesh got independece because of u.s.a??then who sent their 7th fleet into indian ocean to counter india?? martians??
and yes we got help frm russia nobody denied that..
If in your opinion the 1971 war was not a military defeat for Pakistan, and if you think that what you have written above passes for success (far less analysis) I can wish you best of luck.

lol...forget me, even your field marshall who orchestrated the whole plan says that it wasn't a military defeat of Pakistan.

Didn't you hear "They just had no chance.....I had superiority of 50 (or 15) to one!!!!....they were thousand of miles away from their mainland" blah blah...What does all these statements tell you? Even he is accept that it wasn't a military defeat of Pakistan.

If 5 U.S soldiers get surrounded by 75 rag tags, while patrolling 50 km away from their base, it is done. U.S soldiers will lose the fight but no one will call this as a 'big military victory' of Taliban or "a defeat of U.S military" ....because in this case--as the general says---"They just had no chance."

You can keep 'feeling happy' though, no problem.
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