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Indian Double Standards on Terrorism

@AM. end of the day.. you can compare in whatever way your support for terrorists and indian hand in bangaldesh indpendence and curbing punjab militancy... but the comparission is institutionally flawed given the ground realties of these terrorist groups running havoc across the world. We have a independent and peaceful bangladesh and we have a wonderful punjab. What you have ???an unstable afghanistan and a much greater menace the taliban and alqadia. So wotever justificaiton you give for your support, it has been proved flawed one time and its not long it will proved flawed again.
Indian support for the East Pakistani terrorists/rebels, both before and after Op. Searchlight, and the fallacy of the argument of 'millions of refugees' has been discussed elsewhere, so I won't take this thread in that direction, but even accepting your arguments, the fact is that they amount to mere excuses, such as those by Pakistanis, that the IA is responsible for the torture, rape and massacres of tens of thousands of Kashmiris - atrocities confirmed by Amnesty International and HRW. Pakistanis would argue that the unjust occupation and subjugation of millions of Kashmiris by India deserves support, and the struggle of Kashmiris is similar to the struggle by Indians and the Americans from British rule.

U may use many sugar coated words to describe the terrorism in Kashmir But in reality u dont have millions of refugees flooding Pakistan and underminig ur country's economy..So the argument doesnt stand.

So at the end of the day, you can dig up whatever excuses you want, but the fact is that India supported rebels (that committed atrocities against civilians) and undermined the rule of a sovereign nation - that is support for terrorism, as was India's support for the LTTE. But while many Indians have accepted that their nation was wrong in supporting the LTTE, they continue to make the 'good terrorist vs bad terrorist' distinction in East Pakistan vs Kashmir - this is completely hypocritical and should change if Indians are really sincere about 'peace' and 'dialog not insurgency in Kashmir'.

Nice try in deflecting the argument using LTTE..But it is b/n India and Srilanka and doesnt concern ur country a bit..So please stay off it.

A civilian non-Baluch who teaches in a school or college, educating Baluch youth (amongst others) to have a better future is not a 'usurper' or 'occupier'. A non-Baluch who is a laborer doing really nasty work in poor conditions in a mine is not a 'usurper' or 'occupier'. Baluchistan is part of Pakistan, and when the rulers of the Princely States, and people of other territories comprising the modern province of Baluchistan, and people of all other provinces, chose to join Pakistan they accepted that there would be free movement of all Pakistanis across Pakistan. That is why Karachi is such an ethnically diverse city.

IF u can so eloquently post..wat do u think abt the millions of Hindu pandits who became the victims of Terrorism and are living as refugees in their own land..?
Do u honestly believe that only the IA is killing innocents(unless innocent in ur definition is a AK toting Kashmiri) and the terrorists are saints..?
Shall i provide u the links of massacres done by the Terrorists..?

Sure, as there is evidence from AI, HRW and others about atrocities committed by the IA, but the leadership of most Kashmir groups, and the IA, has condemned such incidents and does not advocate it as SOP, do they?

and sir ur point is..??
Mod team seems to be particularly intent on seeing terrorists as freedom fighters, Its their call and their website, Call them whatever you like but we will call all the people who fight against India as terrorists.

GOI is doing a decent job of cleaning the cancer from striking more.

"Freedom fighter" Ajmal Kasab is being sent to the gallows, that's a great step by the courts in India.

Death to all who fight against India.

Get it clarified up there, we as Pakistanis call the people fighting Indian occupation in Kashmir as Freedom Fighters. People who are fighting the occupying Indian security forces and establishment.

Freedom Fighters within the context of Kashmir, not rest of India.

In all of the threads, Pakistani members have termed Kasab or anyone else who kills innocents be it a Kashmiri or an Indian, as killers who are doing such things for some other purpose.

Hope this is more then enough to clarify the differentiation between freedom fighters and other scumbags who kill for some other purpose.
Get it clarified up there, we as Pakistanis call the people fighting Indian occupation in Kashmir as Freedom Fighters. People who are fighting the occupying Indian security forces and establishment.

Freedom Fighters within the context of Kashmir, not rest of India.

In all of the threads, Pakistani members have termed Kasab or anyone else who kills innocents be it a Kashmiri or an Indian, as killers who are doing such things for some other purpose.

Hope this is more then enough to clarify the differentiation between freedom fighters and other scumbags who kill for some other purpose.

thats what I was looking for.

Now I can call them terrorists , scumbags etc etc.........specially those who killed Police man in Punjab:hitwall:.

What kind of freedom fighters are these who fight only near borders , LOC and in valley and only are from a particular religion..............and they targeting another religion which forced around half a million flew valley.......freedom fighters:hitwall:
Ahh, see - another Indian making a distinction between 'good terrorists and bad terrorists', and supporting the GoI decision to be a terrorist sponsoring State.

Just curious...Was Mukti Bahini ever designated as a terrorist organization by UN?
Just curious...Was Mukti Bahini ever designated as a terrorist organization by UN?

If India had not attacked, there would not have been any need, as Mukhti bani would have been finished, or who knows it may have been designated one.

But as India attacked, it couldn't go to UN.
If India had not attacked, there would not have been any need, as Mukhti bani would have been finished, or who knows it may have been designated one.

But as India attacked, it couldn't go to UN.

If my aunt had a mush, she would be my uncle..
C'mon TK, Hypotheticals dont cut it... You cant blame India for supporting terrorists if they were not declared as such.

And No one considers a country attacking another as a terror strike..
If my aunt had a mush, she would be my uncle..
C'mon TK, Hypotheticals dont cut it... You cant blame India for supporting terrorists if they were not declared as such.

And No one considers a country attacking another as a terror strike..

For us, they were terrorists and India supported them as freedom fighters.

For you Kashmiri freedom fighters are terrorists but for us they are freedom fighters.

And as for UN, well let them declare whomever they want whatever they want. That does not changes the facts on ground.

We all know what is the worth of UN and what it can do.

The powers sitting in that UN use it for their own purpose.

Simple fact is, you call whatever you call kashmiri freedom fighters, we damn care, we will and should support them in fighting the Indian occupiers and yeah if they do kill innocents, it is their own doing, for which they will be responsible, but as long as they are killing the Indian occupying force, we are with them.

UN was unable to help us in 71, so they shouldn't poke their nose in what we do, so let them declare whatever they want, facts are something else.
For us, they were terrorists and India supported them as freedom fighters.

For you Kashmiri freedom fighters are terrorists but for us they are freedom fighters.

And as for UN, well let them declare whomever they want whatever they want. That does not changes the facts on ground.

We all know what is the worth of UN and what it can do.

The powers sitting in that UN use it for their own purpose.

Simple fact is, you call whatever you call kashmiri freedom fighters, we damn care, we will and should support them in fighting the Indian occupiers and yeah if they do kill innocents, it is their own doing, for which they will be responsible, but as long as they are killing the Indian occupying force, we are with them.

UN was unable to help us in 71, so they shouldn't poke their nose in what we do, so let them declare whatever they want, facts are something else.

For a change I dont disagree with your post.. And this discussion is not about if Pakistan supports Terrorism in Kashmir. We all know it does..

The discussion was about a title change and if the new title is any more accurate than the older one.

btw, do remember your perception of the worth of UN next time you talk about the UN resolution on Kashmir and the UN designation of Kashmir as a disputed area...
For us, they were terrorists and India supported them as freedom fighters.

For you Kashmiri freedom fighters are terrorists but for us they are freedom fighters.

Simple fact is, you call whatever you call kashmiri freedom fighters, we damn care, we will and should support them in fighting the Indian occupiers and yeah if they do kill innocents, it is their own doing, for which they will be responsible, but as long as they are killing the Indian occupying force, we are with them.

In the same breath sir, would you mind if a few Indians on this forum start supporting the TTP's and Balochi's calling them the freedom fighters who are fighting Pakistani forces illegal occupation of their lands.

I guess u should not mind, next time ur armed forces are attacked and some1 says "Well done lads, but u cud hv killed a few more, U may call them terrorists but for a few others they are freedom fighters."

I know this is a Pakistani fora and u hv ur own rules, but the way u put forward ur points is really encouraging tit for tat comments and then u would say Indians troll but the fact remains otherwise.
In the same breath sir, would you mind if a few Indians on this forum start supporting the TTP's and Balochi's calling them the freedom fighters who are fighting Pakistani forces illegal occupation of their lands.

I guess u should not mind, next time ur armed forces are attacked and some1 says "Well done lads, but u cud hv killed a few more, U may call them terrorists but for a few others they are freedom fighters."

I know this is a Pakistani fora and u hv ur own rules, but the way u put forward ur points is really encouraging tit for tat comments and then u would say Indians troll but the fact remains otherwise.

You are most welcome to say whatever you want, that is fine with us as it is understandable by looking at the ..........................

And before you and others go on such rants, do remember, Kashmir is a disputed territory, while Baluchistan and FATA isn't. Agno, very specifically mentioned that a few posts above and this fact has been mentioned at many occasions, but for Indians it is hard to digest and understand, which as said above, is very understandable.
And before you and others go on such rants, do remember, Kashmir is a disputed territory, while Baluchistan and FATA isn't. Agno, very specifically mentioned that a few posts above and this fact has been mentioned at many occasions, but for Indians it is hard to digest and understand, which as said above, is very understandable.

So? Does the 'disputed' status or not really matter to the Balochi freedom fighters who do not want to be part of Pakistan? They want their own land and have wanted so since the time of Partition. Pakistan annexed Balochistan as part of their territory by force did it not? Is it not true that since then there have been more than one all out Wars of Independence fought by the Baloch Freedom Fighters against the Pakistani Armed Forces (NOT police or paramilitary mind you). So if it is against forum rules by dint of it belonging to you to call the Balochis as Freedom Fighters then those of us who want to remain here will necessarily need to toe the line. Otherwise, I must very humbly state that any reasonable right thinking person will doubtless not see merit in the pretty flimsy differentiation you are trying to put forward kind sir.
You are most welcome to say whatever you want, that is fine with us as it is understandable by looking at the ..........................

And before you and others go on such rants, do remember, Kashmir is a disputed territory, while Baluchistan and FATA isn't. Agno, very specifically mentioned that a few posts above and this fact has been mentioned at many occasions, but for Indians it is hard to digest and understand, which as said above, is very understandable.

I see, now if some1 uses the same language as u and contradicts ur points its a rant..uuh?? If u dont hv the audacity to listen, understand and digest u shud not have the audacity to speak.

Also, who is the one to decide which territory is disputed and which is not??I dont think agno clarifies on that!!

For pakistan, kashmir is disputed but for Indians it is not... similarly, for pakistan the NWFP and balochistan may be not disputed but what if the Indians find it disputed?? Now dont bring in the UN/any other international body/US...the way we see it and u mentioned earlier they have nothing to poke their nose.

See, I am not here to pick up a fight but please don't unnecessarily try to provoke, U may support ur freedom fighters and we will support ours, thats alright but when u start glorifying them u warrant a response.
You are most welcome to say whatever you want, that is fine with us as it is understandable by looking at the ..........................

And before you and others go on such rants, do remember, Kashmir is a disputed territory, while Baluchistan and FATA isn't. Agno, very specifically mentioned that a few posts above and this fact has been mentioned at many occasions, but for Indians it is hard to digest and understand, which as said above, is very understandable.

Does the UN resolution on Kashmir that leads to the disputed status allow for armed insurgency by legitimizing it? No it doesnt.. Hence the arguement based on disputed status does not hold water..

So popular support in Pakistan for Kashmir insurgancy has nothing to do with the disputed status..

And you yourself said a couple of posts back that UN resolutions have no meaning anymore . To quote you...

[I]"And as for UN, well let them declare whomever they want whatever they want. That does not changes the facts on ground.

We all know what is the worth of UN and what it can do.

UN was unable to help us in 71, so they shouldn't poke their nose in what we do, so let them declare whatever they want, facts are something else."
I met a mujahid how fought indian occupiers in indian occupied Kashmir and soviets in afghanistan..........God bless them ameen.
The mujaheed now a buisnessman working in charbahar or some iranian city.........told us how animals raped young kashmiri sisters in occupied kashmir....and how they (occupiers) used to cry and soil there pants after being captured.
I felt sorry for our brethern kashmiris......and pain for the attrocities they suffer.
My father was in GHQ i used to see pics of martyred kahmiri children,women and men brutaly killed by indian terrorists in occupied kashmir.
Im not a so called phony intelectual watever..........But i just want to tell indians on there face tht instead of rejected truth and ground realities........I ask u guys to just support the truth the justice shall prevail.
Give kashmiris a right to decide wat they want ......... u will get ur answer.
How will u feel if somebody comes and occupies ur country?kill ur children and rape ur mothers and sisters? and cry of being the saviour of ur land?
Thts just wat i want to say....
Apologize if i hurt someones feelings
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