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Indian Cryogenic Engine GSLV D3 Failed

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wat abou the satellite and other stuff the rocket was carrying
has it been lost in space???

boy , where would it land???
I have yet to find a single counter argument post in this thread with credible neutral sources that refutes Cryogenic engine is Russian imported technology assembled in india instead i see bunch of 13 year olds throwing mud on their own face.

sir you are talking like a kid....

You gave a link saying the tech was supplied by Russia...
I can give you hundred links saying th tech is indigenouly built in India.
I can give you hundred links on russia refusing to give the tech to India...

Here its you who are claiming something which should be proven by thousand links because its against the common belief..
why should we give you links proving its Indian when we know its Indian....its your wish wether you belive what hundred of links and the experts say or a single link that you have managed from somewhere...
We should all be proud of our achievements.


India sends lunar probing satellites, tests rockets sends satellites to outer space etc , you guys are privileged to limit you knowledge in space with Photoshop edited pics and cartoons. In-fact its cheaper than a 300 crore project. Keep on doing the good work.:cheers:
i think u don't know any thing about this type of technology. this is a hi-tech technology,only few countries of the world have this type of technology. so don't make it fun.

All i said it resembles google earth and india does not have the cability to develop anything like it on its own because India has not gone through significant technological process as Europe America Russia and few other countries have gone through. Has india developed any significant hardware in IT field that are exported. I am not talking about foreigner companies production plants that are using indian cheap labor to export their hardware at cheaper price like China does.
sir you are talking like a kid....

You gave a link saying the tech was supplied by Russia...
I can give you hundred links saying th tech is indigenouly built in India.
I can give you hundred links on russia refusing to give the tech to India...

Here its you who are claiming something which should be proven by thousand links because its against the common belief..
why should we give you links proving its Indian when we know its Indian....its your wish wether you belive what hundred of links and the experts say or a single link that you have managed from somewhere...

I dont think you even read here.
let me try to put this in a simpler language due to the lack of your comprehension.

In 1992 India was about to struck a deal with Russia for acquisition of cryogenic engine and all of sudden America jumped in to stop the deal due to fear of india proliferating the technology for ballistic missiles. However Russia and India still went ahead and in 1993 Russia and india struck the deal for transfer of Cryogenic engine technology as well as 2 but some sources claim the number could be as much as 7.

here are the sources.

Russia has come under American criticism for supplying cryogenic rocket engines to India

(Russian rocket chief heads for visit in US
Ocala Star-Banner - Google News Archive - Aug 25, 1993
The deal with India for two cryogenic rocket engines, said to be worth million, ... to giving India sensitive technology, and threatened Russia with sanctions.)

(Devaluation of Russian reform
$2.95 - Washington Times - NewsBank - Aug 5, 1993
... cryogenic rocket engines and missile-related technology to India. ... On the same day, it acted to restrict foreign bank activity in Russia.)
India sends lunar probing satellites, tests rockets sends satellites to outer space etc , you guys are privileged to limit you knowledge in space with Photoshop edited pics and cartoons. In-fact its cheaper than a 300 crore project. Keep on doing the good work.:cheers:

WRONG. Lunar prob was a product of ESA and NASA while 99% of indian space technology are transfer of foreigner technologies.
Growler this is for you, try to learn.....

Pic of the earth from the Chandrayaan


Chandrayaan-1 satellite


Indian deep space network

India sends lunar probing satellites, tests rockets sends satellites to outer space etc , you guys are privileged to limit you knowledge in space with Photoshop edited pics and cartoons. In-fact its cheaper than a 300 crore project. Keep on doing the good work.:cheers:

And all thanks to the booming 9% economy. ;) :lol:

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