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Indian colleges ban jeans to 'protect' girls


Nov 3, 2008
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1 day ago

LUCKNOW, India (AFP) — Colleges in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh said Wednesday that female students would be banned from wearing jeans and other Western clothes to halt sexual harassment by male classmates.

"Girls who choose to wear jeans will be expelled from the college," Meeta Jamal, principal of the Dayanand girls' college in Kanpur city told AFP. "This is the only way to stop crime against women."

A growing number of colleges in Uttar Pradesh have decided to outlaw jeans, shorts, tight blouses and miniskirts on campus in an attempt to crack down on "Eve-teasing" -- as sexual harassment is known in India.

But many of the students, who are aged between 17 and 20, said the new rules punished innocent females rather than tackling the men who treated women badly.

"Banning any clothing will certainly never solve the issue of sexual harassment," said Uzma, a graduate student from Lucknow University who declined to give her full name.

Hindu extremist groups have in recent months attacked women drinking in pubs and threatened couples who make public displays of affection.

The vigilantes claimed they were acting to protect India's conservative values against the spreading influence of Western culture.

Some colleges elsewhere in the country have previously banned the wearing of jeans, but protests from students forced the dress regulations to be reversed.

AFP: Indian colleges ban jeans to 'protect' girls
I am shoked! In india! come on, no way....

When we do it, it some how related to fundamentalism and out of fear from terrorism :argh: but when they do it, it's pure protectionism.:tsk:

******* hypocrite. Get the **** out of here.......:tdown:
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Heck ,in the south ,TamilNadu State is known for its notorious rules where by if you talk to a girl ,you are dismissed from the College.This is with Professional Colleges BTW! .
National Media also covered this issue.but no free speech :( Satyambhama University in Madras is the most strict One.

The Thing is ,Historically tamilians and madras was orthodox in belief and thinks interaction with boys and girls ,new dressing styles are all against their culture! :D Surprisingly ,the Professional Colleges are owned by the Local Goons of Madras and Tamilnadu for eg: jeppiar of Satyabhama university is a !#%$@.
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I am shoked! In india! come on, no way....

When we do it, it some how related to fundamentalism and out of fear from terrorism :argh: but when they do it, it's pure protectionism.:tsk:

******* hypocrite. Get the **** out of here.......:tdown:

No talibhan rule here, I don't know about the full news,May be its "manipulated" ... I know there are some colleges in south India ban all the students from wearing jeans and carrying mobiles etc.

My company bans men wearing jeans but women can , so how do we call it :)
Heck ,in the south ,TamilNadu State is known for its notorious rules where by if you talk to a girl ,you are dismissed from the College.This is with Professional Colleges BTW! .
National Media also covered this issue.but no free speech :( Satyambhama University in Madras is the most strict One.

Wait a sec, when did that rule come out? I have talked to a bunch of girls from Satyabhama college, never realized they were banned from talking to us !! I was not a student at that college, and it was entirely outside class hours, so maybe we were exempt :-)

It was around 2000-2001 though, maybe things have changed.

Edit: I just looked it up and realized that they have become a full university now. I remember them as a small local college. I must be really out of date
Well, I belong to a membership dining club and members aren't allowed to wear jeans to dinner in the main dining room of the club. Gentlemen must wear jackets (no tie required though), and no one can wear jeans, men or women.
Wait a sec, when did that rule come out? I have talked to a bunch of girls from Satyabhama college, never realized they were banned from talking to us !! I was not a student at that college, and it was entirely outside class hours, so maybe we were exempt :-)

It was around 2000-2001 though, maybe things have changed.

Edit: I just looked it up and realized that they have become a full university now. I remember them as a small local college. I must be really out of date

hey Satyabhama college has such kind of rules even now, Their rules are very strict ,I do have friends there, even I have heard rowdies are inside the college to monitor students :)

Heck ,even I had my Engg done in Tamilnadu during 1997.I ,for One can vouch that Tamilnadu Engg Colleges are Very Strict from long back.Especially those ran by Christian Protestent Missionaries like Paul Dinakaran,Jeppiar etc.You Don't know that!

Jeppiar Talkies The Spoken Word

Talk to a Girl and Get expelled from College

satyabhama started the trend ,now most tamilnadu engg colleges are like Taleban Controlled!NOT JOKING AT ALL!
We have had similar threads before, for both India & Pakistan & I guess most of the posters agreed on one thing.

Don't care when educational institutions are enforcing their laws about the dress code.

Of course, there should not be any bans on talking to boys & things like that, but dress code is definitely something which is well within their own rules & regulations.

Private companies as well do not allow objectionalble clothes. Are they being 'protectionists' too?
Infact ,I found many of My Tamilian,Kannadiga Friends accepting this and refuting.They says "north Indian,Malyali fashion is obscene,Are you telling that we should leave our "culture" for this kind of freedom" -SpoonFed ,I will say! :x
Please do not jump into the conclusions by one stupid article on a newspaper. At least people would agree with me that throughout the world news papers try to sensationalize a news piece.

However, in this perticular case I can shed great deal of light in making everybody understand the whole issue, and I am saying so because I have been involved at some point (in not so far past) in the highest policy planning group in reasonable (read decision making) capacity.

At the outset there were two issues (1) to have dress code of ones choice or (2) have uniform. I was for the first option and so did most of the members in the committee, however the first issue had its own problems and the main being who decides what is decent/indecent.

Kanpur like any other city has over grown in population but has regressed in thoughts. So when the matter was put forward to a genaral body of teachers (>40% were females and 60% of those were in 35-45 yrs range) it was very surprising that the only other voice that was of the opinion of self judging dress code was my other friend (who was a male) and besides two of us everybody was of the opinion that college should impose the code. We further tried to resolve the issue by involving some parents but they too sided with the majority, finally some female students were also involved in the discussion making and we still could not garner enough support. In short everybody wanted to have a decent dress code in colleges however, the caveat is that nobody was able to explain what is decent dress code (includes teachers, parents and even female students). So till this date the code is decent dress code and that is unexplained.
I hope this enlightens people in the forum that the news piece is nothing more than a hypothetical thought of the so called reporter who never tried to dig into the whole issue.

Now coming to wearing tight jeans that has been in the reports. This in my opinion (and this is my thought only) if the college going students would not wear it than who would. Also this should not be seen in relation to the dress code (as the one never was setteled) but more in the light of frustration of those fat butt lady teachers or male oldies who would not find a size that fits them (and trust me there are many of that type in kanpur).So please try to appreciate the other opinion (which actually is true).

Also if you go through newspapers of past years you would find this type of news item every year during admission times (June to August) which further suggests that it is more of a admission gimmick than reality.

Even if you are not convinced by my thought i would be happy to share other things about this dress code meeting if anybody is interested and finally the best way to find out is that you go to india and visit kanpur there are colleges (starting closest to kanpur railway station and on Mall road, those who know kanpur would know this) BND(co-ed), SN Sen (girls) there is one more girls college (i am not able to recollect the name), Chirst church, DAV, PPN, BNSD all co-ed (to name some).
Well, I belong to a membership dining club and members aren't allowed to wear jeans to dinner in the main dining room of the club. Gentlemen must wear jackets (no tie required though), and no one can wear jeans, men or women.
So you are comparing 'norms' of formal dressing with something that has to do with sexual harassment.
Infact ,I found many of My Tamilian,Kannadiga Friends accepting this and refuting.They says "north Indian,Malyali fashion is obscene,Are you telling that we should leave our "culture" for this kind of freedom" -SpoonFed ,I will say! :x

wat your south indian friends said is true!!!!the south is still groped in the precious indian culture (that does not contradict girl-boy talking anyway) the people here have been brought up with the cultural mindset and values from childhood that they fail to question them .....

trust me a very few (perhaps only sathyabama) bans girl - boy talking to each other.... -am a tamil and i have my education from tamilnadu ...i have never had any restrictions in talking to girls (infact you cannot find me and some of my friends -without a girl ;) )

as for dress code ...its the right of the university to have them.... the jean was banned in professional col's coz they were considered to be less professional viz -a-viz -- formal wear ( professional=medics and engg) ....other cols teaching arts and other degree's allow students to wear jeans
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