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Indian army using rape as weapon in ***, Manipur: Arundhati Roy

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India army has taken action against soldiers who have indulged in abuses, this is unlike the rapes carried out by pakistan in baramulla and then in east pakistan, where they used rape as a weapon and did nt take action against a SINGLE soldier. Hey their proxies too get scott free as reported by HRW, the people of kashmir are scared of reporting any rapes carried out by militants. These never make headlines or mass protests

pt.2 Kashmir woman files rape case against 4 L.e.T. men - YouTube

Proves which cowards use rape as a weapon.

and they have weird laws which require 4 witness to rape in order to prove it. Not cool at all.
India army has taken action against soldiers who have indulged in abuses, this is unlike the rapes carried out by pakistan in baramulla and then in east pakistan, where they used rape as a weapon and did nt take action against a SINGLE soldier. Hey their proxies too get scott free as reported by HRW, the people of kashmir are scared of reporting any rapes carried out by militants. These never make headlines or mass protests

pt.2 Kashmir woman files rape case against 4 L.e.T. men - YouTube

Proves which cowards use rape as a weapon. Pakistanis who did not prosecute even a single soldier for their 200000 rapes in bangladesh calling us cockroaches deserves a special mention.

30,000 solders raped 200,000 women in 2 months....man they must have been using super duper viagra.
That's about 1 rape every 2.2 min non stop, no sleep, no eating.
Hey, at least you guys admit that Pakistani are super solders :toast_sign:

But that still does not change the fact that today Indian solders are raping in Kashmir and lets not forget the riots you guys are currently going through. :azn:

and they have weird laws which require 4 witness to rape in order to prove it. Not cool at all.

Indians don't even have that, your people are killing policemen right now because your government thinks rape is okay. :rolleyes:
those who are willing to face the truth should care what she says.

Manipur incident was a bigger one but you closed eyes towards it and today Dehli haunts you

and its not a trend just read news today two more rape cases reported and many more in last few days in India

No one is denying that there is an issue when it comes to women's safety in most of our metros, & it's highlighted more & more by concerned forum. it's not unique to India alone. As cities grow & prosper, so does the crime. Otherwise you won't have max number of street gangs in most developed cities around the world.

& it's also true that sections of army in trouble-prone areas are not whiter than white & nature of isolated incidents are not nice either. It's not limited to IA alone. You have sections of soldiers indulging in these kinda unpleasant activities in every other army of the world. This fact is not hidden under the carpet & are investigated by the concerned authorities.

But to club isolated incidents perpetrated by few individuals as a policy of Indian army as an institution is nothing but a blatant lie. This woman always had an axe to grind against India & it's institutions just to fulfill her appetite for cheap publicity. That's why no one gives two hoots for what she has to say apart from the ones who crave for anything which is coming out from India is negative.
30,000 solders raped 200,000 women in 2 months....man they must have been using super duper viagra.
That's about 1 rape every 2.2 min non stop, no sleep, no eating.
Hey, at least you guys admit that Pakistani are super solders :toast_sign:

You must be particularly hypocratical to argue on numbers while ignoring the fact that a large no of rapes happened in baramulla and east pakistan, this is undisputed, also undisputed is that not a single pakistani soldier was disciplined. Super soldiers, heck your entire country is super, no disputing that. Not to mention your heroes lashkar e taiba who operate outside the law anyway.

India OTOH has disciplined their soldiers, this is also documented and a FACT, now suck on that.
This is discussing rape in war situations. I think its a legit topic.
Indian soldiers need to control their hormones and urges. This is truely disgusting... They wonder why Kashmiri's rise up against them :sniper:
Offtopic but my hate towards that b**** is so strong that whenever she is mentioned, I start loving terrorists and start adoring our Pakistani friends, sinochallenged, RCMJ something, walkhogan,
By the way, where is Hong Wu these days?? :undecided:
Indian army using rape as weapon in Kashmir, Manipur: Arundhati Roy
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New Delhi, December 24 (KMS): Prominent Indian writer and human rights activist, Arundhati Roy has said that Indian army and police are using rape as a weapon against people in Kashmir and parts of India like Manipur.

Speaking on the issue of Delhi rape incident during a media interview in New Delhi, she said, “When rape is used as means of domination by the Upper Caste, army and police, it is not even punished.”

She said that rape was ‘legitimately’ being used as “there are laws which protect them when they do it.”

Arundhati Roy questioned why the Indians did not demand death punishment for the perpetrators of such crimes in occupied Kashmir.

“Rape is seen as a matter of feudal entitlement in many parts of India, and this case has come to light because the woman victim belongs to an affluent middle class,” she added.

Arundhati Roy said that attitudes towards women needed to change in India, because a change in the law only will protect middle class women, but “the violence against other women who are not entitled will continue”.


No Indian is allowed to open a new thread untill he gets a count of 50. Now, show me your true nationality. It won't take too late for me to guess :lol:

Another India bashing thread full of $hit
Arundhati Roy is none of less than psycho :lol:
30,000 solders raped 200,000 women in 2 months....man they must have been using super duper viagra.
That's about 1 rape every 2.2 min non stop, no sleep, no eating.
Hey, at least you guys admit that Pakistani are super solders :toast_sign:

But that still does not change the fact that today Indian solders are raping in Kashmir and lets not forget the riots you guys are currently going through. :azn:

Indians don't even have that, your people are killing policemen right now because your government thinks rape is okay. :rolleyes:
That is just 10 rape a month, not possible?
its better to accept truth and do something abt it rather than play ostrich....rape is heinous and a blot to mankind. the ppl of north east and the ppl of kashmir have and( sometimes are) bearing the brunt of these barbaric acts.

wat does the delhi rape suggest ????

dude i never mentioned that rape is not crime and also i am not denying the truth. i mentioned about this thread only because these military rape crimes are happening all over the world and in pakistan too and everyone can able to post thousands of news like this all over the world.but is this a valuable matter to argue here and i will say no. its a defence forum not a rape crime disscussion forum. and also look at the author. her stance is always anti india and though in some i will accept her point but she is not true social worker and before commenting try to read the true story about her and her writings(try to check the validity and reliability of her writings atleast with your own common sense) and also dont forget to read about the other countries military rape crimes and try to compare it with indian military(rape) crimes within india.
good we both think alike.....but i can understand ur problem with ms. roy.... she is always so interested in showing the ugly face of our country and ignore the good
Guys these things do occur. But the incidents have come down considerably. The manipuris have a greater enemy than the Indian Army now.
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