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Indian army using rape as weapon in ***, Manipur: Arundhati Roy

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#rape is the trending topic at the moment. Why should Ms Roy be left behind? Then again... who cares what she has to say...
It seems Arundati has payrolled her private informers.
These so called human right activists are cutting the same branch on which they are sitting.
Have a problem, leave the forum. Don't expects mods on a Pakistani place to bend over backwards for you. Be glad we don't have a separate subsection for Khalistan like you do for Baluchistan.

I m so scared.......they are gonna have separate "SECTION" for Khalistan......My god what wil happen now..The Nightmare India feared the most of having seperate section for khalistan on PDF is coming true.....
This will be the turning point in the history of Free India..:fie:

PS:- For a Long time you have Kashmir section.....usse tumne kya uukad liya:D
#rape is the trending topic at the moment. Why should Ms Roy be left behind? Then again... who cares what she has to say...

those who are willing to face the truth should care what she says.

Manipur incident was a bigger one but you closed eyes towards it and today Dehli haunts you

and its not a trend just read news today two more rape cases reported and many more in last few days in India
Indian army using rape as weapon in Kashmir, Manipur: Arundhati Roy
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New Delhi, December 24 (KMS): Prominent Indian writer and human rights activist, Arundhati Roy has said that Indian army and police are using rape as a weapon against people in Kashmir and parts of India like Manipur.

Speaking on the issue of Delhi rape incident during a media interview in New Delhi, she said, “When rape is used as means of domination by the Upper Caste, army and police, it is not even punished.”

She said that rape was ‘legitimately’ being used as “there are laws which protect them when they do it.”

Arundhati Roy questioned why the Indians did not demand death punishment for the perpetrators of such crimes in occupied Kashmir.

“Rape is seen as a matter of feudal entitlement in many parts of India, and this case has come to light because the woman victim belongs to an affluent middle class,” she added.

Arundhati Roy said that attitudes towards women needed to change in India, because a change in the law only will protect middle class women, but “the violence against other women who are not entitled will continue”.


once again a utter non sense thread with a words of stupid arundati roy.
no....you are man (or eunuchs) enough to rape and torture people who are weak
ya operation searchlight lightens up the piousness of pak army , isnt it ?
once again a utter non sense thread with a words of stupid arundati roy.
its better to accept truth and do something abt it rather than play ostrich....rape is heinous and a blot to mankind. the ppl of north east and the ppl of kashmir have and( sometimes are) bearing the brunt of these barbaric acts.

wat does the delhi rape suggest ????
those who are willing to face the truth should care what she says.

Manipur incident was a bigger one but you closed eyes towards it and today Dehli haunts you

and its not a trend just read news today two more rape cases reported and many more in last few days in India

Rape and Manipur is tragic....India even debated the removal of special powers from manipur and J&K, but playmates from pakistan keep rolling down the hills...
India army has taken action against soldiers who have indulged in abuses, this is unlike the rapes carried out by pakistan in baramulla and then in east pakistan, where they used rape as a weapon and did nt take action against a SINGLE soldier. Hey their proxies too get scott free as reported by HRW, the people of kashmir are scared of reporting any rapes carried out by militants. These never make headlines or mass protests

pt.2 Kashmir woman files rape case against 4 L.e.T. men - YouTube

Proves which cowards use rape as a weapon. Pakistanis who did not prosecute even a single soldier for their 200000 rapes in bangladesh calling us cockroaches deserves a special mention.
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