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Indian army running short of ammunition

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But if I am right this is a forum where we can discuss all the scenario and since Pakistan is sworn enemy of India. We can relate this to Pakistan.

Mate its quite simple. If you want discuss a new topic go start a thread. here we are talking about your chief of army being a liar or your procurement being corrupt and or incompetent not Pakistan
Its a Golden chance for PA & PLA to settle their dues.

Loha garam hai. Mar de hathoda
I think they used all their ammo on Ajmal Kasaab :rofl::rofl::rofl:
no, we use all our cookery and hosting abilities for Ajmal Kasaab. he is the epitome of Pakistani love for Indians.
I think they used all their ammo on Ajmal Kasaab :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Naa we used it during Bangladesh liberation war and kargil. After that we realized we don't that much ammo to take care of country thats blowing itself up everyday.
Aryan_B maked there chief lair because they refuse to accept words of their own army chief if they admit it no one say he is lair . its first time we are pushing that IA is saying right and indians refusing their own IA chief :lol:.

admit it we have shortage and we will soon tender MMammoRCA:rofl:
awww man pak is too strong and less corrupted we cant handle them anymorre lets give up. :pakistan:
Aryan_B maked there chief lair because they refuse to accept words of their own army chief if they admit it no one say he is lair . its first time we are pushing that IA is saying right and indians refusing their own IA chief :lol:.

admit it we have shortage and we will soon tender MMammoRCA:rofl:

exactly my point. They are saying that they have more ammunition than two days so it follows their army chief is a liar. If he is not then their procurement division is corrupt and or incompetent take your pick super power designate
Aryanb, you have repeated the same line like hundred times, you need a life, you rabid hatred is embarrassing.

Its a simple question, one person makes an assertion, now the assertion may not be correct, in that case the person is wrong in judgement, or he may have made an assertion as part of a political move - after his retirement, in that case he is shrewed. That does not make him a liar. Lying would be telling people one is opposed to drone strikes but at the same times allowing it as per under the table deals. May be that is the source of your frustration.

Now pakistanis said osama was not in pakistan, that means all of you are liars, just accept it you liar! And of course anything a liar like you says can not be taken seriously, because you are a liar, infact all of you...

Isn't that the kind of ''logic'' you are peddling turd?
Yeah he wants any Indian here to say what he wants, LOL mighty effort by him but wasted.

Yea and some of you Indians have said what I wanted the rest are in denial. heres what nitin said in Post 103

Re: Indian army running short of ammunition
You just cant help it can you? You are off topic. we are talking about Indian chief being a liar or Indian procurement being incompetent here.
Original Post By Aryan_B

i think both are true
Yeah he wants any Indian here to say what he wants, LOL mighty effort by him but wasted.

I think all he wants to say is that your chief is true person but you don't want to accept. Either do a stock count of your ammu and publish audit report to prove your point (in that case your cheif will be liar), if he is true than he is incompetent to lead the forces of supar pawar
^^^ does it occur to you that it could be a case of near sightedness/ stocks exhaustion or ill planning due to black listing of previous suppliers or any other umpteen reasons.
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