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Indian army running short of ammunition

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Who says Pakistan has anything to do with it... Its just that in India, we have normal human beings as Army chiefs who are prone to such failings.. as contrasted with super human demi Gods who are bigger than the country itself in Pakistan...

Why do you have to bring Pakistan into everything. Basically without any evidence other than your gut feeling you are saying that Indian army chief is a liar. Ok fine just stop there is you want to discuss Pakistan go to the appropriate threads.
If this is the mindset of the young generation of self proclaimed superpower, then I can only laugh and feel a little sad.

Are you going to be running for next COAS anytime soon?

LOL.. COAS is not a elected position dude.. Talk about mindset :rofl:
LOL.. COAS is not a elected position dude.. Talk about mindset :rofl:

The way you have been giving war strategies here, you would make one terrible COAS. Btw it was sarcasm, Its alright tho I didnt really expect you to get it. It was more of an insult than question.
LOL.. COAS is not a elected position dude.. Talk about mindset :rofl:

Technically even in a democracy a number of people have a say so you could call it an election don't get cute with us. Now is your chief of army a liar or is Indian army procurement inadequate or both. admit it you know the truth?
Why do you have to bring Pakistan into everything. Basically without any evidence other than your gut feeling you are saying that Indian army chief is a liar. Ok fine just stop there is you want to discuss Pakistan go to the appropriate threads.

No No.. I am not discussing Pakistan.. All I am saying is that Indian Army chief could be lying or mistaken since he as a normal human being can make these mistakes.. And since you are a Pakistani, I was complimenting you on having an Army whose chiefs being the worshiped demi gods of Pakistan are not prone to such low failings..
Speaking of Nukes.

Guys at New Delhi seem to be strongly suggesting that Pakistan is an Poser.

They say :

Nuclear Program of Pakistan is highly exaggerated, both the Present capabilities and future Projects.

Their Program involves Tactical Nuclear Weapons(only) but their claims of capability to hit any Indian City is a bit of exaggeration.

One more Popular school of thought is that: Pakistan has assumed that India will never attack it(given the Indian insistence of status quo) and hence they don't need to go for sophistication in Nuclear and Missile Technology. All they need to do is maintain deception of further nuclear Buildup to keep India on heels and if Possible use China to weaken Indian Military (through a limited conflict) and make an attempt to capture valley(taking advantage of Indian no first use Policy), there by assuaging their lost Honor and Dignity in the WOT (claim of Freeing one more Muslim Land from Kaffirs(Hindus))

Any one further thoughts?
How do you know he is a liar?? He might be telling the truth. Indian army may only have two days ammunitions. After all compared to countries of similar size like China one could say that Indian procurement and production has failed miserably

last time i checked ... more than 40 ordinance factories of humongous capacity produces ... uncountable rounds of 5.56x45mm each ..
i dont count 50 labs come manufacturing units under drdo ... and numerous private plants set up all over india...

. for 500000 INSAS rifles issued to army and para military plus 70000 issues for nepalese army which are currently in service ... these rounds are in daily production from past decade with no shortage of raw material and money... i dont ever think thr will ever be shortage for even two years of ammo if all of these rifles start firing at 650 rounds/minute right now... General might have got frustrated after pushing for 155mm guns from day first of his job.. and on the other hand air force and navy getting all they want...
Speaking of Nukes.

Guys at New Delhi seem to be strongly suggesting that Pakistan is an Poser.

They say :

Nuclear Program of Pakistan is highly exaggerated, both the Present capabilities and future Projects.

Their Program involves Tactical Nuclear Weapons(only) but their claims of capability to hit any Indian City is a bit of exaggeration.

One more Popular school of thought is that: Pakistan has assumed that India will never attack it(given the Indian insistence of status quo) and hence they don't need to go for sophistication in Nuclear and Missile Technology. All they need to do is maintain deception of further nuclear Buildup to keep India on heels and if Possible use China to weaken Indian Military (through a limited conflict) and make an attempt to capture valley(taking advantage of Indian no first use Policy), there by assuaging their lost Honor and Dignity in the WOT (claim of Freeing one more Muslim Land from Kaffirs(Hindus))

Any one further thoughts?

Yes you should start a new thread.

Here we are talking about the claim from chief of Indian army stating that Indians don't have much ammunition
Technically even in a democracy a number of people have a say so you could call it an election
Army is not a democratic organization.. You should be knowing it well since in Pakistan Army is almost a religion with Demi Gods at its helm...

Now is your chief of army a liar or is Indian army procurement inadequate or both. admit it you know the truth?

I dont know.. Could be either.. Could be both..But as you and I agreed, 2 days is enough.. 4 hours to defeat against China.. 2 hours to victory against Pakistan.. We still will have 44 hours worth left in the worst case.. :)

names of those 50 ammo factories please and info abut them if you have any?
You need to then tone up your sarcasm abilities.. A sarcasm that has to be explained :-)rofl:) is pretty lame ;)

Abilities are fine, judging from your illogical posts understanding sarcasm is a mighty feat for you. Future superpower, my ***
Yes you should start a new thread.

Here we are talking about the claim from chief of Indian army stating that Indians don't have much ammunition

could you please do that?

name it Pakistani Intentions/ strategic thought or something.
last time i checked ... more than 40 ordinance factories of humongous capacity produces ... uncountable rounds of 5.56x45mm each ..
i dont count 50 labs come manufacturing units under drdo ... and numerous private plants set up all over india...

. for 500000 INSAS rifles issued to army and para military plus 70000 issues for nepalese army which are currently in service ... these rounds are in daily production from past decade with no shortage of raw material and money... i dont ever think thr will ever be shortage for even two years of ammo if all of these rifles start firing at 650 rounds/minute right now... General might have got frustrated after pushing for 155mm guns from day first of his job.. and on the other hand air force and navy getting all they want...

Ok so you think Indian army chief is a liar. That's fine. It does seem somewhat dubious what he is saying.
Technically even in a democracy a number of people have a say so you could call it an election don't get cute with us. Now is your chief of army a liar or is Indian army procurement inadequate or both. admit it you know the truth?

Yes, yes its so inadequate that now a days we have drone strikes happening from China and Pakistan and Special forces infiltrating and killing people. We have no bullets to fire back at them.
why do you guys insist on going off topic. let me remind you the question we are addressing:

1. Is the Indian chief army a liar

2. Is Indian procurement inadequate

3. Both of the above

4. or New Indian battle management plan: All battles will have be won within 48 hrs. ( 2 days) :D
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