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Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

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ISPR rebuts Indian allegation of held Kashmir checkpost attack - thenews.com.pk

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan Tuesday strongly refuted Indian officials allegation of the killing of five Indian soldiers in attack on a checkpost in held Kashmir.
Earlier, the Indian defence ministry claimed that the military post was attacked last night and five Indian soldiers were killed, according to foreign news agency report.
Meanwhile, Pakistan Army’s Inter Services Public Relation (ISPR) strongly contradicting the Indian claims said that there was no incident of firing on the Indian border.

The Indian allegation has been leveled at a time when Pakistan has suggested the dates for the composite dialogues with India. Whenever Pakistan’s ties with India made some headway such incidents in India had always happened in the past also derailing the peace process.
What i find ironic is that in the dead of the night, the Indians were able to distinguish that there were some 20 militants backed up by regular PA troops who attacked the post. :rolleyes:
Oh bhai carryout an investigation, gather the evidence-once you have evidence that puts PA at the place of incident, be my guest and abuse them as it pleases you

Umm sure..its not like PA or you will ever accept that evidence nor have you folks ever accepted any evidence in past 20 years.... Eyewitness testimony will reveal everything...
Can't do anything. It is the so-called government's orders probably.

They can't hurt their chances to look heroes of 'peace'.

If you see the pattern you'll understand:

1- BSF asked to stop using bullets against illegal infiltrator in Bangla border.

2- J&K police and IA divisions stripped off even tear gas guns to quell vandalism and rioting in J&K and instead been given rubber slings.

3- Always trying to suppress news of infiltrations/attacks on troops/border crossing etc from the common public.

What does this tell you about those in power currently?

Well i agree with you on all the above..... But my question was to do with the men posted in LOC...... This is not the first time PA or terrorists came inside the boarder and killed our soldier and walked away unhurt....few cases they have taken away the head as trophies.... So what is the army done to avoid such things?
Oh bhai carryout an investigation, gather the evidence-once you have evidence that puts PA at the place of incident, be my guest and abuse them as it pleases you

Okay, wise man.

You tell me, whom do you expect to attack and kill Indian troops sitting on a border between India and Pakistan only?

Americans? Jews? Europeans? Africans?

After years of fostering LeT that you have done, do you really think you need proof?

If you are serious about these confidence building and peace measures, then you would have stopped all this after Kargil conflict itself.

But instead, you ramped it up even more.
ISPR rebuts Indian allegation of held Kashmir checkpost attack - thenews.com.pk

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan Tuesday strongly refuted Indian officials allegation of the killing of five Indian soldiers in attack on a checkpost in held Kashmir.
Earlier, the Indian defence ministry claimed that the military post was attacked last night and five Indian soldiers were killed, according to foreign news agency report.
Meanwhile, Pakistan Army’s Inter Services Public Relation (ISPR) strongly contradicting the Indian claims said that there was no incident of firing on the Indian border.

The Indian allegation has been leveled at a time when Pakistan has suggested the dates for the composite dialogues with India. Whenever Pakistan’s ties with India made some headway such incidents in India had always happened in the past also derailing the peace process.
What i find ironic is that in the dead of the night, the Indians were able to distinguish that there were some 20 militants backed up by regular PA troops who attacked the post. :rolleyes:

The ever so credible ISPR..... even some of your own members don't believe the BS that comes out from them ....
Eyewitness proof from one survivor is all India needs. There is no courtroom drama that needs to follow..

Oh btw it might be enough for you but not for us Pakistanis, we will not allow our name being dragged for no apparent reaso.
Well i agree with you on all the above..... But my question was to do with the men posted in LOC...... This is not the first time PA or terrorists came inside the boarder and killed our soldier and walked away unhurt....few cases they have taken away the head as trophies.... So what is the army done to avoid such things?

In India, the military has no power without consent of the civilian government.

We are the only country among prominent powers, that continues to rely on this archaic system of waiting for orders from the
'centre' to even fire a single bullet in retaliation.

And usually the schmuck who's to give the orders either asks the troops to stand down and wait for it to die down to 'protest' at border meet.
Oh btw it might be enough for you but not for us Pakistanis, we will not allow our name being dragged for no apparent reaso.

According to you what would be the proof desired?
Well i agree with you on all the above..... But my question was to do with the men posted in LOC...... This is not the first time PA or terrorists came inside the boarder and killed our soldier and walked away unhurt....few cases they have taken away the head as trophies.... So what is the army done to avoid such things?

What do you suggest they should do?

Major bases can be sealed off and secured. But we cannot fortify every border post, it is impossible. And remember, the attackers have the element of surprise on their side, and lay out ambush plans well in advance. Such attacks cannot be prevented every time. All they can do is carry out a revenge attack.
It wasn't a battle, it was an ambush. There is a difference. And yes they died, rather than surrendering half their country and themselves. Which is what your army is famous for.:omghaha:

That's the code they lived by, and died by. I don't expect you to understand that, since in your country, the losers who surrender by the tens of thousands, and lose half their country, are revered.

For your information - THIS is losing:

But then I can't expect you to understand the difference, since even pathetic and humiliating defeats are described as victories in la-la land. It's quite simple, I'll explain once more:

1) Soldier dying in the line of duty - martyr.
2) Soldiers surrendering themselves and their country - losers.
3) Soldiers ambushing neighboring soldiers during a declared ceasefire - cowardice and treachery.

Clear enough?

Please refrain from confusing further the well documented "low IQ" brains of your fellow indians.

Let me clarify the lies of which you speak indian:

1) The men dying this morning were not martyrs nor can be defined as such as their sole purpose was to terrorize and propagate terrorism against a civilian population that detests their very existence. Please don't sully the name of actual martyrs like the innocent Kashmiri youths who are killed by these terrorists.

2) For a country 6 times bigger and with 8 times the population; it is an utter disgrace and laughable that a country as relatively small as Pakistan can slap india hard and regularly as it does. You can revel as much you like until the "cows" come home in how East Pakistan was lost but the fact remains it was too far and not logistically possible to defend. If the indians with their billions of people could do that in 1971 then why have they not done it to West Pakistan?
Simply because as the old adage goes, 1 Pakistani for 10 Indians.

Consider a scenario where Pakistan was, lets say three times the size and population - just imagine what we would have done to india - just imagine but don't panic, we're just imagining.... :azn:

The point by now should be clear that india is nothing short of a coward state with feeble minded citizens who dare not stand up to a country their own size for their fear of utter humiliation will be complete and real.........hmmmm......let me think of an example.......hmmmmmm........:china:

3) Don't be so stupid - there is no such thing as a cease fire in Kashmir. Until indians remain there, we and the locals of Kashmir will smoke then out as is the point in case.

I briefly watch NDTV earlier where I saw the monkey show going on in the lok sabha and all the associated uproar among the politicians. Why doesn't your govt. do anything about it you ask? it is because they accept they are leaders of a meek and cowardly nation and so have no choice but to take what Pakistan gives them :wave:
Oh btw it might be enough for you but not for us Pakistanis, we will not allow our name being dragged for no apparent reason.

After 20 years of funding Jihadis across the border and carrying out a Kargil your telling me this ? Cmon .... Its Common sense
The ever so credible ISPR..... even some of your own members don't believe the BS that comes out from them ....

Yup, the Indian word is the gospel truth......allegedly by the sole survivor who managed to calculate and reveal all even though he himself was injured.....thank goodness they skipped on beheading bit this time. !!
In India, the military has no power without consent of the civilian government.

We are the only country among prominent powers, that continues to rely on this archaic system of waiting for orders from the
'centre' to even fire a single bullet in retaliation.

And usually the schmuck who's to give the orders either asks the troops to stand down and wait for it to die down to 'protest' at border meet.

Well after episode of beheading of soldiers where in Army chief himself said that local commanders are ordered to retaliate in kind and take action what ever necessary.....
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