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Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

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How do we know it's an ambush? Only Indian media claiming it and we all know Indian media has zero credibility. Indians always like to twist things around to save face, to justify their poor training. Even if it's an ambush, these soldiers were incompetent to walk right into it. You don't call incompetent foot soldiers martyrs.

There is anothe thread running started today where you soldiers were killed in ambush..go and post the same there and you will get the answer.
How do we know it's an ambush? Only Indian media claiming it and we all know Indian media has zero credibility. Indians always like to twist things around to save face, to justify their poor training. Even if it's an ambush, these soldiers were incompetent to walk right into it. You don't call incompetent foot soldiers martyrs.

As if your soldiers never get ambushed. Grow up.

Oh and by the way, do you want to know how many of your soldiers and even special forces have been ambushed and killed by rag tag militant groups? Do you call those soldiers martyrs, or incompetent? If the latter, you have a lot of incompetence in your army, much more so than India. Even your SSG is incompetent, going by your definition. Two can play at this game.

And just to remind you, you won't get our Kashmir. Ever.
RiP to the deceased soul.
But may I ask on what grounds Pakistan name is being dragged here?
What evidence has been gatjered? Was the investigation carried out? Was it made public? How you guys concluded that PA is behind the ambush? The uniforms? Cloth can be boughy from open market so we gonna need more than that....stop blaming Pakistan and its institution with no proof

Well let me agree with you here... But one question if you could answer .... If not pakistan then who else?
Well let me agree with you here... But one question if you could answer .... If not pakistan then who else?

Well its for you to find out my dear,i speak for my country only....., militants perhaps?
@fast: This happened today:


Are they incompetent as well, as per you? Whats good for the goose...

Do you want reports of your elite SSG being martyred (yes, I use that word) in ambushes by rag tag militant groups? As I said before, in that case your country has a lot more incompetence to deal with than we do.

If you visit that thread, you will see Indians saying "RIP" to the Pakistani soldiers. But you Pakistanis make stupid remarks about incompetence on a thread where Indian soldiers were martyred, blissfully unaware of your own high ranking officers "walking straight into an ambush due to incompetence", as you put it. Of course I know you will evade replying, as you always do when you find yourself tongue tied. Now you will go into hiding mode and surface a few months later to troll again. That's your SOP every time you get humiliated.

Well, that is why India is India and Pakistan is Pakistan.
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:raise: Maybe the attack was from the two drones (Jupiter & Venus) that Indian Army has been tracking for 6 months!!
RiP to the deceased soul.
But may I ask on what grounds Pakistan name is being dragged here?
What evidence has been gatjered? Was the investigation carried out? Was it made public? How you guys concluded that PA is behind the ambush? The uniforms? Cloth can be boughy from open market so we gonna need more than that....stop blaming Pakistan and its institution with no proof

India instead of blaming Pakistan that a amassed thousands of troops across its borders with India and attacked us thrice and runs hundreds of terror camps all over its country to wage Jihhhad against India.India should blame perhaps Martians for the attack against Indian troops.
The Army said 15-20 terrorists, backed by Pakistani Army regulars, intruded into the Indian territory after crossing over the LoC at about 1am and ambushed the six-member Indian patrol near the Sarlah post of Poonch Brigade nearthe Chakkan-da-Bagh area, over 200km away from Jammu. "Five of our soldiers from the 21 Bihar Regiment died in the firefight around 450 meters inside our territory, while one was injured," said an officer.

Is this the first time happened? No lesson learnt from previous incidents?
This forum continues to allow insults to dead Indian soldiers. I don't know if thats DESPITE the fact that more pakistani soldiers get killed regularly all over or BECAUSE of it. The tendency of looking at kafirs as second class humans is well ingrained.
India instead of blaming Pakistan that a amassed thousands of troops across its borders with India and attacked us thrice and runs hundreds of terror camps all over its country to wage Jihhhad against India.India should blame perhaps Martians for the attack against Indian troops.

What you said is true BUT still that is not evidence to prove us as a culprit. Does any of it put us at the place of incident? I guess not. All you would do is make fool out of yourself in the international court.

If we go by your definition, should we not blame everything happening in pakistan on India? Be realistic mate not an emotional 10 year old kid
15-20 terrorists backed by army regulars ..nothing new here ....or unexpected...after the previous week of massacres done by Army on militants they needed support ...
How do we know it's an ambush? Only Indian media claiming it and we all know Indian media has zero credibility.

In a border that has only you and us, which other media do you expect to be present?

Oh and unlike you, we don't like to keep foreigners on our soil.

So don't expect anyone else also.

Indians always like to twist things around to save face, to justify their poor training.

Yeah we are so poorly trained that its result has been shown in four wars already.

Tell me about it. :rolleyes:

Even if it's an ambush, these soldiers were incompetent to walk right into it. You don't call incompetent foot soldiers martyrs.

It was an ambush ON their camp inside our side of the border. Which means whatever (PA or LET whichever name you prefer to the same entity) attacked breached the borders, attacked the camp and went back.

That's not called a laid out trap; it is called cowardice.

But I guess you guys use a different dictionary.

After all, you're from a place that doesn't even honour its 3000+ deceased troops who died for Pakistan.

What else can we expect from those who don't even honour their own fallen troops?
What you said is true BUT still that is not evidence to prove us as a culprit. Does any of it put us at the place of incident? I guess not. All you would do is make fool out of yourself in the international court.

If we go by your definition, should we not blame everything happening in pakistan on India? Be realistic mate not an emotional 10 year old kid

It wont be taken to the ICC. ICC does not have jurisdiction on issues like ceasefire violations. It can only be resolved bilaterally, whether through force or otherwise.
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