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Indian army opens fire at Sialkot Sector check post

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ISPR confirmed that Indian Army fired at Ranger's Check post at the same place , where the drone intruded last time . No Pakistani causalities .
Indian army is itching to ambush PA. PA should be given the go ahead to ensure the safety of our troops. The IA has regularly trespassed well within Azad Kashmir, and on many occasions murdered or kidnapped locals.
Things are getting serious here in India. Moving towards post 26/11 situations. BJP won't let this go easily. Congress is also hardening stance against Pakistan.Plus 2014 is even not a year away.

It's just for elections. The LoC issue is not being discussed with seriousness on Pakistani media or in drawing rooms. It was Eid, either we were at someone's place or they were at ours the past 3 days and there was not a peep about LoC. People are engrossed with the internal issues.

BJP is just point scoring for the elections, Congress knows if it gets into a fight now it will suffer the same fate BJP did with a misadventure in 2002 and losing its tough guy image after failing to fire a single shot and losing anywhere between 700 to 1800 men.

Both sides have fortified and strengthened their positions so much that even thinking about war causes casualties. These skirmishes are mostly due to hot head COs on the ground or due to misunderstandings. Fueled further by exaggerations in either the Indian media or the Pakistani media.
They are now crying that their own soldier is injured now and blaming it on Pakistan so starting firing

Do you have a link for that part ? I didn't see anything like that on the T.V.

Things are getting serious here in India. Moving towards post 26/11 situations. BJP won't let this go easily. Congress is also hardening stance against Pakistan.Plus 2014 is even not a year away.

Who's creating such war hysteria besides Indian media ? What reputation does BJP have amongst secular and moderates ? How close are the elections there ?
Do you have a link for that part ? I didn't see anything like that on the T.V.

Who's creating such war hysteria besides Indian media ? What reputation does BJP have amongst secular and moderates ? How close are the elections there ?

you kill 5 of your soldiers and ask such a stupid question..

oh wait...

The Martians did it.... yup :disagree:

NOT sure about BJP's but MOdi's rep is very very good among the secular and moderates ..The elections are early next year , so even congress will have to act tough for the sake of votes
Who's creating such war hysteria besides Indian media ? What reputation does BJP have amongst secular and moderates ? How close are the elections there ?
I am not a question bank. :omghaha:
Try to go into Bay Area California or New York, Indian,you will see how much you are loved there :lol:

Still my country man not need to hide their nationality in shame any where .... can not say same for you
you kill 5 of your soldiers and ask such a stupid question..

NOT sure about BJP's but MOdi's rep is very very good among the secular and moderates ..The elections are early next year , so even congress will have to act tough for the sake of votes

Well , you know , in retaliation to what . All discussed to ad nauseam and ad infinitum .

Yeah , that is what I was asking . I , myself , do not really understand much of the Indian politics but from the comments here , I have deduced that BJP isn't really a pro-minority political party .

I am not a question bank. :omghaha:

Why are we here on the forum for ? To discuss , debate things , right ? :D

You can always refuse though , that is another thing .
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