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Indian army major 's open letter to burhan wani

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So is the letter in the OP. Although addressed to Burhan (he is dead, he can't read!), the letter is meant for the youth of Kashmir to not choose the wrong path. Its to show the hypocrisy and of the Hurriyat leaders.

Kashmiris are Indians remember, we would very much like them to drop their weapons and come back to the mainstream. If 200 Million Muslims can call India their home, there is no reason why 7 more million Kashmiri Muslims can't :tup:
He wasted his time to write letter because right after Burhan's martyrdom, many others left their homes to join the ranks of resistance movement. Militancy is not the wrong path it is the right path to oppose aggressors because our religion told us to be act like that if some one forcefully occupied your territory, involved in killings of your brothers,sisters and children.

Don't compare Kashmiri muslims with those who lives in India becuase Kashmiris are brave people. When you banned bovine slaughter in India KAshmiri muslims slaughtered dozen animals on road and posted videos on social media. Look how they crushed your law and orders under their feet and those coward muslims living oppressed life in India should be shame on them because they are living under the law of Idol worshipers and they obey the false law imposed by your pandits and infidel government.

It is not a letter for frnds or enemies. Its a letter of introspection for each of the well meaning & right thinking person. That letter holds good not only for ppl in kashmir but also for other misguided elements like foot soldiers of taliban or ppl indulging in mindless bloodshed any where.
If you see every thing with single pre determined result in mind ,you will be missing the wood for the trees.
By writing letterrs what you think you can stop youngsters to join militancy?
He wasted his time to write letter because right after Burhan's martyrdom, many others left their homes to join the ranks of resistance movement. Militancy is not the wrong path it is the right path to oppose aggressors because our religion told us to be act like that if some one forcefully occupied your territory, involved in killings of your brothers,sisters and children.

Don't compare Kashmiri muslims with those who lives in India becuase Kashmiris are brave people. When you banned bovine slaughter in India KAshmiri muslims slaughtered dozen animals on road and posted videos on social media. Look how they crushed your law and orders under their feet and those coward muslims living oppressed life in India should be shame on them because they are living under the law of Idol worshipers and they obey the false law imposed by your pandits and infidel government.

By writing letterrs what you think you can stop youngsters to join militancy?

There was this time in where there was over 5000+ militants in valley

Now less than 200 Left

Indian armed forces killed over 84+ militants within this year tells you number

No militants has life span of more than 2 years In the valley

80% of insurgents are reduced after fencing of border only less then 10%. Foreign elements are able pas through border but of which 2-3% killed while crossings.
So then what? You propose continued use of violence and believe it will get you anywhere?

I wont comment on carious other points i do not agree with, have done on quite a few occasions in last few days so what is the point repeating it. Just will like to have your views on the question if you may.
thats the point you need not agree with me nor the kashmiris should with govt of India. But it does not mean we should fight each other to death. India did not start this current cycle of violence, burhan was roaming around for more than 6 years and indulged in killing. Security forces did their job eliminating a person who killed ppl thats their job. Wouldnt pakistan do the same in their country, will they mollycoddle any one who kills their security ppl?

Talks are the only way out which will take years if not decades and it should start with elected representatives. It was the same case with europe,india & pakistan are at logger heads for just 70 odd years.
You may argue it has gone now where but atleast ppl will not get killed due to talks.
thats the point you need not agree with me nor the kashmiris should with govt of India. But it does not mean we should fight each other to death. India did not start this current cycle of violence, burhan was roaming around for more than 6 years and indulged in killing. Security forces did their job eliminating a person who killed ppl thats their job. Wouldnt pakistan do the same in their country, will they mollycoddle any one who kills their security ppl?

Talks are the only way out which will take years if not decades and it should start with elected representatives. It was the same case with europe,india & pakistan are at logger heads for just 70 odd years.
You may argue it has gone now where but atleast ppl will not get killed due to talks.
The cycle started with the occupation dear, it started with oppression. I am not sure if what i or you say or agree with holds much value unless those who are suffering, the Kashmiris, are in the loop. Yes, Talks are the only way to resolve this and this is what i have been saying. Stating that the brutality is not going to resolve this problem ever.
By writing letterrs what you think you can stop youngsters to join militancy?
Ok mate you win letters are useless, their life their choice better choice makes live longer . :tup:
can put the bounty in their head? surely ...... this will teach them some lesson..... This will become very interesting , this will make PAK / ISI / Geelani &Co unnerve......

No you are insane and your post is just like a stupid letter of your retired major.
If he was a veteran and involved in operations than what was his achievements? Militancy is as it is but taking strength day by day. Yes if he was on front line he should have killed many Burhans of his time. But what was his achievement? First he was on front know he is writing a letter.Why?
Burhan was a child you forced him to pick gun against your oppression and illegal occupation. That is the summary of whole story.
Why no people of Jammu pick up guns?
Why no people of Leh ?

is the Islam has to do with these brain washed people? FYI, Jammu and and Leh want to get separated from J&K state....... face reality check...
The cycle started with the occupation dear, it started with oppression. I am not sure if what i or you say or agree with holds much value unless those who are suffering, the Kashmiris, are in the loop. Yes, Talks are the only way to resolve this and this is what i have been saying. Stating that the brutality is not going to resolve this problem ever.
Sirji, you jumped out with a opinion saying ppl are oppressed,occupied ..etc Thats your opinion. We do also have one, that they are minority who are taking silent majority for granted, intimidating them..etc

Now there is no way to measure our opinions other than kashmiris themselves. Instead of indulging in our opinions it should be left to true elected representatives of kashmiris to sort it out. For a start their should have elected representatives who should get elected in each others part. Which should run for atleast a few years to know each regions/ppl preferences when every thing is settled they should indulge in talks.
Sirji, you jumped out with a opinion saying ppl are oppressed,occupied ..etc Thats your opinion. We do also have one, that they are minority who are taking silent majority for granted, intimidating them..etc

Now there is no way to measure our opinions other than kashmiris themselves. Instead of indulging in our opinions it should be left to true elected representatives of kashmiris to sort it out. For a start their should have elected representatives who should get elected in each others part. Which should run for atleast a few years to know each regions/ppl preferences when every thing is settled they should indulge in talks.
No i am not saying that, it is the news, the facts and the current situation of the valley that is saying that. Who am i do form an opinion and state it as a fact? But anyone who wants to can see the valley burning for decades now.
As for the elections, the thing you do not realize is that they do not want to be part of the Indian government, period. There wont ever be a resolution unless every part give something up and sadly, no one seem to be willing to do so.
Ironically it's been more than 30 Years for Indian army to keep killing Kashmiries... more and more are Joining against them... So Maj Gaurav sir... his friends wants blood.. kill them as well.. there will be more... and eventually Indian army would either have to kill all kashmiries or let go of them... you are an army mind so you may not understand this but more muscle is used in valley is more damaging for India's hold on it..
Don't you know Balochistan is part of Pakistan and Kashmir is disputed territory ?
Don't you know the difference?

Bangladesh also was never a disputed territory, but it did not took us long to carve a country out of it when we wanted.

So be careful what you wish/claim about balochistan.
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