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Indian Army exercise near Pak border 60,000 soldiers, 200 tanks, Sukhoi-30

95% Indian army, logistics and war machines are located on Pakistan borders.

Indian armies fear of Pakistan army cannot be verified more than such concentrated deployment.

When Indians talk of peace and prepare for a war... this means some thing serious is brewing for coming months.

Pakistan army need to re-check its strategic nuke control shall not involve Zardari or any member of assembly.

All Muslim shall be happy for the coming soon Ghazawa Hind.

Guess what? Indians will always talk peace and work for it, but remain prepared for war. That's not going to change, there is no "when" about it. Thats how it is going to be forever from now on. Deal with it.
95% Indian army, logistics and war machines are located on Pakistan borders.

When Indians talk of peace and prepare for a war... this means some thing serious is brewing for coming months.

Pakistan army need to re-check its strategic nuke control shall not involve Zardari or any member of assembly.

Is that how paranoid you guys are? shows the level of insecurity you live with. Why do have to hand ON the trigger all the time :lol:. The exercises are there for the army & air force to test their capability, not provoke a war or attack, gees guys take a chill pill. last when we looked it was pakistan that delcared all the wars not india.
Still waiting for those surgical strikes Bharatis. You can cry and flex all you want, but this ain't bollywood. :wave:

We don't need to conduct surgical strikes, your own people are doing that to yourself. Surgical strikes were conducted even against the general headquarters of your army, and your SSG had the honor of being the first elite force in the world having to launch a daring operation into their own heaquarters. Surgical strikes were carried on your biggest naval airbase, and your prized gifts destroyed. All we Indians need to do is watch this tamasha across the border, where the dirty forces you trained and unleashed to wage a dirty war against India are destroying your own society.
Still waiting for those surgical strikes Bharatis. You can cry and flex all you want, but this ain't bollywood. :wave:

They have identified 5000 sites in side Pakistan for surgical strikes, last time SU-30 failed them, now they have postponed it until deliveries of Rafael.
We don't need to conduct surgical strikes, your own people are doing that to yourself. Surgical strikes were conducted even against the general headquarters of your army, and your SSG had the honor of being the first elite force in the world having to launch a daring operation into their own heaquarters. Surgical strikes were carried on your biggest naval airbase, and your prized gifts destroyed. All we Indians need to do is watch this tamasha across the border, where the dirty forces you trained and unleashed to wage a dirty war against India are destroying your own society.

Only a matter of time till we unleash them your way. Have fun. :lol:
Because our army is a professional warfighting force that is ever ready for war..

I totalllyagree, tey are so ready that they keep ready for two years on the borders> lol lol lol
We need practice at mountain areas like Himalaya or like Arunachal border.

In war there shall be use of anti tank missiles etc. So need more cautions.

We need Phlanx 1B block CIWS like machine and advance Nimrod like long range anti tank or converted Radiation missile.

Also need advance gun with raddar to distroy anti raddar antiradiation missile.

HeavyArmors Are Not Suitable For Himalayan Region, For That We Need A Swift Army With Excellent Logistical Support And Proper Air-Cover. Poorly Developed Border Infrastructure In Some Region "ll Help Us In Case China Tries Another Misadventure....
They have identified 5000 sites in side Pakistan for surgical strikes, last time SU-30 failed them, now they have postponed it until deliveries of Rafael.

Yaar.. Hum surgical strikes kar ke kya karenge.. Your own people are performing daily explosive surgeries in your country. Why waste time and resources in doing something which is happening by itself.. :azn:

As a matter of fact one of my pals in Foreign Ministry was telling me that this whole act of improving Indo Pak relationship is the real strategy of India to hurt Pakistan. Historically we have seen that Pakistanis unite only when they have to fight India. So every time India makes an aggressive gesture towards Pakistan, there is a renewed sense of unity and bravado that is seen there.

Once India drops that posture against Pakistan, there are enough fault lines within Pakistan to implode it internally. Thats what is the hallmark of India's Pakistan policy at this time. Looking at Pakistan's situation in last 4-5 years, it seems its working as well..
Guys plz don't turn this in to another hateful thread... every nation has a right to defend it's self.. practice after practice makes it perfect all nations have war games including Pakistan & India anyhow any pic's or videos guys thx.
which is why we should stop the flow of our rivers into Pakistan Pakistanis are ungrateful bastards we allow them to use the water from our rivers send them aid and offer peace and they repay us with terrorist attacks.
i don't think so due to few people we can't punish innocent and good people of Pakistan..convey your message to only blind hateful people.
still u cant do zilch and u have to send the likes of Ajmals to kill indians..
At least not sending dossiers like you guys..threatening surgical strikes and sending piece of papers aka dossiers lmao.:lol:

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