What makes me laugh is how sensitive Indians are about their “departments” claim of “indigenous” weapons.
On three different threads, on three different “indigenous” products, I have provided clear cut proofs that all these three products were not indigenous in any sense. No Indian has responded in meaningful way or provided convincing arguments against the evidence produced, despite making personal comments, jibes, snaring, bringing Pakistan in to discussion, political issues etc.
After engaging with Indians for few days, I understand why their scientists and departments play “indigenous” game with Indians.
When the whole population is so blinded with patriotism that it wouldn’t question the clear cut evidence that all these are borrowed technologies and none of the weapons are produced by the Indians, then the department and the scientists are entitle to use this card to hide their deficiencies and failures.
At least someone admitted it may have Charlie II body. We all know designing a weapon is the most important part. If you already had the design available to you including consultancy services from people who actually build the weapon. Then it is dishonesty to call it indigenous.
The actual structure is the main thing fitting in other equipment from different suppliers around the world is quite a common practice in defense industry.
In all three incidents it is proven that the design is not Indian. So the question of “indigenous” does not arrive at all. But if Indians want to insist, then they can go their marry way.
Facts remain, all three product I discussed have taken over 3+ decades to produce despite borrowed designs. Do not fulfil the requirements of the force for which they are produced.
All I have heard are lame excuses and personal remarks, no valid and persuasive arguments to prove their points and prove that these are “indigenous” designs as claimed.