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Indian 1000Rs and 500Rs notes banned from 08-Nov-2016

Sadly, that is how any secondary real estate transaction in India is done - so far atleast. In a market that overwhelmingly favors the sellers', there was, and still today, no way around it. You either pay the seller in cash as per his demand or don't get to buy a property at all.

It doesn't matter whether the buyer is supplying cash with black money or the legally earned money just like so many salaried people do across all the metros and elsewhere.

I have done it myself - even though every penny of my income has been accounted for and tax duly paid for, as a salaried employee. There simply is no other go!

Hopefully with these recent changes, honest taxpayers that want to buy properties don't have to go through the harrowing experience of carrying "MILLIONS" of Rupees in cash just to pay to the a**hole who insists on getting money in black!

Actually that is not true. I have brought two houses and sold one property and none of the time did I pay or receive any cash component. They did ask and I told NO. All 3 times. All my transaction was in white and by DD.

It helps when you deal with straight guys, not shady people.

My second house was registered only for the land value and I was able to save money on the stamp duty. If someone wants to be honest, not much anyone can do about it. If anyone want to be dishonest, no excuses in the world is enough. That is just the way it is.
we have a lot of small time corrupt people here

who have lakhs and crores of money stashed in 500 , 1000s

atleast that money will come out

maybe it makes only 10-20% diffrence

but even that is not less

not to say that some time back it was reported as black money is 75% of gdp
20 % of that is almost equal to


link to my claim as black money being almost 75% of GDP
hanuman ji , ignore these fuddu's sitting in hong kong and china , inka number next hai . sab nasha otar jayega china ka thorde time me . aukat bhool gaye hain yeh apni thora american dollar zyada aa gaya hai inke paas .
Do u know in North Korea they had the same policy some time ago?
Change your money in the bank! Otherwise your money will be useless.
Does it work?
No, rich people use dollars and multinational banks for money laundry, they do not hold useless currency.

Very true for exporters and rich people to park their money abroad. But if you can get away by bribing tax people, why would you go abroad. Corruption is rampant in India and it is entrenched in every sphere of govt. activity.

Most people have limited resources to park their ill gotten money in offshore accounts. They invest heavily in real estate, gold and diamonds. Others spend in luxurious items like cars and booze or go on vacations. I have seen a family investing more than two crores in renovating their three bedroom apartment with black money. He is a money lender and a loan shark.

In India this kind of parallel economy exists because people prefer cash over bank institutions and they are hard to track and even hard to be assimilated into formal economy. Hence these kind of harsh measures are needed. This is by no means a panacea for our problems.
Corrupt bank officers will make millions.. probably!

Not possible because how would they declare their income? The old bills are void and the new ones are being released in a few months. They can't be corrupt regardless if they want to be or not.
How much of black money are we talking about?? Let us say one trillion rupees. Say half of it is converted. Now we have a situation wherein half trillion rupees of shortfall occurs in circulation. Will that not cause deflation in the overall economy??

The black money locked in form of currency was never ever in circulation. If anything, there would be an increase in supply due to black market people trying to convert as much money as they can into white.
Still believe surgical strike didn't happen?
Unprecedented move, never thought this would happen in our life time, 2 surgical strike in matter of few weeks, jai ho modi ji. Hats off. I m vacationing in india , witnessing ache din fun days.. .. people with black money are confused, see their wealth disappear. Drug lords, land mafia, betting, matka don, are worth big zero. Corrupt official can't dispose off black money in locker having sleepless nights of loosing jobs. Nobody can guess next move err surgical strike#3

How much of black money are we talking about?? Let us say one trillion rupees. Say half of it is converted. Now we have a situation wherein half trillion rupees of shortfall occurs in circulation. Will that not cause deflation in the overall economy??
Why you don't like discounted goods or property ?:undecided:

Very true for exporters and rich people to park their money abroad. But if you can get away by bribing tax people, why would you go abroad. Corruption is rampant in India and it is entrenched in every sphere of govt. activity.

Most people have limited resources to park their ill gotten money in offshore accounts. They invest heavily in real estate, gold and diamonds. Others spend in luxurious items like cars and booze or go on vacations. I have seen a family investing more than two crores in renovating their three bedroom apartment with black money. He is a money lender and a loan shark.

In India this kind of parallel economy exists because people prefer cash over bank institutions and they are hard to track and even hard to be assimilated into formal economy. Hence these kind of harsh measures are needed. This is by no means a panacea for our problems.
Those days are past 8th November. Welcome to new india
Lol you are funny. I told you we are declaring 100% amount.. i have with drawn money from my fixed.. When am paying stamp duty for total amount that am paying.. it is not black money, stop being over smart..

You might be clean (showing 100% as transaction) but the seller is asking 50% cash, so he will be showing only half the amount and liable for tax on the same.

If he is going to show entire amount, then he would not have asked for 50% cash.

Eventually you are helping him to save tax on 50% of amount, which is wrong.
You are not evading tax but seller might, hence it is a mistake on your part too

That is his requirement. Who the hell you are to say blackmoney.. my fiot you and your logic.. idiot get a life. Did anyone told you, that you can't pay by cash? Are you aware banks monitor bulk transaction or withdrawal.. who knows why he is selling house.. it vould be for marriage or debts.. stop your nonsense..

Its not a random logic.

There is a rule that any transaction above 20000 must be done via acc transfer / cheque/ bank deposit (not cash, cash limit is upto 20000)

It is wrong to pay anything above 20000 in cash, dosent matter what is your choice or what he is asking.

I guess this http://www.simpletaxindia.net/2009/12/payment-exceeding-20000-40a3-exceptions.html
You might be clean (showing 100% asransaction) but the seller is asking 50% cash, so he will be showing only half the amount and liable for tax on the same.

If he is going to show entire amount, then he would not have asked for 50% cash.

Eventually you are helping him to save tax on 50% of amount, which is wrong.
You are not evading tax but seller might, hence it is a mistake on your part too

Its not a random logic.

There is a rule that any transaction above 20000 must be done via acc transfer / cheque/ bank deposit (not cash, cash limit is upto 20000)

It is wrong to pay anything above 20000 in cash, dosent matter what is your choice or what he is asking.

I guess this http://www.simpletaxindia.net/2009/12/payment-exceeding-20000-40a3-exceptions.html

I have enquired him.. he got to settle debt. So he is selling house to repay. I don't ask reasons for selling property. When am declaring the amount, he will be in trouble if he choose to evade tax.. That is the only house he got, he got a daughter. I am fed explaining to unknown.
I have enquired him.. he got to settle debt. So he is selling house to repay. I don't ask reasons for selling property. When am declaring the amount, he will be in trouble if he choose to evade tax.. That is the only house he got, he got a daughter. I am fed explaining to unknown.


I was just telling that it is against rule to pay anything above 20000 in cash thats it
For the sceptics who are saying that ppl dont have black money in cash but in Gold and real estate
We did say we wanted less corruption

For decades, the honest have felt like fools in a nation that runs on graft. The complicity, and active encouragement, of the political leadership gave feet, legs and body to this parallel economy

Some of us in India have paid, what I call, the ‘honesty tax’ for decades. Our money is salaried, there is nothing on top, we pay our taxes, keep our accounts clean, pay for large spends by card, do real estate deals in white and become the guys who obey traffic signals while others in bigger cars zoom away with a smirk. We pull out our cards and carry home our small shopping bag. The guy in the next aisle pulls out a brick of cash and thumbs out a lakh in notes to take home the high-value gadget. We drive our Maruti home with the EMI (equated monthly instalment) sitting in the backseat, the luxury SUV guy comes with a sack of cash and scrapes our car out of his way. We wait to buy a house with white money, don’t get the choice set, pay more and end up feeling like losers for being honest.

For decades, the honest have felt like fools in a nation that runs on graft. The complicity, and active encouragement, of the political leadership gave feet, legs and body to this parallel economy. There is a saying that in any organisation 25% of the people will be honest, always; 25% will be corrupt, always; and the middle 50% will look at the boss and do what he does. The political boss has spoken in India finally, giving teeth to the war against corruption by making currency notes of Rs500 and Rs1,000 worthless overnight.

Why will this help? It makes the current stash of undeclared cash useless. Those who did not take the government seriously and did not declare their unaccounted income by 30 September, by paying a 45% tax plus penalty, now see a 100% loss rather than a partial loss. Those who converted their cash into gold, art and real estate—the three sumps of black money—will sit on their assets for a while. When they do sell, the deal is likely to be completed electronically rather than in cash. With buyers unable to pay with old stashes of cash, how will the sellers sell? They will either barter or be forced to use a bank to route the money. Barter may work: in 2008, during the financial crisis, certain kinds of art became currency, after the price inflation in gold made it a bubble. Something similar may happen here too. Is it the end of black money? No. This is about raising the cost of keeping unaccounted for cash. There will be an underground market for sure: already you hear of a Rs1,000 note selling for Rs300 in the Mumbai grey market, but it just gets tougher to keep it black.

What about conversion to gold and real estate? Yes, conversion to gold will happen. But think it through— will you see a guy pull out five gold coins to buy an iPad at a mall? The government is just making the use of black money difficult. Why give just 4 hours? What would have happened in a month? It may have made the transition easier. Two things. One: cash would have been converted to gold and high-value purchases over the month. Already there are reports of brisk sales by jewellers till early morning of 9 November. Cash hoarders would have found ways to convert their money.

Two: cash that was about to die, would have found its way to the weakest in the food chain: those who don’t know they have to, or don’t have the power to, say no to getting paid with such notes.

End note

It’s not as if Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not taken a risk—both personal and political. The move to demonetise currency notes, to suck out black money, will upset BJP’s key constituency: traders, realtors and small businessmen. The ground speak is that this government doesn’t know how to do dhanda (business)—who pays 30% tax anyway? It is unlikely that the party cadres preparing for election were prepared with Rs100 currency notes. If other parties have lost money, so has the BJP cadre. This is a big political risk. Modi is probably calculating that things would settle down in the next 18 months before the next general election. Modi also risks short-term growth by removing cash from the market. This cash pays for jewellery, high-value cars, gadgets, clothes, hotel bills. By suddenly making the stashes of cash useless, he risks offtake of goods from the market, which could affect the economy.

So the risk is real. Modi has taken a calculated gamble and we’re all hoping that it pays off. No transition is painless. He is pressing the reset button on corruption. We, who had so desperately wanted to kill corruption, now need to support this bold move by the government.

I was just telling that it is against rule to pay anything above 20000 in cash thats it

I am paying stamp duty have informed about transaction.
Liberals in America are frothing in the mouth because of Trump win and are writing reams of articles

Liberals in India are frothing in the mouth because of Trump win & Demonetization of currency and are writing reams of articles

Indians Liberals working harder than Americans :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
I am paying stamp duty have informed about transaction.
doesnt matter , if it is cash and if more than 20000 then it is wrong
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