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India will never attack Pak from Afghanistan'

We know, the reality and those realities require complete exit of India from Afganistan at whatever cost.

It may be too late to realize that goal, if indeed it remains a viable goal. India and Afghanistan are two sovereign nations, and will have a relationship, whatever the shape or form. Pakistan would do well to recognize that right while formulating policy.
It may be too late to realize that goal, if indeed it remains a viable goal. India and Afghanistan are two sovereign nations, and will have a relationship, whatever the shape or form. Pakistan would do well to recognize that right while formulating policy.

You are one good sensible pakistani poster.
lol..thats right..but he forgot to mention about Pakistani members in PDF.. :lol:

and those who are accusing India about funding TTP,please make up mind.either blame USA,or Nato,or Afganistan or India.please don't blame all...this is paranoid.what i reckon is Pakistan is getting what it deserves,a taste of its own deadly tool..

Where is Mossad you fool ? Every second Intelligence agency is after Pakistan:rofl:
Do u have any source back ur claim or its just some blogs filled with conspiracy theories:coffee:

Yogi, are you really waiting to get any backing for that claim? Then you'll be waiting for eternity!
Probably you have'nt been on this forum for long. So just smirk on hearing that kind of talk and move on, that is wiser. :)
We know, the reality and those realities require complete exit of India from Afganistan at whatever cost.

Maybe that is what you think. In the meanwhile, you can continue totting up the costs. Till you come to a "reality check" eventually.
While India works to reconstruct Afghanistan.
Well one thing's for sure; India with this kind of a government will never attack Pakistan. But Pakistan is going to see an invasion from some other country in the near future that is for sure. Can't say US for sure though.
i will say only one thing.

The day india attacked Pakistan from any side, that day india will not remain india anymore and Afghanistan will not remain Afghanistan....

mark these words, we have not made nukes to stay in storage only, they are for purpose and will be used on purpose...
there is truth in it but too bad that after that happens you and your laptop will be as good as nuclear dust.........
America has been dropping bombs on your country and killing your citizens for years now....so much for having nukes!!

Let your Indian fundamentalists attack us and it'll be the same situation to you also. Everyone knows Pakistan is working with us in getting rid of these people. Where they can't reach, we take these bad guys out. But it's not a matter where you can mock a country who's lost so many soldiers in trying to safeguard all of our national interests!!
We know, the reality and those realities require complete exit of India from Afganistan at whatever cost.

Today that is impossible even if the worst case scenario for India comes to pass ie Taliban has a complete takeover of Afghanistan. Even then, India will not be made to exit Afghanistan. World has changed, so have we, so have the Taliban.
India and afghanistan honeymoon will be over soon [2014]
Taliban will take afghanistan like a piece of cake as soon as nato withdraw from AF
China take over of Gwadar and russia interest in pakistan is just the beginning of changing priority in central asia .
both china and russia knows the important of pakistan and its influence in post karzai afghanistan.
Post karzia Af TTp will not have any safe haven in AF and militantency in baluchistan will be control be chinese investment in gwadar that will bring prosperity to baluchistan.
If india remove its imperistic glasses and see important of central asia it too can benefit .

These is some of my views you may or may not agree with it.:undecided:
India and afghanistan honeymoon will be over soon [2014]
Taliban will take afghanistan like a piece of cake as soon as nato withdraw from AF
China take over of Gwadar and russia interest in pakistan is just the beginning of changing priority in central asia .
both china and russia knows the important of pakistan and its influence in post karzai afghanistan.
Post karzia Af TTp will not have any safe haven in AF and militantency in baluchistan will be control be chinese investment in gwadar that will bring prosperity to baluchistan.
If india remove its imperistic glasses and see important of central asia it too can benefit .

These is some of my views you may or may not agree with it.:undecided:

Oh Yeahhh? You are'nt kiddin' ?? Or smokin' anything ?? :undecided:
India and afghanistan honeymoon will be over soon [2014]
Taliban will take afghanistan like a piece of cake as soon as nato withdraw from AF
China take over of Gwadar and russia interest in pakistan is just the beginning of changing priority in central asia .
both china and russia knows the important of pakistan and its influence in post karzai afghanistan.
Post karzia Af TTp will not have any safe haven in AF and militantency in baluchistan will be control be chinese investment in gwadar that will bring prosperity to baluchistan.
If india remove its imperistic glasses and see important of central asia it too can benefit .

These is some of my views you may or may not agree with it.:undecided:

This says all...
India and afghanistan honeymoon will be over soon [2014]
Taliban will take afghanistan like a piece of cake as soon as nato withdraw from AF
China take over of Gwadar and russia interest in pakistan is just the beginning of changing priority in central asia .
both china and russia knows the important of pakistan and its influence in post karzai afghanistan.
Post karzia Af TTp will not have any safe haven in AF and militantency in baluchistan will be control be chinese investment in gwadar that will bring prosperity to baluchistan.
If india remove its imperistic glasses and see important of central asia it too can benefit .

These is some of my views you may or may not agree with it.:undecided:

How about you take off your false flag before asking India to take off its imperialistic glasses :lol:
Forget about attack from Afghanistan , India will not attack Pakistan even from its Indian side unless their is an provocation , which we have faced alot in the past History .

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