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India Warns Pakistan Over Any New Terror Attacks

On the one hand you say that you are competing with China on the other hand you compare your country with a country thats a lot smaller than your country. BTW twat there is as much proof that you cow piss drinkers were involved in our navel base as there is proof that our ISI was involved in Bombay. Our victory is that after 60 years or more faced by a a country with over a billion people just sits there like a saying we will do this if this and that. DO IT if you have the balls or go and play with your bangles.
With your current missile tech you can only reach 3000 km inside INDIA, the rest of INDIA will make sure that there is no PAKISTAN to be named in the future, you and your country will only be in HISTORY books

we can reach all of india. but if it suits your naive mind to believe what your hindu nationalist propagate on t.v. and books, then let it be. you will find out.
With your current missile tech you can only reach 3000 km inside INDIA, the rest of INDIA will make sure that there is no PAKISTAN to be named in the future, you and your country will only be in HISTORY books

3000 km is of course a good range. Anyhow, we are capable to test long range missile.
Sorry, I'm only a "slit-eyed" chink.

What do you expect from a "slit-eyed" chink?

Typical Indian racist.

Stop calling them racists. They want to have fair skin like you guys. Haven't you heard of fair and lovely? Anyways if an indian becomes racist towards you just call them turdskin. Get it? Turd means poop and they look like it, their skin...their looks... everything about them.. :rofl:
There won't be any War between India and Pakistan until some big disaster happens (Which I am doubtful as of Now).

Indian Army,Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard has no authority to decide anything. Its Only and Only and Only PM can decide. No 2nd Person. Did our PM said anything till date ?? NO. See what written in Article. It was said by MoS that If same kind of attack will happen again then only. It's not so easy, Indeed more difficult after further improving Internal Securities a lot in last few years. One should understand, India Internal Securities is very strong, Otherwise there will Terrorist attack everyday considering Huge diversification on all possible way.

Why you think that there will be terrorist attack again ? You have any doubt ? Can you Stop ? If Yes - Stop, If You can and Don't want then Why ? If you have no Relation - Then why worry ?? War will Cost Billions and Billions of Dollars to India. Do you think India will waste Billions and Billions of Dollars on Doubt ?? and even if India Wins, What India will Get ?? Huge Reserve of Crude Oil ?? Irrigation without Water ?? Huge Gold Reserve ?? 10 Large Companies ?? Trust me, Pakistan is no Strategic Point for India. Not Even BD, SL or Nepal. India is doing all to stop Terrorism nothing else.

My Personal View is that, Few Sections of Pakistan Leadership ( ISI, Army, GOP) always raise India Concern to Increase budget for own vested reasons and hide economical meltdown in last decade. I am not saying, India is not concerned. They are but Why we will go in War so easily? Give me 1 Reason? Kashmir ?? Kashmir Issue will be raised by Pakistan even after next 100 years. So Aksai Chin, , So AP, So So Many things. They are Just Diplomatic Point for various Countries. I hope few people will able to comprehend it.

Even China has concern with 10 neighbouring Countries. Israel has with many Middle-East Countries. So U.S. Means there will be War ?? No. 90% Work are done on Diplomacy and Economy and later 10% comes @ End

I Should clear one Doubt to all Pakistani Members - More than 90% Indians still Don't like our PM for not taking any Action after Mumbai Attack. GOI is still feeling the pinch when people asks this question across the board? Many Pakistani members says " GOI is aggressive " whereas you ask any Indian they will say " GOI is so Soft, they can't have the Guts ?? GOI should resign. UPA government is very much in pressure even now from Indian People. If UPA will not do anything, They won't win Election next time.

India - China War is Only Like A Dream. I really Doubt even after 20-30 Years its possibility. Few people talk just in order to Improve Defence Quality and Quantity. ( Not a Single Shot Fired in Aksai Chin and AP in Last 50 Years and Business is increasing YoY and it will forever)
yeah Pakistan's got everything better than India..the awesome Chinese tech!:shout: We ll lose the war...just like we have 4 times in the history ;) ;)
We just make a statement and your troops at the border go on high alert and political establishment gets baffled..

I loved operation bluestar. by the way have you been able to meet any of your relatives?
I think Indians are feeling over confident like 2002 and 2008. They want to cash war against terrorism.
I Should clear one Doubt to all Pakistani Members - More than 90% Indians still Don't like our PM for not taking any Action after Mumbai Attack. GOI is still feeling the pinch when people asks this question across the board? Many Pakistani members says " GOI is aggressive " whereas you ask any Indian they will say " GOI is so Soft, they can't have the Guts ?? GOI should resign. UPA government is very much in pressure even now from Indian People. If UPA will not do anything, They won't win Election next time.

How stupid are indians? They want war? They want to die? I guess they won't learn till they see the charred radioactive bodies of their family members.
yeah Pakistan's got everything better than India..the awesome Chinese tech!:shout: We ll lose the war...just like we have 4 times in the history ;) ;)
We just make a statement and your troops at the border go on high alert and political establishment gets baffled..

SINGH- On partition muslims killed hindus, Hindus killed muslims. If you look at history your lot got stuffed by both sides. How do you feel sticking up for Hindus who raped and killed singhs. Oh and you lost punjab half to us and half to hindus. lol
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