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India wants China to be more 'sensitive' on Pakistan issues

oh come on CD,most Indians does not hate or hold any contempt for china.The only reason some do so, is because of its continuous support for Pakistan and yes almost every Indian is filled with hatred against Pakistan,there is no doubt about it. our Hatred for Pakistan is of the same level as yours for Japanese,every year there are dozens of bomb blasts activities happening in India..thousand of innocent people are being killed by the terrorist supported by our neighbor (although i agree the trend is decreased since Mumbai attacks)

slightly off topic,Talking about your hatred about Indians..i believe it started on the day when one of my Indian fella addressed you with a racist term,but remember even on that day everything happened because you started supporting JUD..(a UN BANNED terrorist organization directly implicated in Mumbai attacks) some thing which resulted in the death of 170 innocent people...although i completely agree,Indians should not have used those racist term..but i believe you should have been a little more thoughtful on talking about things about which you have no iknowledge.

Do not compare your hatred for Pakistan in the same context as Chinese hating Japan. Pakistan has not done even a fraction of the things Japan has done to China. Have they killed 17 million of your people? Have they performed Biological experiments on Indian citizens? Have they Raped your women and children?

You guys have ideological differences, land disputes, and past wars. The relationship is still very fixable.

The hatred for Japanese by Chinese is impossible to remove without erasing much of history.
Do not compare your hatred for Pakistan in the same context as Chinese hating Japan. Pakistan has not done even a fraction of the things Japan has done to China. Have they killed 17 million of your people? Have they performed Biological experiments on Indian citizens? Have they Raped your women and children?

You guys have ideological differences, land disputes, and past wars. The relationship is still very fixable.

The hatred for Japanese by Chinese is impossible to remove without erasing much of history.

DUDE..when did i say that Pakistanis preformed biological experiments on Indians.:).I am talking about the level of hate,both the nations have fought like 4 wars till now and they are known for fomenting trouble in our country...u guys need to understand that our hate for them fuels anti china sentiments in our youth because you guys support them...
as far as fixing of the relation is concerned ,when ever we tried to normalize the relation..soon some terrorist goon come up and bombs a place and then everything goes back to zero again..
Do not compare your hatred for Pakistan in the same context as Chinese hating Japan. Pakistan has not done even a fraction of the things Japan has done to China. Have they killed 17 million of your people? Have they performed Biological experiments on Indian citizens? Have they Raped your women and children?

You guys have ideological differences, land disputes, and past wars. The relationship is still very fixable.

The hatred for Japanese by Chinese is impossible to remove without erasing much of history.

there is a big difference your issues with japan is melted down it's just memories you carry.
in our case the issues are still alive as ever.
Overestimating our importance?:lol:
You do know who is famous all over the world for overestimation of itself.:lol:

Yup that would be the Indians........Chinese are credited with understating themselves.......Bazillions of examples.
No, in fact I have been called a "ch*nk" repeatedly by Indians, long before that. Time and time again.

That one was simply the last straw.

Who are you anyway? Never seen your name before.

yeah okay i get it and i completely condemn that racist stance by some of my country men...but in my opinion ,whenever you issue anti India and pro Pakistan statements that will just increase their urge to repeat that racist terms again. as Gandhi said"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
LOVE BEGETS LOVE ..lower your anti India stance to at least neutral i believe my fellas will understand ...

off topic, i have been a observer of this forum from quite a long time .. and i am final year medical student in India and currently planning for my residency in US next year...
yeah okay i get it and i completely condemn that racist stance by some of my country men...but in my opinion ,whenever you issue anti India and pro Pakistan statements that will just increase their urge to repeat that racist terms again. as Gandhi said"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
LOVE BEGETS LOVE ..lower your anti India stance to at least neutral i believe my fellas will understand ...

off topic, i have been a observer of this forum from quite a long time .. and i am final year medical student in India and currently planning for my residency in US next year...

So your saying that one's political views not aligned with your's warrants racism???
..lower your anti India stance to at least neutral i believe my fellas will understand ...

That is where you are wrong. Their hatred is just too strong.

Thanks for the suggestion, but as long as Indians continue to attack China and Chinese people, I won't be getting along with them.
That is where you are wrong. Their hatred is just too strong.

Thanks for the suggestion, but as long as Indians continue to attack China and Chinese people, I won't be getting along with them.

haha... well thats your choice mate.. some indians as far as i know will continue with their anti china sentiments as long as china will continue to support pakistan..:):china:

every year there are dozens of bomb blasts activities happening in India..thousand of innocent people are being killed by the terrorist supported by our neighbor

Spare us the brainwashing diatribe spouted by your Indian media.
The same media, incidentally, that is now turning its sights onto China as public enemy #1.

off topic, i have been a observer of this forum from quite a long time .. and i am final year medical student in India and currently planning for my residency in US next year...

Judging by your name and your posts, I suspect you are a suicide troll ID registered by an existing Indian member.
Spare us the brainwashing diatribe spouted by your Indian media.
The same media, incidentally, that is now turning its sights onto China as public enemy #1.
Denial is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.Denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Judging by your name and your posts, I suspect you are a suicide troll ID registered by an existing Indian member.

I must admit that you have a really poor judgment of people.:undecided:

Denial is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.Denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Instead of accepting that you have homegrown problems, the Indian media blames everything on the evil ISI.
Simple answers for brainwashing minds.

Judging by your hate-filled rant against Pakistan, we can see the Indian media has done a number on you.
We can be equally sure that, after another decade of Indian media jingoism, most brainwashed Indians will be filled with equal hate for China.

I must admit that you have a really poor judgment of people.

Oh, I am sure we've got you figured out to a T. ;)
Instead of accepting that you have homegrown problems, the Indian media blames everything on the evil ISI.
Simple answers for brainwashing minds.
who is in denial ..i think we should leave it people who are neutral to situation in hand..

as far as indian media is concerned..here are some links so help yourself
The Pakistani Connection: The London Bombers and "Al Qaeda's Webmaster"
U.S.: Mumbai attack has Pakistani ties - World news - South and Central Asia - Terror in Mumbai - msnbc.com
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan admits India attack link
BBC News - Musharraf admits Kashmir militants trained in Pakistan

well according to you the whole world is in denial and u guys are the only one living in reality
anyway..i can get u a lot of other links too..but i don't have time for playing this BS game..
thank you

china is playing its game what our govt want do they write on paper

what a joke we are doing world know some day we have to face each other

better we make ourslef strong as we can we can do the samething with using afganistan

nobetter we close our eyes but at last some day we have to stand in ground to face each other

china is strong and using paskitan against india we can do the same game with them

the game has just start
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