Did the article say we are violating the treaty in any way?? Your assumptions are just that 'assumptions'. All it is saying is that we will have more control of water releases and that we have the potential to cause havoc to your crop season. In future with our projects on the western rivers completed we will receive our full share. Pakistan has to do with its 80% allocation.
For 70 years Pakistan utilised full use of western rivers and partial use of our eastern rivers because we were constrained by resources. But with new realities we have the resources to build bigger dams and reservoirs to tame these rivers. We cannot help if you feel that we are using this water card as the leverage to punish you. Being the lower riparian you will always feel that way. Some will play with your anxiety like the author of this article.
IWT is the best example how to go about settling our issues amicably.
There will mutual destruction but no subjugation. Sorry to bust your bubble.