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India’s Gross Violations of Indus Waters Treaty

Pakistan doesn't have extensive canals and Dam system to utilize majority of the water flowing through the rivers, they are shouting just for the sake of shouting without implementing any proper measures. That water should be better utilized by India for farming in Punjab/Haryana.
Pakistan doesn't have extensive canals and Dam system to utilize majority of the water flowing through the rivers,
In fact Paksiatn has one of the biggest man made canal systems in the world. They do still waste a lot of water.

India should use the water from these rivers while meeting the requirements of the IWT. Which it is attempting in the recent past.

If India is violating the IWT, then that can be addressed through tribunals. India can’t create a project overnight.

In any case officials dealing with IWT have been communicating with each other even during worst phases of conflict between both the nations.
Like we have fought any sort of war for Kashmir.

Water makes everyone fight. Even the coward and weak. It doesn't matter how pathetic and indebted you are. Water is life. When India steals the Pakistani share of water and feeds its crops the filthy generals will come in action. Remember that many elites in Pakistan also require water to feed their lands. Generals included.

Pakistan doesn't have extensive canals and Dam system to utilize majority of the water flowing through the rivers, they are shouting just for the sake of shouting without implementing any proper measures. That water should be better utilized by India for farming in Punjab/Haryana.

We will wage a nuclear war over water. Water is essential to existence. You are an enemy of the Pakistani people. Your country steals water that belongs to the people of Pakistan.
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