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India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

India is a lauging stock to many countries! West sold weapon to India as she wants to make her a dog to them. The West are worry on the rising China. West needs her dog to bite China

if the west thinks of india as a dof to protect itself from china then china is surely a snake or a mongoose.because u dont need dogs to counter lions.And we are ready to this job for the west to save our shared freedom and values from the chinese snake.
British had already apologized to China... They are the one who created this illigal line....

China must created "honors" line.. This will take away NE of India.
It is not our problem that India has not acknolwdged it...:chilli:

build some air in ur system and then talk big.Btw did u ask ur papa in beijin before opening ur mouth this big.
China is already departing Russian designed machine. We are now working on our own design.

too bad for chinsese,they r replacing the superior Russian tech for the chinese ersatz,god save the children of papa in beijing.
Your local industry will never develop if you don't invest in it. How will India learn how to make howitzers if it doesn't invest in R&D?

and ur from which country i suppose Iran rite :coffee::coffee::coffee:
Well Iphone is still Made in China.

China had helped India setup their telecommunication network. Prepare to see more China mobile...

Some 5 years back some cheap chinese mobiles came to India,without IMEi nos .before the government could ban them the people were pissed off so much with them that they stopped using them.Last year India exported 10 million handsets and produced 60 million .
You will not match them for centuries to come because you never started developing them to begin with! According to you, India should never attempt building anything because you can always buy a better one from abroad.

I posted this a few pages back but no one responded, maybe you can?

how about u dude tell me if not for do u have any indigenous except missiles and that to with russian help even india gets help but u talk too much when ur country is way too behind in tech
I said this earlier. I'll say it again. India is doing research in all those fields which are prone to sanctions. We will soon have indigenous ACs, AC carriers, ABMs, nuc sub, a lot of things. Things like towed artillery, they are purchased.[/QUOTE

My mum told me. Start from the easy one!

Start to walk before u run!

Stop using "will". Promote yourself when you had already achieved!

Its not neccesary to learn to build a microscope when u set out to make an electrospectrmeter.Because the two tech are independent of each other.You can learn to build mobile handsets w/o learning to build ham radios.Set ur goal at the fish' eye and blur out the rest of the view.Hmm Papa in beijing did'nt totld u that.
Most important thing. It is our media which makes the story spicy to sell more.

India and China are not going to fight each other at the first place.

Its not bcause India can match up to chian missile to missile but because china doe'nt have the air to do so.U see after the collateral damage both sides will see ,The idea of India would remain intact and people will gather whatever is left them in India,But in China people will take this opprtunity to separate themselves from the hegemonic demonic values of Mao ,the muslim majority state in the west ,tibet in the south.
It is still ignoring the defense industry but buying things like howitzers.

Hello Mr howitzer from Iran,heard ur laboratory made some samples of 20 % enriched uranium.Try to mae it 99% and put it in Pakistan's A@@ rather than giving unsolicited advice to India how to look after its defence.
there is one thing in india that I really love: they have plans, dreams, that never comes true.

I have been working with some well educated indians for years, they all talk about plans at the first stage of their projects, then in a few months, they start to complain about the difficulties imposed by different factors, then they start to find excuses, in another few months, projects conclude with failures.


U must be working with some slumbry Indians wh oare interested in plans.But then u see its better to have our own imagination rather than relying on other peoples magination and then copying it diligently.But maybe people of ur calibre who have been stulttified by ur big papa in Bejing don deserve to work with the brightest of Indians.
India will never be able to produce anything according to SCHCHINESE who is big time Chinese ignorant, While China has produced J 10 and JF 17 and other products which is still just close to 30 40 year old American Technology.

He is an ignorant. So just accept whatever he says. It doesn't addle our life. Let him bark don't reply to him.

hates India to the core, Got banned several times. Everytime he shows up the whole environment gets polluted.
we can actually consider india's best chance:

you build your aircraft carriers, then you win the battle and kicked Chinese navy out of india ocean. please consider what will be the next step from the Chinese side:

we can fire thousands of guided rockets from our border and destroy Mumbai and New Delhi in minutes, while you have to use dead expensive Agni missiles to fight back and you only have a few of them.

I think you are on a mission here - to prove that Chinese ascent on world stage as an intellectual super power is not evenly distributed in China. जब ऊपर वाला अकल बाँट रहा था तब ये बंदा यहाँ बैठ के India पे missiles बरसा रहा था.
I think you are on a mission here - to prove that Chinese ascent on world stage as an intellectual super power is not evenly distributed in China. जब ऊपर वाला अकल बाँट रहा था तब ये बंदा यहाँ बैठ के India पे missiles बरसा रहा था.

this is an english forum, post in english or just don't bother to post.

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