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India Turning Into World's Child Death Capital!

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Discrimination against Children

According to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, India has the highest number of street children in the world. There are no exact numbers, but conservative estimates suggest that about 18 million children live and labor in the streets of India’s urban centers. Mumbai, Delhi and Calcutta each have an estimated street-children population of over 100,000. The total number of Child labor in India is estimated to be 60 million.

The level of child malnutrition in India is among the highest in the world, higher even than some countries in sub-Saharan Africa, says the report ‘Extent of Chronic Hunger and Malnutrition in India’ by the UN’s special rapporteur on the right to food. While around 25 percent children globally were underweight, in India the number was 43 percent. A quarter of all neo-natal deaths in the world, (2.1 million) occurred in India, says UNICEF Report 2007 . More than one in five children who die within four weeks of birth is an Indian. Nearly fifty percent of Indian children who die before the age of five do not survive beyond the first 28 days.
@OP you must be short-sighted the title suggest that Babies are killed but the Time Article talks about the death of mothers primarily... Also if you missed noticing it the same article says

What’s frustrating, advocates say, is that the findings are in many ways old news — India has been trying to improve levels of maternal health for years. Though figures show the maternal mortality rate dropped by 66% from 1990 to 2010, India still has by far the highest number of women dying during childbirth on the planet each year, with 56,000 deaths in 2010, according to a U.N. report on maternal-mortality trends.
Did you read that, in two decades despite achieving that figure we are still the highest in mortality, so can you imagine how bad our problem really was?
We have improved a lot but need to do more.

Read this too from the same article

A few Indian states are leading the way. Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra have already reached the U.N. Millennium Development Goal of bringing their maternal mortality rates down to 109 women per every 100,000 live births, while several other states — Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat and Haryana — are close to achieving it. These states have done the best at tackling problems like child marriages and female illiteracy — two factors that also contribute heavily to maternal mortality rates. Kerala state, for instance, boasts a female literacy rate of 92%, as well as the lowest maternal mortality rate in the country at 81 deaths per every 100,000 births.

There are some states which are lagging behind this is due to our federal structure, they will come around as people are shunning Vote bank politics and choosing development...

I'm sorry but as this started by a Chinese- how many forced abortions has the Chinese state carried out? And how many child deaths have been caused by the flawed one-child policy??

It does not matter who started this thread but Indians should be ashamed that this is still happening, something needs to be done ASAP

agreed, pic's tragic.

that girl seems only 13 around, is she a mom of 2 kids, or a sister? poor girl.
Put some other points this is useless..

indians won't even leave innocent children alone. Even animals don't massacre their own children like this.
@SinoChallenger, dont you have any other thing to say? How pathetic!

if GOI can "embezzle" a small share of those honorable weapon imports, to the education,or bring these people out of poverty.

You are not as smart as you sound read another para from the same article...
India is pouring much needed revenues into improving health care as well. The government plans to boost spending by 2017 to about 2.5% of its GDP from the current 1.4%. However, money alone will not bring results unless it’s paired with effective training and education campaigns in at-risk communities. “India has wonderful policies on paper. We have the money too,” Gogoi says. “What we need to do is to turn these policies into action on the ground.” The next several years are critical, as they will show whether the advances made in states like Kerala can be replicated elsewhere — or whether India will slip even further behind its neighbors in terms of taking care of the lives of its women and children.

Read more: http://world.time.com/2012/06/08/wh...dangerous-places-to-give-birth/#ixzz1ySprOndO

Chullu bhar paani main doob jao
OP do some research before posting such reports. india is lifting millions of people out of poverty every Year!

If PDF allows me to post such threads, you and your troll brigade ll die Of shame. :tdown:

PDF standard nowdays. :confused:
China have the worst human rights record in their history, from Tiananmen Square, Tibet invasion, to One child policy, Zero Democracy, Media censorship etc.

no it is india!

india has the worst hidden human rights violation records in the world, it has the longest series of massacres, most notable of course is th Operation Blue Stars and subsequent outbreaks of riots against the Sikhs, and the Gujarat massacres of Muslims, and boodly civil war are spreading to over 1/3 of the country and the riots protest bombings are occurring everyday in Kashmir and most troubled regions along the whole Eastern part of india. It is a fake democracy, one of places where assassinations of political figures are rampant, freedom is for Bhartis when minority people. the undercaste and minority religious people are discriminated against and living under tremedous hardship. It is draconian state practising AFSPA and Operation Green Hunt cracking down on its oppositions. It even throws beggars into jails!
This only dated early this year!

Malnutrition Widespread in Indian Children, Report Finds

January 10, 2012 - Corrected version (Jan 24, 2012)

NEW DELHI — In parts of India, 42 percent of all children under age 5 suffer from malnutrition, a sobering reminder of the persistence of poverty and hunger in the world’s largest democracy, according to a major report released on Tuesday.

“The problem of malnutrition is a matter of national shame,” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said as the study was released. “Despite impressive growth in our G.D.P., the level of undernutrition in the country is unacceptably high.”

The new findings came from a survey of 73,000 households in nine Indian states conducted by the Naandi Foundation, an independent charitable group. The research focused on districts identified as low on a guage of child development. The findings pointed up India’s nagging difficulties in reducing poverty and hunger among its 1.2 billion people, despite robust economic growth over the last decade. Known as the Hungama survey, the report comes at a time when Indian lawmakers are in heated debate over the costs and social benefits of broadly expanding the country’s subsidized food program.

Mr. Singh’s admonition about malnutrition in India was leavened with some good news from the report: Levels of malnutrition, while still high, have fallen by 20 percent in the last seven years. Yet the prime minister said this rate of progress was too slow and called on government ministries, as well as independent groups, to focus on issues like the education of mothers, sanitation, hygiene, the status of women in society and child-rearing practices, including breastfeeding.

Malnutrition levels are especially high in India’s poorest and most heavily populated states. The extensive food subsidy program that India already operates allocates grain and kerosene to the poor. Yet the distribution system is rife with corruption and inefficiency, and some analysts estimate that 40 percent of the subsidized food never reaches the intended recipients.

Parliament is considering legislation, known as the Food Security Bill, that would expand the number of people eligible for subsidized food and establish a constitutional right to food. Advocates say the program is essential for improving the country’s social safety net, but critics warn of exorbitant costs and say the effectiveness would be uncertain because of the government’s inadequate delivery system.

Yet there is broad agreement that India must find better ways to parlay its impressive economic growth into faster progress on feeding its people.

“The health of our economy and society lies in the health of this generation,” Mr. Singh said, according to a transcript of his remarks.

“We cannot hope for a healthy future for our country with a large number of malnourished children.”

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: January 24, 2012

India government should be fired!

it doesnt work in india. It is like changing a few bolts and nuts of one decrepit malfunctioning machine.

India has killed more people since 1947 than the Holocaust 100x over.

Yet our population is 1.2 billion strong.

Do I find this is a brilliant reply from a typical iq indian like Harpoon!?
no it is india!

india has the worst hidden human rights violation records in the world, it has the longest series of massacres, most notable of course is th Operation Blue Stars and subsequent outbreaks of riots against the Sikhs, and the Gujarat massacres of Muslims, and boodly civil war are spreading to over 1/3 of the country and the riots protest bombings are occurring everyday in Kashmir and most troubled regions along the whole Eastern part of india. It is a fake democracy, one of places where assassinations of political figures are rampant, freedom is for Bhartis when minority people. the undercaste and minority religious people are discriminated against and living under tremedous hardship. It is draconian state practising AFSPA and Operation Green Hunt cracking down on its oppositions. It even throws beggars into jails!
why so many poor people in india
don't worry. india will buy 4 more aircraft carriers, 1000 jets, 5000 china-killer missiles and fly to the moon in 2015. india strong!!
china is the largest sh/thole of the known universe where gov forces its people to abort even in the 7 th month of pregnancy..

Almost 300,000 children aged under 5 on the Chinese mainland die every year, with more than 36 percent dying at home with poor access to healthcare, official statistics show.

The Report on Women and Children’s Health Development, which was released on Wednesday by the Ministry of Health and is the first of its kind, lists five main causes of child mortality, including premature birth, congenital heart disease and accidental asphyxia.

“China still faces daunting challenges to further reduce the sheer number of child deaths and to better address health equality,” said Qin Huaijin, director of maternal and child healthcare for the ministry.

300,000 Children Die in China Each Year | NationofChange

Idiots save your kids first before worrying about others
china is the largest sh/thole of the known universe where gov forces its people to abort even in the 7 th month of pregnancy..
and yet the one off incident in China, those officials who carried out long preganency abortion are in lawsuit, probably will be charged as misconduct (light) or murder (heavy)...meanwhile those high caste murderers will find their way to the top of rulling class..what an uncivilized country
More over China is the place, where a 2 year old kid is hit and two trucks crushed it and people keep walking around without looking at the baby..

Won't post the video here as it is disgusting and filled with disgusting people..

and yet the one off incident in China, those officials who carried out long preganency abortion are in lawsuit, probably will be charged as misconduct (light) or murder (heavy)...meanwhile those high caste murderers will find their way to the top of rulling class..what an uncivilized country

Aboortion is one off..

Feeding kids mercury and melamine is one off..

Kids are crushed under trucks and no body takes notice is one off..

What else is one off? 300,000 Children die every year in China..
More over China is the place, where a 2 year old kid is hit and two trucks crushed it and people keep walking around without looking at the baby..

Won't post the video here as it is disgusting and filled with disgusting people..

Aboortion is one off..

Feeding kids mercury and melamine is one off..

Kids are crushed under trucks and no body takes notice is one off..
What else is one off? 300,000 Children die every year in China..

Now that is called uncivilized country..
More over China is the place, where a 2 year old kid is hit and two trucks crushed it and people keep walking around without looking at the baby..

Won't post the video here as it is disgusting and filled with disgusting people..

Aboortion is one off..

Feeding kids mercury and melamine is one off..

Kids are crushed under trucks and no body takes notice is one off..

What else is one off? 300,000 Children die every year in China..
because you are getting all the china bashing news daily, so those are seem common to gullible and ignorant people like you```but according any of international institutions, Chinese childern have much better living, education and social security than the sorry inflated India, be the statistics from WB, WIPOs or others

whereas low IQed indians oftern got ogasm from some blogs```
How many have died because of China’s 31 years of allowing only one child per family?

Read more: How many have died because of China’s 31 years of allowing only one child per family? - Beliefnet News

“Since the day the policy began, horrible things have happened. When families can have only one child, they choose boys. Mothers who give birth to baby girls are condemned within their culture and are often rejected by their husbands or in-laws. Trying again for a boy is dangerous. Second-time Mothers face exorbitant fines or a forced abortion,” write the editors of LifeSiteNews.
They offer this video, which estimates 37 million girls have been killed.

“Through an interpreter, Party Secretary Gao responded that the population of China is 400 million less than it would have been had the Party not adopted and enforced a one-child policy. He went on to say that China had prevented more births than the population of the United States, which currently stands at 312 million.”
So, which is it — 37 million or 400 million? Either number is astronomical.

Read more: How many have died because of China’s 31 years of allowing only one child per family? - Beliefnet News
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