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India Turning Into World's Child Death Capital!

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Stop spending on your defense, stop dreaming for world super power, first change the lives of poor peoples.
Indian behavior on this thread is disgusting. Accept your figures and promise to help achieve a change. Instead you bash your neighbors. I can honestly tell you Indians that no child in Pakistan is as bad off as an Indian kid, and I don't mean to troll either.

RazPak, it's not everyday I agree with you're comments but you are correct..

Please see many post five pages back

I hope the govt does more, the situation is not at all good.
Indian Govt efforts on combating child mortality seem good in the last 2 decades,

Considering that child death number have reduced from 3.078 million in 1990 to 1.696 million in 2010, despite the fact that these were achieved without one-child policy(which in my opion significantly reduced the child and maternal mortality rates in China.)

However, despite all this at the currently rate of progress, 63 deaths per 100, we seem far away from the 2015 UN goal of 38 per 100

India's average rate of reduction from 1990-2010 has been 3%

Child Mortality Report 2010
the Indian govt is buying rafael, will send a man to moon, while the poor eat dirt.
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