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India: Treasure unearthed in Kerala temple

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isnt this temple now richer than thirupathy temple?
isnt this temple now richer than thirupathy temple?

In terms of wealth, now it probably is the richest temple in the world. Maybe there are other temples with hidden treasures, but as of now this temple has the most wealth and will probably experience an upswing in devotion too. The treasure belongs to the royal family but I doubt that they will want to claim it since they are so rich already.

20-25 Billion dollars is a lot of money but fades in comparison to the trillions of dollars worth "Black money". I hope the media maintains some decorum and does not speculate bullsh** and cause problems for the stakeholders.
I wonder if this was stashed away treasure to hide it from the Europeans.

I mean $11 Billion back then was SOOOOO much more then it is today. Shows how rich India was, and Travancore(Kerala) is very small state.

this is for hindus...

Sorry, Christians, Muslims, etc in Kerala have more of a claim/bragging rights to this then you.
I wonder if this was stashed away treasure to hide it from the Europeans.

I mean $11 Billion back then was SOOOOO much more then it is today. Shows how rich India was, and Travancore(Kerala) is very small state.

Sorry, Christians, Muslims, etc in Kerala have more of a claim/bragging rights to this then you.

I dont think so, some of the gold was from europeans.
who cares??? as if the wealth would be distributed to the most needy. again it will be dumped in swiss banks.
Dude the panel that searched down this huge treasure was endorsed by Supreme court,govt has almost no hands in it.So this money will be under supreme court guidance and on todays HT i read that this amount could be used to run MNREGA for 1 year!
Dude the panel that searched down this huge treasure was endorsed by Supreme court,govt has almost no hands in it.So this money will be under supreme court guidance and on todays HT i read that this amount could be used to run MNREGA for 1 year!

Most probably the treasure will be managed by endowments department of Govt. Which means that govt manages the treasure but it doesn't go to govt coffers.
Dude the panel that searched down this huge treasure was endorsed by Supreme court,govt has almost no hands in it.So this money will be under supreme court guidance and on todays HT i read that this amount could be used to run MNREGA for 1 year!

As if we dont have funds for that... The problem is in-efficiency and corruption of central government...So, even if we discover world's biggest Oil-Reserve in Kaveri Basin, we will still be a 3rd world country where a huge no. of villages have no access to electricity.. Lakhs of Tons of Paddy and wheat is kept in open when huge inflation of food items have caused millions of Indians to sleep hungry in night..
Most probably the treasure will be managed by endowments department of Govt. Which means that govt manages the treasure but it doesn't go to govt coffers.

I am pretty sure, there will be a theft and a CBI enquiry will be set up which will uncover nothing...

---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 PM ----------

I dont think so, some of the gold was from europeans.

Which they had looted from us..
This whole treasure will end up in lockers of Swiss banks.. I hate all bl**** politicians and this corrupt government.
As if we dont have funds for that... The problem is in-efficiency and corruption of central government...So, even if we discover world's biggest Oil-Reserve in Kaveri Basin, we will still be a 3rd world country where a huge no. of villages have no access to electricity.. Lakhs of Tons of Paddy and wheat is kept in open when huge inflation of food items have caused millions of Indians to sleep hungry in night..

I am pretty sure, there will be a theft and a CBI enquiry will be set up which will uncover nothing...

---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 PM ----------

'You are sure','will be'..
Supreme court wil have a strict eye on this treasure,as SC had endorsed the panel for searching this treasure.
Good news! But Gov will not convert it into cash! so it will remain as it is I guess.
India: Treasure unearthed in Kerala temple.


The temple was built in the 16th Century by the kings of Travancore

Treasure, thought to be worth billions of rupees, has been unearthed from secret underground chambers in a temple in the southern Indian state of Kerala.

Precious stones, gold and silver are among valuables found at Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple.

The riches are thought to have been languishing in the temple vaults for more than a century, interred by the Maharajahs of Travancore over time.

They have not been officially valued and inspectors are taking an inventory.

Inspectors say they will continue cataloguing the treasure for at least one more week.

Unofficial estimates say that the treasure discovered so far over four days of inspections may be valued at more than 25 billion rupees ($500m). But historians say that assessing the true value of these objects is likely to be extremely difficult.

Security has been stepped up at the temple: "I have instructed the police chief to reinforce security further following the findings and it would be there permanently," Oomen Chandy, the state's chief minister, said.
Concealed riches

The Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple was built in the 16th Century by the kings who ruled over the then kingdom of Travancore. Local legends say the Travancore kings sealed immense riches within the thick stone walls and vaults of the temple.

Since Independence, the temple has been controlled by a trust run by the descendants of the Travancore royal family. After 1947 the kingdom of Travancore merged with the princely state of Cochin, which eventually became the present-day state of Kerala.

The inspections at the temple began after India's Supreme Court appointed a seven-member panel to enter and assess the value of the objects stored in its cellars, including two chambers last thought to have been opened about 130 years ago.

The Supreme Court also endorsed a ruling by the high court in Kerala, which ordered the state government to take over the temple and its assets from the royal trust. It also ordered the trust to hand over responsibility for the temple's security to the police.

The initial court petition was brought by a local lawyer, Sundar Rajan, who filed a case in the Kerala High Court demanding the takeover of the temple, saying that the current controllers were incapable of protecting the wealth of the temple because it did not have its own security force.

Anand Padmanaban, counsel for Sundar Rajan, was present when observers appointed by the Supreme Court opened the treasure chambers.

"Treasures included very old gold chains, diamonds and precious stones which cannot be valued in terms of money," he told the BBC Tamil service.

"Many of those things were pretty old, going back to the 18th Century. They could not count it, so they are weighing it."

Only two of four chambers had been opened so far, he said.
Royal wealth?

The current Maharajah of Travancore, Uthradan Thirunaal Marthanda Varma, who is also the managing trustee of the temple, appealed to the Supreme Court against Sundar Rajan's petition.

He said that as Maharajah he had every right to control the temple because of a special law enacted after Independence, which vested the management of the temple with the erstwhile ruler of Travancore.

But his appeal was rejected - Maharajahs have no special status in India and they are treated like ordinary citizens.

The members of the Travancore royal family consider themselves to be servants of the presiding deity at the temple, Padmanabhaswamy, which is an aspect of the Hindu God Vishnu in eternal sleep. This is why they historically entrusted their wealth to the temple.

But there was a public outcry when the Maharajah attempted to retain control of the temple by citing the special law, with many arguing that the wealth belonged to the people now.

The vaults were opened in the presence of the panel, and observers, which include high court judges, temple officials, archaeology authorities, Sundar Rajan and a representative of the current Maharajah.

The current Maharajah of Travancore has been the managing trustee of the temple.
BBC News - India: Treasure unearthed in Kerala temple
Sri Padmanabhswamy Temple
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Sorry, Christians, Muslims, etc in Kerala have more of a claim/bragging rights to this then you.

devaswom property belongs to Hindu community ..other communities got no right over it
Rs 75,000 cr and counting: More treasure tumbles out of shrine

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Treasure continued to tumble out of the Sree Padmanabha Swamy temple here on Saturday with a Supreme Court-appointed committee finding more gold idols, coins and other assets on the sixth day of inspection in the shrine's hidden vaults.

Among the notable discoveries was an ancient gold idol of Lord Vishnu studded with precious diamonds and emeralds. Sources said its value could not be assessed due to its antiquity. There were also human figurines made of pure gold, each weighing 1 kg as well as 18-foot-long jewelery weighing 35 kg used to adorn the deity. Bags of coins and precious stones were also found in the chamber marked A.

Unconfirmed reports said the total value of all assets recovered from the shrine could be worth Rs 75,000 crore.

The temple has six vaults marked A to F. On Saturday, the committee completed stock taking in vault A. They had already drawn up the inventory of items in C, D and F. The B chamber, which hasn't been unsealed after 1872, and the E vault remain to be opened. The inspection will continue on Monday.

The state police has decided to put in place a three-tier security for the shrine which has emerged as the richest in India. Additional Director General of Police Venugopal K Nair, who is given charge of the temple security, said "We have only begun the process. A detailed plan will be put in place soon."

At present, two platoons of special armed police have been deployed for the shrine's security.

Acting on a petition, the Kerala high court had in January asked the state government to take over the administration of the temple and also prepare aninvetory of its assets. The shrine is run by a trust constituted by the royal family. On appeal, the SC stayed the take over part but gave nod to stock-taking.

History has it that the shrine is inextricably linked to the Travancore royal family. The erstwhile ruler of Travancore Marthanda Varma had dedicated the state and all his wealth to the deity and ruled as 'Padmanabha Dasa (servant of Padmanabha), who consequently gained the status of nominal head or 'perumal.

Rs 75,000 cr and counting: More treasure tumbles out of shrine - The Times of India
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