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India: Treasure unearthed in Kerala temple

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how the turks , mugals and british missed this ?

hatsoff to the loyalty of the tample trust...

|Good question, how come Brits, Turks missed this?

2 reason

1 simplicity of the kings of kerala, though they are very rich, there is hardly any big palaces compared to the ppl who did biz with us. (Brits, Romans, french etc. Look at their 16-17 century palaces...huge....) so there is hardly any attention goes for itheir wealth

2 Good Brits.

Since Rani Lakxmi Bhai fought the Brits coz of no males left in their family and with no male, the state would be annexed to the British Eash India Company as per their Law.

Whereas in Travencore state, the Brit representative sent the message to England that there was no such problem in travencore whereas the queen was only pregnant. And he, Mr. Manro-a devotee of Padmanabha Sawami, presented a golden Cup to temple. It is yet to get, as it might be in the cave which yet to open.
Please I will never ever take my comments back. I dont give 2 cents if you never heard. Maybe you should expand the list of books you read. You f --ing North Indians never know about the south, only call us dark when in fact many are lighter than you. Tamils conquered nations outside of India, throughout Southeast Asia. I only respect Gurkhas, Marathas, Gurkhas and the Ahom. Rajputs have no loyalty, some of them converted and destroyed their own nation, traitors. Whats so brave of fighting to the death while their women burned themselves. Sound like they were weak and could not prepare to win. We in Kerala, defeated Tipu 3x times but your f -ing books don't record that do they? They only talk of the British beating and killing him in battle. Guess what when the world hears Indian martial art.... KALARI IS WHAT COMES TO MIND ALL OVER THE WORLD>PERIOD. This treasure if for Kerala and our ppl. The rest of you can come and visit. Pay admission, take a look, and contribute to our state economy, then fack to wherever you came from. I only got love for my tamil and Northeast Bros' (and some oters but I digress). The point is this is Kerala. You guys should fought harder and smarter. Too bad you guys were too weak and dumb, you guys never learned to change your tactics and fought in environments that gave advantages to the enemy. Morons.
For my education, and sorry to deviate from topic. Are there many Keralites in Indian Armed Forces? You don't have a Regt, that I know. When were you last independent pre-British?
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