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India to station all MiG 29s along Pak border

I think it is time India look inside for those who provide logistical support on Indian land to these non state actors and stop bulling Pakistan on this matter. We can not take over your police station and intelligence which let you down miserably.

I wish to reply assuming that you are decent Pak national and not a religious fanatic.

1. Do you think there will any reciprocation in the part of Pakistan then w.r.t. militants to India? In Mumbai, even your govt acknowledge of some stupid religious folks are involved. But tell me what will happen? I can very well anticipate. They will be in jail for 2 months and they will left again to send another junta into India.

2. Pak says India does it, but why is that there no sharing of any of this information to any third country and who would second what Pak is saying? So don't you think allegation on India may be not true. For a moment, do you think that could very well be a possibility.

3. On the one hand, you guys acknowlege Taliban is created by Pak and US, and on the other hand, you say Pakistan Taliban is created by India. How will crazy religious fanatics who thinks Sharia law should be implemented in Pak will take any kind of support from this illusionist Hindoo-India. I am wondering whether no one in Pak try to understand this.
Pakistan's war = Pakistan's problem. Pakistan should move its troops as it sees fit. All India wants from Pakistan is to stop cross border terrorism and shut down Kashmir specific terrorist organizations. India is NOT interested in fighting another war with Pakistan, but should push come to shove, the strike corps will be ready to respond. So instead of asking India to move its military, Pakistan should focus on eliminating the LeT.

Funny....no one never corssed border...
And Pakistan will keep supporting Kashmiries.

India is not intrested to fight, yes coz India cant.
Induction of MiG-29 delayed at Russian end: Rediff.com news

The Indian Air Force's plans to induct upgraded MiG-29 by March next year has been hit due to delay at the Russian end with the first lot of six aircraft likely to come in only by early 2011.

"Originally, the upgraded MiG-29s were to join the IAF squadrons at Adampur airbase in Punjab [ Images ] by March 2010. But now, there will be a delay of another eight to 10 months and hence, we expect it only in early 2011," a senior IAF officer said on Sunday. Under the US $ 950-million contract signed in March 2008 for upgrading 60-odd MiG-29s operated by IAF's three squadrons, the IAF planned to fit Series-3 version of RD-33 engine to increase its thrust from 8.3 ton to over 9 ton, apart from improved avionics, modern weapon systems and Beyond Visual Range missiles.

"The idea is to upgrade the MiG-29 from an aerial interceptor, air superiority aircraft to a multi-role fighter-bomber aircraft capable of striking mobile and stationary targets on the ground and at sea with high-precision weapons in all-weather conditions beyond visual range," the officer said. While the first six aircraft would be upgraded by the original equipment manufacturer, the remaining aircraft would be attended to at the IAF's Nashik-based 11 Base Repair Depot with kits supplied by RAC-MIG. The upgrading is happening on the basis of the new requirements for the MiG-29s that IAF had indicated to the
OEM, based on an assessment it had made for the future role of the fighter aircraft.

"The upgrade will increase the service life of MiG-29 from the existing 25 years to 40 years. The upgrade of all the aircraft was originally envisaged within three years. But now, it could take another year or more to complete," he added. This will include replacing existing on-board radars with the advanced multi-functional Zhuk-ME radar and a new weapon control system. The package is also expected to include state-of-the-art avionics and cockpit ergonomics, along with an increase in fuel capacity.

The twin-engine MiG-29s will carry sophisticated air-to-air and high-accuracy air-to-ground missiles such as R-27, R-60Mk and R-73, and 'smart aerial' bombs. The upgrade programme ran into rough weather after a Russian Air Force MiG-29 crashed in December last forcing the IAF to ground all its aircraft to carry out extensive checks.

With Russia [ Images ] identifying structural faults in the aircraft's tail fins, the IAF went about checking the tail fins of the MiG-29s in its squadrons."Half-a-dozen of the MiG-29s in our fleet were found with faults in the tail fin and these had to be replaced. On
the MiG-29s from the same batch of aircraft as the Russians, we did further checks to rectify structural faults completely," an IAF engineer said.
India to station all MiG-29s along Pak border
Daily Times Monitor

LAHORE: The Indian Air Force (IAF) has decided to station all its MiG-29 squadrons at Adampur to beef up air defence capabilities and react in the shortest possible time along the international border with Pakistan, the Indian Express has reported.

“We consider ourselves to be a strategic air power establishment of the IAF in the western sector, ever ready for operations,” said Air Commodore HS Arora, Air Officer Commanding of the Adampur airbase.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defence has signed a contract with the RAC MiG aircraft corporation to extend the service life of the MiG-29 by 25 to 40 years. Arora said six MiG-29 fighters were being upgraded and flight-tested in Russia, adding the remaining aircraft would be overhauled in India with the aid of Russian experts. “The upgraded MiG-29 fighters will have better radar systems and avionics to help fighters, a new weapon control system and modernised RD-33 engines, which would increase the aircraft hitting capability from long ranges,” he added.

Separately, the Indian army is planning to acquire 300 light tanks for deployment in the mountainous regions of the border with China and Pakistan, the Press Trust Of India has reported. It cited army sources as saying the tanks would be deployed in Jammu and Kashmir in the north and Arunachal Pradesh and Assam in the northeast.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
This move is most likely to ease the logistical problems with operating the Mig-29 an air superiority fighter that has lost purpose in light of the MKI.

Its easier to mange if all Mig-29's are in one place, long term. especially in peacetime.
Considering that the Su-30 MkI is India's new air superiority fighter. which will be stationed across the country. Having a mig-29 as well is a bit redundant and makes logistics harder.

MMRCA plane will also be stationed across the country, so a secondary support fighter is always available to the MKI.

In reality its a understandable move, Logistics is easier with all spares for Mig-29 and being sent to one place, as well as the Mig being more effective against PAk anyway.
Plus now the western theater now has access to the entire Mig-29 fleet.
making it a much more heavily defended sector.
I think it is basically because in coming years IAF going to to decommissioned Mig-21 and Mig-23 which currently stationed at adampur ,2 sq. of each,so to make up the numbers IAF deployed Mi-29 at adampur...

And at present PAF only have F-16 which they can use as a offensive fighter and Mig-29 ,we all know is the falcon killer..

So,i don't think there is any thing to wory about ...:cheers:
Pakistan's war = Pakistan's problem. Pakistan should move its troops as it sees fit. All India wants from Pakistan is to stop cross border terrorism and shut down Kashmir specific terrorist organizations. India is NOT interested in fighting another war with Pakistan, but should push come to shove, the strike corps will be ready to respond. So instead of asking India to move its military, Pakistan should focus on eliminating the LeT.

Pakistan does not give a Crap about what India or Indians want , we have our own National intrests.
There are no terrorists , Call them Mujahedeen those who are fighting your oppressive forces to get their Right back. If India or congress or MR Gandhi calls for the freedom of India then it is regarded as so called STRUGGLE FOR INDEPENDENCE if Kashmiries do it is Terrorism ??
This is how Indians think and Pakistani thinking is different!
I must not appriciate the way you think , coz there are no Terrorist organisations in Kashmir except one The INDIAN FORCES !
WE HAVE SEEN YOUR STRIKE CORPS ALREADY .. we have idea how potent they are .

And if india is not intrested in Fight so are we , but we NOW have the power to Knock them down if they attacked !
We must be alarmed :mod: and its always wise to keep looking at the back before the Dog comes and bites..

well done what an answer...!!! fully nabbed.

BTW yes, its better to avoid the troll who's always ready with his dick in his hands for a dick measuring competition.

Avoid this Language at this Forum.:taz::tdown:
, we have our own National intrests.

The only national interests you guys have is to breed terrorists in your soil and make them crawl under the border to infiltrate India

Pak foolish to initiate Kargil war with India: Ex-US envoy

Lahore, Oct. 3 - ANI: Former US envoy to Islamabad, William B Milam, has said the Pakistan Government made a foolish move by initiating the Kargil war with India ....

Pak foolish to initiate Kargil war with India: Ex-US envoy

If India or congress or MR Gandhi calls for the freedom of India then it is regarded as so called STRUGGLE FOR INDEPENDENCE if Kashmiries do it is Terrorism ??..... we have idea how potent they are

Dear tell me now why you let american Drone to fly over your NWPakistan, allow them to missile 10's un 100's down on day-to-day basis. You call those talibens,Mujahedeen??? freedom fighters or terrorists. Terrorists are terrorists period. We can can counter them and defend our border. we dont need any foriegn troops in our soil to protect our brothers , sisters and our family. This shows how potent we are . Well you want any further explanation???

IMU leader Yuldashev killed in drone attack in NW Pakistan: TV

ISLAMABAD, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) -- Leader of Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) Tahir Yuldashev was killed in a recent U.S. drone attack in tribal areas of Pakistan, according to the local media reports Friday...
IMU leader Yuldashev killed in drone attack in NW Pakistan: TV_English_Xinhua

WE HAVE SEEN YOUR STRIKE CORPS ALREADY ...And if india is not intrested in Fight so are we , but we NOW have the power to Knock them down if they attacked !:

Just remember. You are no match to us. You never been before as well. Many Indians think in a war Pakistan is no longer a big threat to India rather its China. The best you can do now is to irritate us with some itch. Nothing more...
The only national interests you guys have is to breed terrorists in your soil and make them crawl under the border to infiltrate India

Pak foolish to initiate Kargil war with India: Ex-US envoy

Lahore, Oct. 3 - ANI: Former US envoy to Islamabad, William B Milam, has said the Pakistan Government made a foolish move by initiating the Kargil war with India ....

Pak foolish to initiate Kargil war with India: Ex-US envoy

Dear tell me now why you let american Drone to fly over your NWPakistan, allow them to missile 10's un 100's down on day-to-day basis. You call those talibens,Mujahedeen??? freedom fighters or terrorists. Terrorists are terrorists period. We can can counter them and defend our border. we dont need any foriegn troops in our soil to protect our brothers , sisters and our family. This shows how potent we are . Well you want any further explanation???

IMU leader Yuldashev killed in drone attack in NW Pakistan: TV

ISLAMABAD, Oct. 2 (Xinhua) -- Leader of Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) Tahir Yuldashev was killed in a recent U.S. drone attack in tribal areas of Pakistan, according to the local media reports Friday...
IMU leader Yuldashev killed in drone attack in NW Pakistan: TV_English_Xinhua

Just remember. You are no match to us. You never been before as well. Many Indians think in a war Pakistan is no longer a big threat to India rather its China. The best you can do now is to irritate us with some itch. Nothing more...

Thanks for giving me such a valid source of information to optimise my thoughts about Kargil.
As i have given an explanation , that What you think of a Terrorist is a Mujahid ( Freedom Fighter) for us.
Kashmiries are fighting against a facist aggression being imposed on them.

Allow me to show you the MIRROR:bunny:

SRINAGAR: Forty people were wounded when Indian police fired teargas and used batons to disperse Kashmiris protesting against the death of a boy during anti-India protests, police said Sunday.

The 12-year-boy died Friday in clashes between police and stone-throwing youths demonstrating against Indian rule in the town of Baramulla, 55 kilometres north of summer capital Srinagar.

The boy died after a teargas cannister hit his head, residents said. Authorities have ordered a probe after residents demanded punishment for the policemen involved in the incident.

Baramulla has been hit by violent protests after the death. Police on Sunday fired teargas cannisters and swung batons to break up the protesters, who shouted: 'We want freedom' and 'blood for blood.' Angry protesters retaliated by hurling stones at police.

'Some 30 policemen were wounded during the clashes with protesters on Saturday and Sunday,' a police spokesman said, adding 10 protesters were also hurt during the clashes.

'Adequate security forces have been deployed to deal with the situation,' a police spokesman said, adding a protest ban has also been put in place.

Security was also tight in neighbouring Sopore town where similar protests were staged against the killing.

Veteran separatist Yasin Malik and a dozen of his party members were detained by police Saturday just outside Srinagar as they headed to Baramulla, the police spokesman said.

'They were set free in the evening,' he told AFP. Anti-India sentiment runs deep in the Muslim-dominated region, which is in the grip of a two-decade-old insurgency against Indian rule that has left more than 47,000 people dead by official count.

Last year the scenic Himalayan region witnessed some of its biggest anti-India demonstrations.

Since May, there have been more such protests in the region over the alleged rape and murder of two Muslim women whose bodies were recovered from a stream. -AFP


Are you feeling a bit better ? hope so!
Now comming to the second Question:
There are flaws in Islamabad too , there are Idiots who make decions who do not dipict the National Soul.
Americans are just loud mouth animals they always have a say about everything.
Drone attacks are being conducted jointly by Intel comming from ISI , IB , and other sources and then BO00OM , Baitullah gone....:flame:

You do not have to make me REMEMBER , Try not to Dictate me in a typical Indian way!

Man Pakistan has never been a threat to India or Indians :hitwall:, it was India who has been a Threat to us & then we have to Defend our self and we did!!
Get well soon:cheesy:
@ Black blood,
You could actually count the number of people in the photo you posted...
Did you know more than 60% Kashmiris came out to vote :D
What da ............

Thread is about MiG-29, For god sake :hitwall:
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