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India to recruit 89,000 troops, US $ 15 billion for chinese border

LOL The threat aspect is not as easy and simple as you make it sound. Anyways from what I gather they intend to eliminate this threat, I am just looking at India's position vis a vis that.

it is like china is a threat to india,pakistan is a threat,bangladesh not so much,srilanka no threat,etc
it implies that china thinks that it can walkover india for anyday
it is like china is a threat to india,pakistan is a threat,bangladesh not so much,srilanka no threat,etc
it implies that china thinks that it can walkover india for anyday

I know that buddy, I am just happy that they consider the US and Russia to be a threat and assuming they want to eliminate that threat militarily, (economically they are already doing that) and if they do that militarily there wouldn't be much threat left from China for us to worry about. Also where according to China is Pakistan figuring in all this.
This is long overdue. Our northern borders with China are very thinly held. I heard the other day on TV that the PLA has the capability of mobilising up to 250 infantry divisions against us (by virtue of improvements of road/rail/air communications in Tibet). Working on the thumb rule of a 9:1 numerical superiority needed for the attacker in the mountains, even 30 divisions on the LAC would barely suffice. That is of course the worst case scenario, in which PLA pulls out every thing from the Russian borders and deploys it against us. But even at a much lower threat level, an increment of a minimum of 5 to 6 divisions along with 20 -25 artillery regiments, engineer regiments, matching army aviation assets etc will give the LAC a troop density and fire power sufficiently capable of defending against a full scale assault by Chinese Army till such time the reserves can be inducted to restore the situation.

Therefore, the present proposed increments will just about scratch the surface. But, it is a beginning nevertheless. As long as the govt realises the seriousness of the Chinese threat, things will move.

Dont worry dear Just watch 300 men movie. Few could stand against whole army. And they need to move to this region to attack us. But we are already here waiting for them silently and patiently. Just right time.;)
1.Throughout history we have been invaded by North Westerners. The last one was the Maratha raiders under Bhashkar Pandit sent by the Bhonsle. For ten years they killed, burnt and looted our countryside till Nawab Alivardi Khan mobilized the entire populace to expel them. Even today children recite the poem:

"chhele ghumalo, pada judalo bargi elo deshe
bulbulite dhan kheyechhe, khajna debo kise?"
ছেলে ঘুমালো পাড়া জুড়ালো বর্গী এল দেশে
বুলবুলিতে ধান খেয়েছে খাজনা দেব কিসে
ধান ফুরোলো পান ফুরোলো খাজনার উপায় কি?
আর কটা দিন সবুর কর রসুন বুনেছি।
"When the children fall asleep, silence sets in, the Bargis come to our lands
Bulbulis (birds) have eaten the grains, how shall I pay the rent?"

2. The one earlier was Gen Maan Singh sent by Akbar when we, Bengalee Muslims had revolted in response to a "fatwa" issued by the Pir of Jaunpur declaring some of Akbar's activities anti-Islamic. We defeated the Mughals in a protracted war so that when a heart-broken defeated Maan Singh returned, he hardly had an army left.

3. Earlier our history is full of warfare with our NW neighbors who had always been attracted by our agriculture, silk, etc.

4. A cross-Himalaya major war would be a first time in history. To deploy against such an unlikely overflow from across the mountain ranges, India would have to use our land and ports. This is something we will never ever allow, and she knows that very well.

5. We have studied India's "Look East" policy. She cannot look east if we are blocking the way.

6. Earlier India was fond of saying she is building up her military might to confront China. And it turned out that the target had always been Pakistan. This time also everybody should disregard what the disciples of Katulya/Chanokya says. We, BD, are the target. We know it; and we, as a people, are prepared.
We have studied India's "Look East" policy. She cannot look east if we are blocking the way.

:rofl: :rofl:

1.Throughout history we have been invaded by North Westerners. The last one was the Maratha raiders under Bhashkar Pandit sent by the Bhonsle. For ten years they killed, burnt and looted our countryside till Nawab Alivardi Khan mobilized the entire populace to expel them. Even today children recite the poem:

"chhele ghumalo, pada judalo bargi elo deshe
bulbulite dhan kheyechhe, khajna debo kise?"
ছেলে ঘুমালো পাড়া জুড়ালো বর্গী এল দেশে
বুলবুলিতে ধান খেয়েছে খাজনা দেব কিসে
ধান ফুরোলো পান ফুরোলো খাজনার উপায় কি?
আর কটা দিন সবুর কর রসুন বুনেছি।
"When the children fall asleep, silence sets in, the Bargis come to our lands
Bulbulis (birds) have eaten the grains, how shall I pay the rent?"

2. The one earlier was Gen Maan Singh sent by Akbar when we, Bengalee Muslims had revolted in response to a "fatwa" issued by the Pir of Jaunpur declaring some of Akbar's activities anti-Islamic. We defeated the Mughals in a protracted war so that when a heart-broken defeated Maan Singh returned, he hardly had an army left.

3. Earlier our history is full of warfare with our NW neighbors who had always been attracted by our agriculture, silk, etc.

4. A cross-Himalaya major war would be a first time in history. To deploy against such an unlikely overflow from across the mountain ranges, India would have to use our land and ports. This is something we will never ever allow, and she knows that very well.

5. We have studied India's "Look East" policy. She cannot look east if we are blocking the way.

6. Earlier India was fond of saying she is building up her military might to confront China. And it turned out that the target had always been Pakistan. This time also everybody should disregard what the disciples of Katulya/Chanokya says. We, BD, are the target. We know it; and we, as a people, are prepared.

Is this thread about Indo-China border or Indo-Bangladesh border ?

We don't need the army for Indo-BD border, the BSF is more than sufficient.
Perhaps West bengal night watchmen can do the job for us :)

1.So far our civilians have been enough to apprehend, beat up and even lynch BSF intruders. In the Padua Battle an entire SSB battalion masquerade-ring as BSF was decimated mainly by our "momin" civilians.

2. Yes, you were able to stab us from the back in a most cowardly fashion taught by Katulya/Chanokya at Peelkhana, 2009. We remember and we shall avenge.
Desperate, Paranoid, Scared, Encircled India Recruiting 100,000 soldiers to stave off
In a move that can only be called asinine, Delhi has embarked on a $13 billion Dollar monomaniacal scheme to induct and deploy 100,000 new soldiers into the Indain Army. Delhi claims that it is “faced with growing Chinese military presence along the border” so it has to induct thousands of soldiers in its army. What is seminal that Bharat is also mentioning “other complex security challenges in the region”. This “other” is very strange and needs some analysis.

The Indian Ministry of Defense (MoD) is going to spend $13 billion in the so called “military modernization plan” that involves raising four new divisions along the India-China border. Though Bharati press reports don’t mention it, but the fact remains that the deployment in Kashmir, even if is against China will affect Pakistan. In a time when all three major powers, India, China and Pakistan are nuclear, this doesn’t make any sense–unless Bharat is planning a war. What is not too surprising is the fact that two of these new divisions would be part of a Mountain Strike Corps dedicated to offensive operations. The military modernization program also includes raising two independent brigades, one in Ladakh and the other in Uttarakhand.

At first sight the military modernization program looks lethal and threatening. But when one looks at the landscape, one finds out that Bharat will need ten times that amount, even to build a basic infrastructure along the Chinese border. China already has a massive road and rail network along the Manmohan Line.

Surya Ganghadaran recently wrote an article in IBMlive in which he says the following. “I was forcefully reminded as never before that our griping about Delhi’s crumbling roads is unfair when compared to Ladakh which has none at all. On some stretches there’s a thin layer of black asphalt but usually it’s a mix of dirt trails and mule tracks with a column of stones on either side to indicate your on the right track. The only advantage here is that since Ladakh is an extension of the Tibetan plateau, the landscape is generally flat and the frequent movement of military vehicles has in many places helped to compact and harden the dirt. So movement gets a little easier, but only a little.”

In other words–the modernization program will fall short–Ladakh the most vulnerable part of the Bharati border, which now has a Muslim majority population has no roads.

“From a military point of view, the Chinese infrastructure of airfields, roads and rail-network threatens India. Our pace is not quick enough.” New-Delhi-based Observer Research Foundation, Dr K Yhome.
Most militaries of the world are going through modernization programs–but their programs include computers, increased efficiency optimization and improved supply chain. The Bharati program is adding thousands of soldiers for offensive purposes. It would also be the largest increase in deployment along the China border seen since the immediate aftermath of the 1962 war.

China already six airbases on its side in areas of western Tibet and Xinjiang province adjoining Ladakh–Kashgar, Korla, Yarkand, Hotan, Cherchen (Qiemo) and Gardzong, have operational airfields. From the Bharati perspective. Ajay Banerjee writing for the Tribune India says “The Indian security establishment has irrefutable visual inputs on Chinese airfields. Beijing now has the capability to launch fighter aircrafts carrying deadly strike weapons or transport planes carrying tonnes of equipment or hundreds of troops to land then close to Indian forward defence lines along the LAC. These fully-functional airfields virtually form a ‘ring’ around Ladakh…Large planes like the IL76 transporter operate from there. Last winter, the Chinese conducted a major military exercise and even operated their own version of the Sukhoi-30 fighter from at least three of these bases”.

In India, only Leh and Thoise allow operations of all types of small and large planes. The Kargil airstrip is just 6,000-feet long and allows only smaller planes like AN32 or the C-130-Js to land. It will be expanded by the year 2016.
Nyoma in southeastern Ladakh is a mud-paved advanced landing ground (ALG). This sits at a junction from where three pressure points along the LAC-Demchok, Chushul and Chumar sector-are close by. Indian strategic planners have ruled out having a full operational usage of the ALG’s at Fukche and Chushul as they are deemed too close to China.
In China, the accommodation coming up is all in concrete. China terms the structures as the ‘nomad-huts’. The Indian Army suspects these are of dual use and can be converted into supply depots or even bunkers. The Chinese watch towers at Domshele and Demchok are three-storey high and are visibly well protected and insulated. The Indian side has basic amenities but those are way behind China.
Ladakh will require tanks to prevent a walkover by the Chinese army. Bharat has no capacity to bring in tanks. As Ganghadaran reminds us–

“The flat nature of the terrain makes Ladakh ideal ‘tankable country’. Don’t forget AMX light tanks were airlifted into Ladakh during 1962 and while the Indian Army brass will not comment on whether tanks are deployed here or will be deployed, BMP infantry combat vehicles are….Acres and acres of desert have been fenced in to build military stations, upgrade logistic hubs (as in Chushul) and airfields (like Nyoma). One could argue that this should have come at least a decade earlier, but better late than never”.

Under the proposal, the army will induct 90,000 more soldiers over the next five years during the 12th five-year plan period from 2012 to 2017-all of them for deployment along the China border. In the previous 11th Plan, the army’s strength was augmented by 36,000 for two new divisions. it si claimed that the proposed modernization plan includes a comprehensive overhaul and upgrade of the Indian army‘s fire-power, logistical capabilities and other aspects of the China border deployment.

The Bharati army would try to double the number of ultra-light Howitzers for mountains. It would also add to its helicopter capabilities, sources said.

According to press reports, the proposal was focused on the Sino-Indian border. Bharat is also expanding its presence in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. At present, the army has just a brigade of soldiers in the Andaman islands. This small presence is expected to be stepped up to the strength of a division. Bharat is also planning to increase air force and naval capabilities in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

It is obvious that Bharat wants to put pressure on the Malacca straights and try to cut of Chinese supplies to the South China Sea. It is also obvious that China will retaliate–and firm up its plans to build up Humbolta, Gwader and other ports to solidify its encirclement of Bharat.

This upgrade would also include the cost of implementing new concepts of military transformation–the so called Cold Start and the Pivot and Strike capabilities, which are now being tested. Bhrat has learned from it slow pace of deployment on the Pakistani border and this includes

the capability to operate in smaller units and providing logistics in an integrated manner. Lt Gen Shri Krishna Singh, the Indian Army’s second senior-most officer, on Tuesday took over as the new vice chief, heralding a generational change in the top brass. He was the commander of an infantry division on the Line of Control with Pakistan and of a Corps in a high altitude area of Jammu and Kashmir. With the new generation of Bharati soldiers taking control–some of these new guys have never seen a war. For them it will be a different army.

Imran Khan’s words are vibrant reminders to the rulers in Delhi.

“I want to tell Hindustan that the 700,000 troops you have kept among the Kashmiris – no Army has been able to solve any country’s problems at any time,” he said to cheers from his supporters.
“Did the Americans succeed in Afghanistan? Is the Indian Army more powerful than the US Army? When the Americans couldn’t succeed, how can you succeed with 700,000 troops that are involved in excesses?” he alleged.
Japan and India are set to boost military and economic ties. Bharat is also creating new structures with the US. All this will create more problems for Bharat in the immediate neighborhood.


That bold colored part draws our (BD) attention.
they should hire these defence.pk trolls keyboard warriors and give us relief from them
they should hire these defence.pk trolls keyboard warriors and give us relief from them


---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ----------

they should hire these defence.pk trolls keyboard warriors and give us relief from them

Where the helk this came from? Oops rupee news.
Guyz in this era of nuclear retaliation (even if India has NFU policy) she can threaten the N-weapon like Pakistan did to USA.... Now take this other way, China did not had confidence in her previous logistics in tibet and Laddakh... Hence geting insecured (if not insecured then y developed the bases) china developed these bases. India had to reply for this. Offcource in 1962 they were caught off guard but this time they wanted to be prepared. Now lets take like this, were chinese paranoid since the bases were build near Indian border, the rail root was build til Lhasa. The answer is very well known by the Chinese establishment.

Every country has a right to protect her soverginity and do whatever it need for the same.

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