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India to recruit 89,000 troops, US $ 15 billion for chinese border

There are four nations this World obviously need to become superpower in order to continue their future survival. :coffee:

USA: They are already a superpower.

China: A huge population needs to enjoy high quality of life, so the only solution is to become a superpower.

Russia: A nation with the largest territory in the World, without being a superpower, they will not be able to keep those lands one day.

India: Same as China.

I seriously dont know.In todays world anything can change the future of a country. Are'nt you comfortable with todays scenario.
Neither China's interest are violated, nor of India and Russia. Besides it will be interesting to know how USA reacts to a
multipolar world.
No you don't, but if we want to give all of our 1.3 billion a "developed" standard of living, that will automatically translate into enormous economic power.

It is unavoidable. And for a country like China, with a lot of land territory, long borders, and many many neighbours... significant military strength is a requirement as well.

For China I think it is possible as you are a bigger country with huge foreign reserves and your literacy levels are higher compared to India.

We still have huge issues to resolve like poverty reducation and creating enough jobs for the youngsters. This goverment has really failed the Indian people with the massive corruption scandals but at least we can vote the blood suckers out in the next election.
No you don't, but if we want to give all of our 1.3 billion a "developed" standard of living, that will automatically translate into enormous economic power.

It is unavoidable. And for a country like China, with a lot of land territory, long borders, and many many neighbours... significant military strength is a requirement as well.

Our development is not within our control, and it is inevitable for us to surpass USA one day.

Being a superpower is just a matter of title for us, we would name ourselves whatever is more suitable for us, or other people could call us whatever they like to call.
I seriously dont know.In todays world anything can change the future of a country. Are'nt you comfortable with todays scenario.
Neither China's interest are violated, nor of India and Russia. Besides it will be interesting to know how USA reacts to a
multipolar world.

According to an old Chinese idiom, two tigers can never co-exist in the same mountain peacefully.

This is the actual mentality of the US, they believe the World should only have one hyperpower. :coffee:
According to an old Chinese idiom, two tigers can never co-exist in the same mountain peacefully.

This is the actual mentality of the US, they believe the World should only have one hyperpower. :coffee:

You are painting a dangerous picture. This means that if any one come in US's way they are bound to confront them. IDK
but this would be interesting, lets see how US responds to Chinese rise. So, far east Asia is peaceful and i hope it remains so.
Guys if 3 regiments of brahmos are deployed to counter the Pakistan threat how many will we need for the eastern border? I think at least 6 or 7 alongside SPYDER to protect the assets otherwise they will be sitting ducks.
You are painting a dangerous picture. This means that if any one come in US's way they are bound to confront them. IDK
but this would be interesting, lets see how US responds to Chinese rise. So, far east Asia is peaceful and i hope it remains so.

They believe if they can't stop China's rise, then it will be their downfall.

So they will likely try everything to stop China, so that's why China is also quite worried about their dangerous mindset.

Better not to drive them crazy right now as a wounded tiger struggling for his life will be the most dangerous one.
They believe if they can't stop China's rise, then it will be their downfall.

Historically, when a large power is rising... it is nearly impossible to stop it.

Even Germany and Japan were only held back temporarily after losing World War 2. They continued afterwards to become great powers, and luckily for us it was an economic rise rather than a military one.
Historically, when a large power is rising... it is nearly impossible to stop it.

Even Germany and Japan were only held back temporarily after losing World War 2. They continued afterwards to become great powers, and luckily for us it was an economic rise rather than a military one.

A military power is based on the condition of being an economic power, but Japan and Germany were not normal countries after WWII, they were both castrated in the military area.
89,000 troops but China has capability to deploy half a million troops across LAC to counter this India should create a NE command for its air force and army tbh we can deter another Chinese attack by placing hundreds of thousands of reserve troops in our NE while maintaining a mountain strike command ready to bite up chunks of territory in Aksai Chin so that in a limited war the 2 countries can sign a treaty and return to ante bellum borders it will cost a lot but will sure as hell deter a Chinese attack
Our biggest threat is always US, then follow by Russia.

As an Indian thats so reassuring to hear.

By the time you get through the US and Russia i.e. if you intend to take them on in a war you wouldn't be much of a threat to us.

BTW where do you see Pakistan in your scheme of things?
As an Indian thats so reassuring to hear.

By the time you get through the US and Russia i.e. if you intend to take them on in a war you wouldn't be much of a threat to us.

BTW where do you see Pakistan in your scheme of things?

mate threat means that they are seen as more equal to them then india(which is considered as 4th world country by pdf members)
hence they are trying to suggest that they can beat india any time
mate threat means that they are seen as more equal to them then india(which is considered as 4th world country by pdf members)
hence they are trying to suggest that they can beat india any time

LOL The threat aspect is not as easy and simple as you make it sound. Anyways from what I gather they intend to eliminate this threat, I am just looking at India's position vis a vis that.
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