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He was a man lost his sons yet died for his country fighting against the British. And, you find communalism in here too.:woot: Tipu first used rockets in wars.

No he didn't, Chinese and Mongol had used rockets since 1300 AD.

So what if the Tipu Sultan was Muslim?

And yes, he didn't invent the first rocket. But he did develop his own and superior to anything available in the world at the time. They were the first rocket successfully deployed for military use. The Chinese had nothing to do with it.

Mysorean rockets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It had everything to do with China. Go read proper source, Tipur learnt about rocket from the Chinese!!! Chinese had been using rocket in military since 1300 AD, LOL

The History of Rocket Science | Ideas & Innovations | Smithsonian Magazine
No he didn't, Chinese and Mongol had used rockets since 1300 AD.

It had everything to do with China. Go read proper source, Tipur learnt about rocket from the Chinese!!! Chinese had been using rocket in military since 1300 AD, LOL

The History of Rocket Science | Ideas & Innovations | Smithsonian Magazine

Holy lord.

Tipu Sultan's developments were independent of Chinese developments.

You'd have to be the only person in the world who actually disputes the contribution of Indian mathematics.

Chinese revisionism (Y)

Just FYI buddy, even Euler made mistakes in his works that were fixed by later scholars. The only mistake Brahmagupta made was that he divided by zero. Other than that, his works were right on the money.
Holy lord.

Tipu Sultan's developments were independent of Chinese developments.

You'd have to be the only person in the world who actually disputes the contribution of Indian mathematics.

Chinese revisionism (Y)

Just FYI buddy, even Euler made mistakes in his works that were fixed by later scholars. The only mistake Brahmagupta made was that he divided by zero. Other than that, his works were right on the money.

Learn some honesty, will you? Tipur learnt about rocket technology from chinese mercenary/traders, though he did improvise on it with metal cap. Go read a proper neutral source. Indians lack editorial integrity, they only know how to cheat and lies. Just like how Indian edited wikipedia

As if dividing number with zero was trivial? LOL, it completely nullified the value of zero.
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Learn some honesty, will you? Tipur learnt about rocket technology from chinese traders, though he did improvise on it with metal cap. Go read a proper source. Shameless indian edited wikipedia.

As if dividing number with zero was trivial? LOL, it completely nullified the value of zero.

Not at all, his works were the basis of the place value system and so on.

Do show me a proper source. I just Googled, "Tipu Sultan" "Chinese traders", nothing of import came up.
Fact even the British historian admit rocket was invented by Chinese, if Indian invent rocket the British should had know since they were colonized the whole subcontinent.

Go on Youtube and let British historian tell who invent the rocket 1st and use it as weapon.

Reasons the British and other nations couldn't fully colonized China because China as that time still have decent army and weaponry compare to other nations, the Western were able to fully colonized majority of country or other subcontinent.
Richard Lynn was right. If only he could measure integrity and honesty, then indians would occupied the bottom cellar as well.

Egyptian, Greeks and Chinese maths were developed in the BC era. Indian has no advanced math until Greek invasion. Your trigonometry ......were all based on Greek's. You were the biggest plagiarizer of ancient times, much like how your bollywood, the largest film industry is the biggest copycat of Hollywood :omghaha:

Your significant math came only in Gupta era during 700 AD. You were late by 1000 years compared to Greek and Chinese.

Zero the most useful contribution?
Your brahmagupta completely messed the notion of zero, he was diving numbers with ZERO. :omghaha: He even assigned a positive and negative to ZERO :rofl:
It took Newton to correct it, almost 1000 years later.

The History Of ZeroThe History Of Zero

Now go take your PISA, then come to China to learn what is called honesty.

In summary,
The world had progressed for 4000 years before this country called India was created in 1947. India is completely inconsequential in the world of civilization, the only exception is in the intangible stuff: Religion and mythology story-telling are your only major contributions. Even then, you're losing it, your movies industry had to shamelessly copy Hollywood? You can't even write your own script.

Let's not even go into indian using chinese made electronics and called Made in India.:rofl:
:rofl: Kudos boy, that was some fine cr@p you came up with. where did you copy it from?
i love it when chinese start making up lies to cover their insecurities. :lol:
If you dont believe what i say maybe you will listen to this guy

We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.
-Albert einstein

do you know what he said about china?

We have to save chinese before the japanese slaughter them
-Albert einstein

That should tell you the difference between india and china. without india and her mathematics, the world today would have been living 10 centuries backward
But dont get so glum. without china there would be noodles so cheer up :tup:

oh yeah and next time dont cheat
World Student Rankings: China Is Cheating the PISA System | TIME.com
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:rofl: Kudos boy, that was some fine cr@p you came up with. where did you copy it from?
i love it when chinese start making up lies to cover their insecurities. :lol:
If you dont believe what i say maybe you will listen to this guy

-Albert einstein

do you know what he said about china?

-Albert einstein

That should tell you the difference between india and china. without india and her mathematics, the world today would have been living 10 centuries backward
But dont get so glum. without china there would be noodles so cheer up :tup:

Crap? That article was by Yale university. The unadulterated history of Math is common knowledge to anyone, except some indians from india. :rofl:

Shameless indians love to lie and cheat. When will these people ever learn some honesty???
All the quotes are faked or doctored, from Einstein, Durant, Lord Macaulay to the article that says 36% NASA scientists are indians.

Poems and vignettes of a wanderer: Beware it is Fake (Lord Macaulay's address to British Parliament 2nd Feb 1835)

CRITICAL SAGACITY: The Bhagavad-gita quote by Einstein - real or fabricated?

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - Times Of India
This fake data came from your Human development minister :omghaha:
That just goes to show the integrity of the country and culture.

The world had progressed 4000 years before India was created in 1947. Your major contributions was mythology story-telling, getting conquered and copying from the conquerors, making lies, cheat and scam. It's still the same now.
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Crap? That article was by Yale university. The unadulterated history of Math is common knowledge to any educated person, except indians from indians.
Shameless indians who love to lie and cheat. When will you people ever learn to be honest???

All the quotes are faked or doctored, from Einstein, Durant, Lord Macaulay to the article that says 36% NASA scientists are indians.

Poems and vignettes of a wanderer: Beware it is Fake (Lord Macaulay's address to British Parliament 2nd Feb 1835)

CRITICAL SAGACITY: The Bhagavad-gita quote by Einstein - real or fabricated?

India rising in US: Govt falls victim to net hoax - Times Of India
This fake data came from your Human development minister :omghaha:
That just goes to show the integrity of the country and culture. No wonder, why scam and corruption plagued your country. Bollywood has to copy, indian have to fabricated fake quotes and history.

:rofl: so an article written by a chinaman in yale trumps albert einstein and all historical documents and evidences.
Gentlemen- this is real chinese IQ at its best :lol:

regarding "36% NASA scientists are indians." its a myth that caught on quickly because lots of "low IQ" Indians in the US are doctors, scientists engineers while the "high IQ" chinese have High IQ high pay jobs like cooks,janitors nannies etc

So the albert einstein quotes are fake huh? :rofl: i love you chinese. so delusional

and please, as a chinaman dont mention the word "copy". many indians are already angry with the low quality copies china made of indian products
:rofl: so an article written by a chinaman in yale trumps albert einstein and all historical documents and evidences.
Gentlemen- this is real chinese IQ at its best :lol:

regarding "36% NASA scientists are indians." its a myth that caught on quickly because lots of "low IQ" Indians in the US are doctors, scientists engineers while the "high IQ" chinese have High IQ high pay jobs like cooks,janitors nannies etc

So the albert einstein quotes are fake huh? :rofl: i love you chinese. so delusional

and please, as a chinaman dont mention the word "copy". many indians are already angry with the low quality copies china made of indian products

Does Nils-Bertil Wallin sound Chinese to you? I told you PISA test score doesn't lie, Richard Lynn IQ report was right :omghaha:

If you want to make a fool of yourself, I can't stop it. But at least read the article. 36% NASA scientists are completely make-up by your Human Resource Development, Daggubati Purandhareswari. :cheesy:

I had given your sources, all you could do is rant, LOL. How indian is that? Talk is so cheap. Even then, pls don't talk about copy, your entire Bollywood is a copycat of Hollywood. It's the entire industry, not just the product. :rofl::rofl:
Does Nils-Bertil Wallin sound Chinese to you? I told you PISA test score doesn't lie, Richard Lynn IQ report was right
show me the report then.
and please dont talk about PISA. you guys cheated just like you cheated for your IQ stats
World Student Rankings: China Is Cheating the PISA System | TIME.com

you gave me sources? :rofl: some blogs that never proved anything you said are sources
chinese IQ steeerrriiiiiiiiikkke :lol:

Bollywood is a copy of hollywood? :rofl: take another PISS test man. have you seen the two?
and please, as a chinaman dont mention the word "copy". many indians are already angry with the low quality copies china made of excellent indian products
show me the report then.
and please dont talk about PISA. you guys cheated just like you cheated for your IQ stats
World Student Rankings: China Is Cheating the PISA System | TIME.com

you gave me sources? :rofl: some blogs that never proved anything you said are sources
chinese IQ steeerrriiiiiiiiikkke :lol:

Bollywood is a copy of hollywood? :rofl: take another PISS test man. have you seen the two?
and please, as a chinaman dont mention the word "copy". many indians are already angry with the low quality copies china made of excellent indian products

:omghaha: Debunking fake quotes doesn't require a degree, much less academic source. All it takes is some good intellect. And a few honest indians.

Americans and Indians are butthurting jealous that Chinese top PISA. But dumb people are just dumb. There's no such thing as "national data" for PISA. Every country select their strong states. US chose Massachusett, why didn't they select Alaska? Did US cheat?
The top 2 states with 100% GER enrollment, Tamil Nadu and Himachal represented India, why not Bihar? Did India cheat? Of course, not. Both states came in 2nd last. Indian intellectual power:rofl::rofl:

Your Bollywood is infamously the shame of India outside of India. Of course, you poor indian wouldn't know
Is Bollywood A Hollywood Clone? - CBS News

Now you see how you ended up making a complete fool of yourself. Indians are liars, cheaters and scammers. My few posts have totally exposed your lies and fabrications. All it takes is some good intellect. Richard Lynn was right :laughcry:
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:omghaha: Debunking fake quotes doesn't require a degree, much less academic source. All it takes is some good intellect. And a few honest indians.

Americans and Indians are butthurting jealous that Chinese top PISA. But dumb people are just dumb. There's no such thing as "national data" for PISA. Every country select their strong states. US chose Massachusett, why didn't they select Alaska? Did US cheat?
The top 2 states with 100% GER enrollment, Tamil Nadu and Himachal represented India, why not Bihar? Did India cheat? Of course, not. Both states came in 2nd last. Indian intellectual power:rofl::rofl:

Your Bollywood is infamously the shame of India outside of India. Of course, you poor indian wouldn't know
Is Bollywood A Hollywood Clone? - CBS News

Now you see how you ended up making a complete fool of yourself. Indians are liars, cheaters and scammers. My few posts have totally exposed your lies and fabrications. All it takes is some good intellect. Richard Lynn was right :laughcry:

:rofl: thats another sweet buttload of cr@p.
most chinamen have no clue about the populations that exist in india, after all you chinese are of a single race and a single ethinicity and assume "indians" also come under the same category.
you do realize that indians take part in exams which make PISA look like a joke right? Take JEE for eg. i doubt a single chinese can clear that paper. when i was 15 i solved problems that most of your adult countrymen wouldnt have a clue about. Is it any surprise that einstein said that all the technological advancements in the world today are because of india?
anyways, this conversation has dulled my brain and i can actually feel my IQ reduce to 120. so i will screw around with you some other time ok? :lol: tc

^^ before these chinese retards derailed this thread, i wanted to know how india was going to do that considering that all the important servers,the TCP IP protocols, DNS etc are in the US. Iam not an IT guy but i seem tothink this is impossible
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:rofl: thats another sweet buttload of cr@p.
most chinamen have no clue about the populations that exist in india, after all you chinese are of a single race and a single ethinicity.
you do realize that indians take part in exams which make PISA look like a joke right? Take JEE for eg. i doubt a single chinese can clear that paper. when i was 15 i solved problems that most of your adult countrymen wouldnt have a clue about. Is it any surprise that einstein said that all the technological advancements in the world today are because of india?
anyways, this conversation has dulled my brain and i can actually feel my IQ reduce to 120. so i will screw around with you some other time ok? :lol: tc

After coming in 2nd last in 2009, despite sending the top two states with highest GER enrollment, what did India do? India pulled out of PISA :omghaha:
India chickens out of international students assessment programme again - Times Of India

Is the culture of lies and cheat is so deeply ingrained, that you only know how to spew fake quotes over and over again? I mean, you didn't even know indian zero is not the zero we know today, bollywood is a shame outside India. Are you intellectually sound? After a few conversation with you, it proves once and again Richard Lynn research was right. :rofl:
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