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India to outpace China in 2011: WB

I'd rather ignore this GDP race. I have no idea what GDP measures really. People in many countries with higher per capita GDPs than China actually live much poorer lives.

As for democracy, I have had enough of that word. I don't want democracy, period. I don't want to vote. I don't want to say that I actually know enough to choose a national leader. I am not. Elections are farces, all of them.

Sour grapes. As if you have an option now?
I'd rather ignore this GDP race. I have no idea what GDP measures really. People in many countries with higher per capita GDPs than China actually live much poorer lives.

As for democracy, I have had enough of that word. I don't want democracy, period. I don't want to vote. I don't want to say that I actually know enough to choose a national leader. I am not. Elections are farces, all of them.

If we are still talking about business, businesses do not give a dime if there is a democracy or a dictatorship. The requirements for business are a low risk environment (steady policy, respect for contracts etc.) and large, scalable markets which can turn a profit and let the investors keep the profit without question. Other things like low tax regime and easy credit help but a steady policy is a MUSt, which China has and India is getting up there. All other comparisons are plan BS from a business point of view.
Forget Economic development; People have no freedom to freely express their opinion or select their leader who is going to lead. This is so fundamental to the society. Living under dictatorship (ya you will say no, but communists are close to dictatorship ) is HELL. You live in UK and see similarities between the democracy and China's lack of freedom?.That is a pity.

I am sorry I guess I enjoy my hell and lack of freedom right now. Actually, so do many westerners who happily live in China. Jeeze what's wrong with us? I wonder :D
All government systems have their pos and negatives. We should not put down a political system simply because the nations that adopts them failed to deliver their full potential currently.

What I'm wondering is, since we all want politicians with farsight to get elected/selected, by entrusting that selection process to the masses are we assuming that the majority of them can see as far as the leaders do? Democracy I feel is best for highly educated populations and China I feel right now needs to do more work on it's education system, standards of living, and raising standards in developing areas in general before we try big leaps with democracy.
I am sorry I guess I enjoy my hell and lack of freedom right now. Actually, so do many westerners who happily live in China. Jeeze what's wrong with us? I wonder :D

You did't know that Chinese govt forces you to use condom after the first child ? I guess you are ok with that?
All government systems have their pos and negatives. We should not put down a political system simply because the nations that adopts them failed to deliver their full potential currently.

What I'm wondering is, since we all want politicians with farsight to get elected/selected, by entrusting that selection process to the masses are we assuming that the majority of them can see as far as the leaders do? Democracy I feel is best for highly educated populations and China I feel right now needs to do more work on it's education system, standards of living, and raising standards in developing areas in general before we try big leaps with democracy.

And you are OK with the fact that some one else will makes those decisions about standard of your living, how many child you can you have, and what you can talk in public, what internet site you can visit, etc.. for you? Go head and live like a slave. Not all your fellow countrymen support your view.
And you are OK with the fact that some one else will makes those decisions about standard of your living, how many child you can you have, and what you can talk in public, what internet site you can visit, etc.. for you? Go head and live like a slave. Not all your fellow countrymen support your view.

lol What I said is that china is not yet ready and it is my own view but it seems you are too defensive about other people not having 'exactly' the same outlook as you which sort of contradicts what you preached.

p.s. Insults don't work on me.
You did't know that Chinese govt forces you to use condom after the first child ? I guess you are ok with that?

Lol :rofl::rofl::rofl: I don't. I better tell that to my cousin coz he goes bareback all the time! He will get arrested. OMG :eek::eek: Panic mode..

Seriously, don't mean to offend but you are such a tool.

I did not write to offend you either. Live in a country that does not control your freedom (to use your tool as the way you want to....in your words) and you will realize what it means.
lol What I said is that china is not yet ready and it is my own view but it seems you are too defensive about other people not having 'exactly' the same outlook as you which sort of contradicts what you preached.

p.s. Insults don't work on me.

And you live in zeeland and this is your 'outlook' on Personal Freedom?
And you are OK with the fact that some one else will makes those decisions about standard of your living, how many child you can you have, and what you can talk in public, what internet site you can visit, etc.. for you? Go head and live like a slave. Not all your fellow countrymen support your view.

Do we need a south asian to lecture us of how we live? by flying an American flag do not make you one, kindly get the f... out of my face for good, poke your s..... nose to somewhere else you are familiar with like south asia, get real man, American..yeah right, who the hell is going to buy a common American will be interesting to log on a Pakistan defence forum and shooting trash eh?
And don't pretend you know anything about China and Chinese, cos you simply don't.

I did not write to offend you either. Live in a country that does not control your freedom (to use your tool as the way you want to....in your words) and you will realize what it means.

I am not offended amgio, I am just quite entertained by your claim. It is so naive and dorky that it is actually very funny.

I am not sure if you know what it means when someone calls you a tool. It is a very American slang that refers to people who are simple minded. It also refers to guys who get bossed around by girls.
And don't pretend you know anything about China and Chinese, cos you simply don't.

Know anything about China?

It hurts; isn't it?. The fact is you can't even write this type of comment in a forum in China. You will be arrested. That is a kind of freedom you have in China. No Google, no Face book and no creativity. What ever you make is a copy. Wait for Ipod for launch and copy. Right from hand bags to watch to Aircrafts. Most workers start when they are 13. You need to get your government permission to Fu*K after the first child. That is the freedom you have in China. Sorry men. The only way to vent your anger is in a forum not located in China.
Do we need a south asian to lecture us of how we live? by flying an American flag do not make you one, kindly get the f... out of my face for good, poke your s..... nose to somewhere else you are familiar with like south asia, get real man, American..yeah right, who the hell is going to buy a common American will be interesting to log on a Pakistan defence forum and shooting trash eh?
And don't pretend you know anything about China and Chinese, cos you simply don't.

Of course he is not a real American. Judging from his command of English grammar (or the lack of) is good enough to tell. But his claim that the government forces people to use condom after the first child is just too funny! :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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