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India to launch Mars mission this year:President

Nothing new here :hitwall:. Satellite will take few more rounds and will be stationed in orbit of mars.so technically speaking,more powerful boosters will be added with reduced pay load.
The second part of your reply made me realised it's useless to have a intellectual discussion with a person who's brain is as small as his D!ck..Grow up and get rid of your inferiority complex..Till then i'll stick to the more rational Indian posters here

What an idiot :rolleyes:, comparing a brain to a dick no wonder you started of with a dumb@ss troll post - and the second part is true is why it bothers you when someone shows you a mirror and shows you how pathetic your own existence is before you point fingers on others.
Yaar, we have still miles to go before we can catch THE MIGHTY BD.

We want immediate tech. & R&D help from our Eastern Neighbor not to mention billions in soft loans to support our developmental projects.

I hope BD can help us with that.


we will not help you, see without our help you are doing good, you will not need to depend others, we are making you independent

carry on :coffee:

Yaar, we have still miles to go before we can catch THE MIGHTY BD.

We want immediate tech. & R&D help from our Eastern Neighbor not to mention billions in soft loans to support our developmental projects.

I hope BD can help us with that.


we will not help you, see without our help you are doing good, you will not need to depend others, we are making you independent

carry on :coffee:
I'm eager to see the views of an aerospace engineer having years of experience in McDonald. :blink: @arp2041
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we will not help you, see without our help you are doing good, you will not need to depend others, we are making you independent

carry on :coffee:

Buddy, we are no one in front of MIGHTY UNITED STATES OF BANGLADESH!!!

We are still talking about just an orbiter mission to Mars, whereas USB has already succeeded in discovering the 10th planet of the Solar System:


Which is called PLANET HASEENA.

USB has also succeeded in landing there & we poor Indians are still in talks about a mars mission.

You know I was at the cop station today and I suggested to the Inspector why not use DNA testing to solve crimes and send something left behind by thieves to the forensic lab. His reply, "Apna Govt. aisa kuch Bambai mein nahin rakha - varna kitna bada bada case solve ho jaata" - This is precisely why I take these Missions to Mars and the Moon with a pinch of salt. I am as patriotic as anyone else but surely, if this is the state of affairs in our country then perhaps we need to allocate our resources in a more effective manner?
Buddy, we are no one in front of MIGHTY UNITED STATES OF BANGLADESH!!!

We are still talking about just an orbiter mission to Mars, whereas USB has already succeeded in discovering the 10th planet of the Solar System:


Which is called PLANET HASEENA.

USB has also succeeded in landing there & we poor Indians are still in talks about a mars mission.


you guys seriously lack in info, we have discovered 2 more solar systems already , one is named as Haseena solar system another one is about to named.
@Gibbs Because we are sick of posters always asking about our space mission along with talking about poverty, hunger and blah blah blah.

Problem is that they read less, talk much. You are not alone, Pakistanis, Chinese and even BDs also ask these same questions over and over again. There is a thread on Indian space capabilities.

Read it. We have explained why these projects are important.

Oh come on, you know most of those people aren't really interested in this debate, they are just trying to mock, make fun of and shame Indians. Unfortunately for them, we Indians are shameless :D. We keep following our ambitions and ignore the naysayers
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You know I was at the cop station today and I suggested to the Inspector why not use DNA testing to solve crimes and send something left behind by thieves to the forensic lab. His reply, "Apna Govt. aisa kuch Bambai mein nahin rakha - varna kitna bada bada case solve ho jaata" - This is precisely why I take these Missions to Mars and the Moon with a pinch of salt. I am as patriotic as anyone else but surely, if this is the state of affairs in our country then perhaps we need to allocate our resources in a more effective manner?

Be careful what you post mate..You'de likely get abused,called names and assumed you're another poster..Mobbed by a dozen or so probably teenage keyboard warriors who think they're war lords..Lucky enough for you being Indian it's unlikely your country will be abused..
You know I was at the cop station today and I suggested to the Inspector why not use DNA testing to solve crimes and send something left behind by thieves to the forensic lab. His reply, "Apna Govt. aisa kuch Bambai mein nahin rakha - varna kitna bada bada case solve ho jaata" - This is precisely why I take these Missions to Mars and the Moon with a pinch of salt. I am as patriotic as anyone else but surely, if this is the state of affairs in our country then perhaps we need to allocate our resources in a more effective manner?

Ok, now i couldn't resist & want to put & end to all this.

In every country, the development occurs of every sector in PARALLEL.

We can't make one sector on the mercy of the another just because one sector is making us proud & other giving us nightmares???

What sort of PRECEDENCE will this serve??

US spends nearly half of the entire defence budget of the world combined, does that mean they have no social problems??

ISRO's budget is JUST 0.06% of our entire GDP, as per Mars mission is concerned, it will only be financed from ISRO's budget & will be just costing around Rs. 500 crore.

We are only questioning ISRO's plans b'coz other sectors are getting F-up when it comes to utilizing there own Budget allocations. Believe me, no sector is in short of FUNDS, they are only short of MANAGEMENT of it. Is it ISRO's mistake that it is implementing it's plans successfully while other sectors are not able to do so??

As far as the question of deep space missions are concerned, hope everyone remembers Chandrayaan - I mission, there were similar noises before the launch, but after the launch was a huge success, everyone started Praising ISRO.

This mission acted as a BOOSTER for entire scientific community, so much so that many NRIs working in NASA started coming back to there motherland & applying for ISRO instead.

So now obviously the next step is a Mars mission.

The people questioning the worth of a Mars or a Lunar mission are clearly short sighted, as certainly we will not have an immediate impact but in 20-25 years when entire humanity will be thinking on lines of colonizing/utilizing the resources of Moon or Mars (since they are the nearest space objects to Earth), the nation having lead will clearly be at an ADVANTAGE.

In the 1960s we were launching sounding rockets which were transported on a bicycle & people were even than questioning it's worth but now we are in the process of launching GSLV MK-3 & infact launching foreign satellites at present.

Space research is a long term investments, no short sighted person can see it's worth.

But for every penny we have sowed in space research we have reaped many from it. Not in Hard Cash always but changes made on ground like revolution in weather research, agriculture, remote sensing, telecommunications, etc.

Now if my post have been of any worth, can we cut this CRAP???
@arp2041 Awesome man. Hat's off to you for such a wonderful reply. Thanks.
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Oh comeon - what is the possibility of both shutting off their feed simulteanously to India? Even the Europeans are launching their own GPS service. The Chinese too are wasting resources in developing one.

Can anyone guarantee that it will not be shut off? and, you will be the same people who will cry on why India did not do it on its own when something like that happens.

Even the Europeans are launching their own GPS service. The Chinese too are wasting resources in developing one. In what conspiratorial universe will all shut off access to India?

Everyone cannot be collectively wrong can they? before questioning India why don't you question the Europeans who going by their economy should be concentrating on it rather than a GPS service or the Chinese who could use the money to bring out the Millions of their poor out of poverty?

The rest of your post is a typical middle aged Aunty's rant.
Ok, now i couldn't resist & want to put & end to all this.

In every country, the development occurs of every sector in PARALLEL.

We can't make one sector on the mercy of the another just because one sector is making us proud & other giving us nightmares???

What sort of PRECEDENCE will this serve??

US spends nearly half of the entire defence budget of the world combined, does that mean they have no social problems??

ISRO's budget is JUST 0.06% of our entire GDP, as per Mars mission is concerned, it will only be financed from ISRO's budget & will be just costing around Rs. 500 crore.

We are only questioning ISRO's plans b'coz other sectors are getting F-up when it comes to utilizing there own Budget allocations. Believe me, no sector is in short of FUNDS, they are only short of MANAGEMENT of it. Is it ISRO's mistake that it is implementing it's plans successfully while other sectors are not able to do so??

As far as the question of deep space missions are concerned, hope everyone remembers Chandrayaan - I mission, there were similar noises before the launch, but after the launch was a huge success, everyone started Praising ISRO.

This mission acted as a BOOSTER for entire scientific community, so much so that many NRIs working in NASA started coming back to there motherland & applying for ISRO instead.

So now obviously the next step is a Mars mission.

The people questioning the worth of a Mars or a Lunar mission are clearly short sighted, as certainly we will not have an immediate impact but in 20-25 years when entire humanity will be thinking on lines of colonizing/utilizing the resources of Moon or Mars (since they are the nearest space objects to Earth), the nation having lead will clearly be at an ADVANTAGE.

In the 1960s we were launching sounding rockets which were transported on a bicycle & people were even than questioning it's worth but now we are in the process of launching GSLV MK-3 & infact launching foreign satellites at present.

Space research is a long term investments, no short sighted person can see it's worth.

But for every penny we have sowed in space research we have reaped many from it. Not in Hard Cash always but changes made on ground like revolution in weather research, agriculture, remote sensing, telecommunications, etc.

Now if my post have been of any worth, can we cut this CRAP???

Thanks..Very informative..So why counld'nt you do this in the first place without assuming the worst from others who have genuine divergent views??.. That should be the beauty of a open forum is'nt it..you making your point of view without resorting to belittle other countries and posters..If this forum only had one jingoistic Indian view point..How interesting would that be??
Ok, now i couldn't resist & want to put & end to all this.

In every country, the development occurs of every sector in PARALLEL.

We can't make one sector on the mercy of the another just because one sector is making us proud & other giving us nightmares???

What sort of PRECEDENCE will this serve??

US spends nearly half of the entire defence budget of the world combined, does that mean they have no social problems??

ISRO's budget is JUST 0.06% of our entire GDP, as per Mars mission is concerned, it will only be financed from ISRO's budget & will be just costing around Rs. 500 crore.

We are only questioning ISRO's plans b'coz other sectors are getting F-up when it comes to utilizing there own Budget allocations. Believe me, no sector is in short of FUNDS, they are only short of MANAGEMENT of it. Is it ISRO's mistake that it is implementing it's plans successfully while other sectors are not able to do so??

As far as the question of deep space missions are concerned, hope everyone remembers Chandrayaan - I mission, there were similar noises before the launch, but after the launch was a huge success, everyone started Praising ISRO.

This mission acted as a BOOSTER for entire scientific community, so much so that many NRIs working in NASA started coming back to there motherland & applying for ISRO instead.

So now obviously the next step is a Mars mission.

The people questioning the worth of a Mars or a Lunar mission are clearly short sighted, as certainly we will not have an immediate impact but in 20-25 years when entire humanity will be thinking on lines of colonizing/utilizing the resources of Moon or Mars (since they are the nearest space objects to Earth), the nation having lead will clearly be at an ADVANTAGE.

In the 1960s we were launching sounding rockets which were transported on a bicycle & people were even than questioning it's worth but now we are in the process of launching GSLV MK-3 & infact launching foreign satellites at present.

Space research is a long term investments, no short sighted person can see it's worth.

But for every penny we have sowed in space research we have reaped many from it. Not in Hard Cash always but changes made on ground like revolution in weather research, agriculture, remote sensing, telecommunications, etc.

Now if my post have been of any worth, can we cut this CRAP???

Do you have the source for these "many NRIs working in NASA started coming back to there motherland & applying for ISRO instead" - how many is "many" - I'd love to know their names and their designations in NASA.

Once again, I reiterate - my point is not to question ISRO's technical prowess - kudos to them for their achievements.

Next - this gem - "The people questioning the worth of a Mars or a Lunar mission are clearly short sighted, as certainly we will not have an immediate impact but in 20-25 years when entire humanity will be thinking on lines of colonizing/utilizing the resources of Moon or Mars" - humanity has been thinking about it since the end of WW2. Except of course, there is the small matter of no oxygen on Mars. If there is a genuine rationale for colonizing Mars - then the technology that we need to invest in is not sending Missions to Mars but developing modules where humans can survive in a Mars simulated environment - right here on Earth.

And do let me know the names of the "many" NASA guys who switched to ISRO.

So - besides jingoistic chest thumping, a Mission to Mars achieves little.

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