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India to launch GSLV Mark III by mid next year


Apr 19, 2011
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Snags spotted, GSLV Mark III by mid-2012 - Times Of India

Jaideep Deogharia, TNN Jul 28, 2011

Taking lessons from the failure of GSLV F06, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is set to successfully launch the GSLV Mark-III sometime in mid-2012. Former director of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSCC) B N Suresh, who recently visited Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, for giving a presentation on "Space transportation system: present scenario and future", said the technical snags that led to the failure of previous mission of GSLV had been identified and they were being improved upon.

Talking to TOI, Suresh said India had improved leaps and bounds in space research and was one among the two countries of the world to have successfully launched more than 10 satellites in a bunch. "Russia is the only other country to have this capability, yet the failure of GSLV in December was a big shock for the scientists and the entire team involved in the process," he said.

Explaining the reasons for failure, he said the primary cause of the failure was "the untimely and inadvertent" snapping of a group of connectors located at the base of the Russian Cryogenic stage. "The premature snapping of these connectors stopped the flow of control commands to the core first stage control electronics, leading to the loss of control and break-up of the vehicle," he said quoting the report of failure analysis team. "Since the main control computer is located just below the pay-load, once the connections were snapped, the vehicle assembly started behaving like body without a brain, receiving no commands at all," he said.

When asked about the cause for this sudden snapping of the connections, Suresh said that jerk and vibrations caused during the first phase could have been the reason. Once again Ranchi came into picture as a special equipment was procured from HEC in July last year. The equipment named shaker' can generate vibratory force up to 25 tonnes. This has been incorporated at the VSSC to expose the launch vehicle to maximum vibrations and test the efficiency of connectors generating an artificial environment of thrust and vibration.

chairman and managing director G K Pillai considers it as a major assignment bagged by the HEC for the ISRO project. "We have already provided the complete base system called support tilting system and a six-axis double column vertical turning and boring machine for manufacturing nozzle of cryogenic launch vehicle liners and sub-assemblies for the GSLV Mark-III project," said Sanjay Singh, assistant officer (public relation), HEC.Suresh said yet another bottleneck that the GSLV F06 suffered with was the lack of testing carried out in conditions that matches space.

"We had conducted a series of tests on the ground because creating a space-like environment means creation of complete vacuum which is a very costly affair involving an investment of around Rs 120 crore," he said. "If things move in the right direction, we are hopeful of launching a successful mission by mid-2012," Suresh said.
We All are waiting to see it successful.......
Go ISRO !!!! Conquer the Sky !!!
GSLV mk III to launch 4.5 to 5 ton satellites






That's great!! I am kind of confused though; what was it that we recently launched successfully then if not for GSLV Mark III?
Wasn't that PSLV C16 which was launched in April ?
ohh! best of luck isro...
earlier indian own space shuttle news and now GSLV mk 3 by next year ye dono news maan ko khush kar diya yaar...:tup:
good going partner

read about this project couple of years ago, seems it has been delayed

its indeed one of the largest solid motors i have seen

Isro just needs to focus on improving efficiency of liquid core 2nd stage and increase the burn time of both the 2nd stage and cryogenic stage

i am sure they will able to up its capacity from current 5 ton (gto orbit) to atleast 10-12 ton ( gto orbit)

Greetings for the future!!!
PSLV C18 launch in September and C19 launch in December. :welcome:

so 2011 is PSLV season for ISRO..and hope we celebrating it at indian defence section in PDF through out the year of 2011...
and i hope that after couple of year we will celebrate GSLV season at indian defence section in PDF quite regularly...:tup::cheers:
this GSLVMK3 will launch the human spaceflight vehicle in the future.... i think ISRO needs to launch more spy satellites for ELINT COMINT SIGINT earth observation etc dont you guys agree?

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