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India to decide response after Pakistan attack

Never mind him, I have been noticing his posts. Its like a 12 year old gone wild on forums. His syndrome is typically known as Fanboyism.

yes i know him very well he is actually a 20 years old scout of (i think) 1st american tank force division.

He is actually an american immigrant whose family settled in america when he was young n now he is a american soldier.
yes i know him very well he is actually a 20 years old scout of (i think) 1st american tank force division.

He is actually an american immigrant whose family settled in america when he was young n now he is a american soldier.

Its sad, a 20 year old constantly warmongering military man with no clue how a war in the region is going to play out.
Indian response was indeed very frightening.

In 2001 and 2008 the Pakistani Government recieved 280 PAGES of dossiers!

Very frightening indeed!
And whats more interesting is that Indians have completely omitted the incident on Sunday in which one Pakistani soldier embracced shadat and trying to make pump n show over an incident whose whole existence is still in doubt. If they are so self righteous then why dont they accept a third party neutral inquiry into the matter as suggested by Pakistan? may be becuase Dhoti na uttar jai sab ky samnay :)
And whats more interesting is that Indians have completely omitted the incident on Sunday in which one Pakistani soldier embracced shadat and trying to make pump n show over an incident whose whole existence is still in doubt. If they are so self righteous then why dont they accept a third party neutral inquiry into the matter as suggested by Pakistan? may be becuase Dhoti na uttar jai sab ky samnay :)

UN intervention in terms of a investigation is pakistani bid to internationalize a bilateral issue. During Salala incident did pakistan demand for any UN investigation?? Anyways pakistani military has had extensive track record in the past of sabotaging any peace initiative, (rem- kargil).

Back on the topic, there is no need for pakistani military to change it's discourse, political impotence of indian establishment is pretty evident after mumbai. Rest assured spineless govt of India wont take any political/mil action against anyone. Our country has lost the sense of value for Indian lives.
And whats more interesting is that Indians have completely omitted the incident on Sunday in which one Pakistani soldier embracced shadat and trying to make pump n show over an incident whose whole existence is still in doubt. If they are so self righteous then why dont they accept a third party neutral inquiry into the matter as suggested by Pakistan? may be becuase Dhoti na uttar jai sab ky samnay :)

I agree bro. They act like victims when they are slapped back in the face.

We must show India we are not scared of bullying. We are not Nepal, Bhutan, or Bangladesh.

We must liberate Kashmir, by force if the Indians want it coming.
UN intervention in terms of a investigation is pakistani bid to internationalize a bilateral issue. During Salala incident did pakistan demand for any UN investigation?? Anyways pakistani military has had extensive track record in the past of sabotaging any peace initiative, (rem- kargil).
If it is a bilatral Issue then why are you guys crying over something whose whole existence remains doubtful? why not UN if you guys are so credible over the issue?
If it is a bilatral Issue then why are you guys crying over something whose whole existence remains doubtful? why not UN if you guys are so credible over the issue?

I wonder if you value any agreements made by by your predecessor governments?

The Shimla agreement bound the two countries "to settle their differences by peaceful means through bilateral negotiations"

Now if you do propose for striking down the shimla agreement and bilateral nature of framework, then it's a slippery slope, isn't it?

Edit: Also do remember, the hue and cry is not over cross border exchange of fire... India has never made any such acquisations in the past when we have taken casulties, but this time, it was a deliberate barbaric act. What is causing anger is the utter lack of responsibility where without a single investigation pakistan has denied any such happening, reminiscent of it's initial reaction during kargil/parliament/26/11 all of them traced back to pakistan. Even now if you think if Indian reaction is unjust, then there is no room for discourse.
I agree bro. They act like victims when they are slapped back in the face.

We must show India we are not scared of bullying. We are not Nepal, Bhutan, or Bangladesh.

We must liberate Kashmir, by force if the Indians want it coming.

More straight shooting people like you are needed in pakistani establishment to wake our government up.
Pakistan's dirty diplomacy: Islamabad uses UN seat to corner India over Kashmir, as leaders insist Army 'never' mutilates corpses | Mail Online

Pakistan's offer to India to let the UN probe the brutal killing of the two Indian soldiers in Mendhar is a well thought out diplomatic ploy.

Pakistan assumed rotational presidency of the UN Security Council on January 1 and this month is crucial. It was planning special sessions on peacekeeping and counter-terrorism, and its offer for a UN probe was aimed at leveraging its position as the UN Security council chair, where this incident near the Line of Control could have been used to reinforce the centrality of the Kashmir issue.

Conventionally it is the Chair of the UN Security Council that decides the agenda of the council and, since rules of procedure of the UNSC are loosely governed, Islamabad could press for a discussion on the issue.

Sources said they were expecting a move by Islamabad to use its month-long UNSC presidency in January to embarrass India, and this incident could have been a good trigger.

With elections due in Pakistan, it also suits the Pakistani government to play up the Kashmir issue. Diplomatic sources told Mail Today that for many years India has resisted Pakistan's attempts to use the UN to raise Kashmir, and by letting the UN probe the case it would give sanctity to a UN role in the whole process.

In any case the UN resolutions are only recommendations and require the cooperation of both sides. They do not fall under Chapter 7, which would make any course of action suggested by the UN Security Council obligatory.

Pakistan said it was prepared to hold investigations through the UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan (UNMOGIP) which has a presence on both sides of line of control. Diplomatic sources said there is no UN role, and even the UN military observer group on India and Pakistan has only a symbolic presence in India. New Delhi does not consider their reports or assessments.

Academic exercise

"Their role ended after the 1972 Simla accord, they were only tasked to monitor ceasefire of 1948. We don't take cognisance of anything they do, they may file a report but that will be academic in nature," a government source told Mail Today.

Pakistan prime minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf will be in New York to chair the January 21 open debate on 'UN Peacekeeping: a multidimensional approach' and Pakistan's foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar will chair a ministerial level session on January 15 on counter-terrorism.

Pakistan began its two-year term as non-permanent member of the 15-nation Security Council last year and will be the president of the UN body for the month of January for the first time during its present term.

Sources said that under the agenda of continuing threats and challenges posed by international terrorism, and the best ways of formulating and implementing coherent and comprehensive responses, the country plans to portray itself as the victim of terrorism which it is trying to combat.

The UN Security Council has five veto-holding permanent members - the United States, Britain, France, Russia and China - and 10 nations that are elected as non-permanent members without veto.

India has rejected outright Pakistan's proposal for a UN investigation into Tuesday's incident on the LoC, in which two Indian soldiers were killed and the body of one badly mutilated.
No to UN inquiry

The issue figured at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) which was briefed by defence minister A.K. Antony on the incident in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch sector on January 8 and the subsequent developments.

Based on a Foreign Office assessment of Pakistan's ploy, the government rejected it publicly as well. But New Delhi is also bracing to halt any such resolution or discussion by reaching out to friendly countries.

"We are certainly not going to agree to internationalise the issue or allow the United Nations to hold an inquiry. That demand is obviously rejected out of hand," finance minister P. Chidambaram, who in the past has been consistent on a tough stand with Pakistan, said.

At the last session of the UN General Assembly in 2012 there was a verbal duel between the two countries when Pakistan's president Asif Ali Zardari raised the Kashmir issue under the UN resolution.

"Kashmir remains a symbol of failures, rather than strengths of the UN system," Zardari had said.

Reacting to this, the then external affairs minister S.M. Krishna trashed Zardari's remarks on Kashmir as "unwarranted".
Cornering India

"Let me also make it absolutely clear that Jammu and Kashmir is neither an integral part of India nor has it ever been," the then Pakistani envoy Raza Bashir Tarar had told the 193-member Assembly.

He had also said the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir had been set out in Security Council resolutions and agreed upon by both Pakistan and India.

Clearly South Block expects that Islamabad will rake up the 1948 UNSC resolution on Kashmir demanding a plebiscite, and will seek to corner India.

Politicians defend Pakistan Army's actions

By Javid Ansari in Lahore
Former Pakistani foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri

Former Pakistani foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri

Amid outrage in India over the inhuman and brutal killing of two Indian soldiers at the Line of Control (LoC), senior political and religious leaders in Pakistan defended the country's army. They also asked for the process to continue and demanded an impartial, international inquiry into the incident.

Like most others in the Pakistani establishment, former foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri sought to internationalise the incident by calling for the United Nations (UN) or independent observers to probe these "counter narratives" on both the sides.

"Let it be investigated by the independent UN observers to verify the counter versions of both India and Pakistan," Kasuri said.

He also defended the Pakistan Army, describing the mutilation and killing of the Indian soldiers as something "the Pakistani army never does".

"The mutilation of a body isn't tolerable and the Pakistan Army doesn't do something like this. We've had five wars - two small and three big - since independence, but we haven't done anything such as this before. Both these (India and Pakistan) are professional armies that fully follow the laid out international conventions," Kasuri said.

Kasuri even tried to downplay the incident by asking everyone to look at it in a wider context.

"If one looks at the timeline and sequence; before this incident Pakistan itself has had an incident (at LoC) with three of its soldiers. One of them died, one was critical and another one was injured," he said.

The ex-minister also defended the VIP treatment received by Former Pakistan foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri. Once again, he asked the Indian government to give credible and actionable evidence to the Pakistani government.

"Our judiciary is most independent. It takes on politicians and everyone but we would need proper evidence to ensure that action can be taken against Saeed. We arrested him in the past but he was let off because of a lack of evidence by the courts. The Indian government can provide us evidence and we will surely take action against him," he said.

His view was echoed by conservative cleric Tahir Ashrafi, who is the chairman of the ulema council in Pakistan. He described the incident as unfortunate but said the peace process must continue.

"It is unfortunate, but there is no alternative to peace. Pakistani army doesn't do something like this," Ashrafi said, hinting at some non-state actors in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.

Kasuri added that there were "lunatics on both sides of the border" who did not want the peace process to continue and asked both the countries to not let them succeed.

Shinde points at Saeed's LoC visit before the attack

By Abhishek Bhalla in New Delhi

Recent developments in Jammu and Kashmir and all along the India-Pakistan border prior to the killing of two Indian Army soldiers had given an indication of an impending offensive from Pakistan to the security establishment.

Highly placed sources said the situation all along the India-Pakistan border has been volatile since the hanging of 26/11 terrorist Ajmal Qasab. It's not just along the Line of Control (LoC) where there was a discernible spurt in activity.

Intelligence inputs had given indications of terror groups being active on the Punjab border as well. Sources in the security establishment said there has been a constant flow of intelligence inputs regarding terror groups from Pakistan, supported by the Pakistan Army, making attempts to avenge Qasab's hanging.
Union Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde
26/11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed

Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde said activity by Pakistani terrorists (including 26/11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed, pictured right) is on the rise.

With infiltration from the LoC on the rise, the Indian forces in December had launched major operations that resulted in neutralising of 14 terrorists.

"This proved to be a major setback for the terrorists. According to our assessment, infiltration was on the rise and that is why encounters took place and militants were killed," home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde said.

Shinde also said there is information that 26\11 mastermind Hafiz Saeed was in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir close to the Poonch sector days before the encounter between Indian and Pakistani armies took place.

"We know that he interacted with some people there and we are keen on getting more details about his role," he said.

However, sources in the home ministry said according to a preliminary report prepared by the Intelligence Bureau this was the job of the Pakistan Army and not a terror group.

Away from the LoC, activities on the Punjab border are also being closely watched by intelligence agencies. The threat from Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) or the Pakistani Taliban since the hanging of Qasab has been taken very seriously by the Indian intelligence agencies.

According to reports, the group has traditionally functioned on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, but of late there have been indications that it is setting up base in the Punjab province in Pakistan.

The TTP is being supported by other terror groups such as Lashkar-e- Tayyeba in setting up a base close to the Indian border. The Border Security Force (BSF) guarding the border has been put on high alert following the brutal killing of two Indian Army soldiers.

"We have been maintaining a strong vigil as intelligence inputs about infiltration from across the border have been increasing," a senior officer from BSF said.

Meanwhile, the Cabinet Committee on Security was briefed about the incident by defence minister A.K. Antony. It was decided in the meeting that India will not accept Pakistan's proposal of a United Nations probe into the Mendhar killings.

Pakistan troops 'congratulated' for the killings

By Shiv Aroor in Mendhar (J&K)

Intelligence agencies have intercepted an audio communication in which a Pakistan Army unit is purportedly congratulating another one after the Mendhar incident on January 8.

The conversation between the two units also includes "something about a third unit" deployed along the LoC, indicating that more such attacks could take place in the border sectors, intelligence sources said.

The latter part of the audio intercept is disjointed and hence insufficient to pinpoint the area in which the third unit is located, sources said.

Though the crucial audio intercepts point to Pakistan's hand in the attack, there are questions over whether India can use them as evidence against its neighbour, considering Islamabad's non-cooperative nature on such issues.
Wake your government up to do what? Write 300 page dossier?

to wake up to understand the realities on ground that it is oblivious to. To understand it's national interest and value of it's own people. To stop trying to build it's foreign policy based psuedo-liberal-hippy-hacks who feel the world is made of clouds and ice cream. And yes to stop writing dossiers that are fit for the dustbin.
Indians will not go with the UN probe because it will shame India to the bone.

Once UN has evidence of India persecuting Kashmiris and killing them, UN will be with us and we can fullfill Pak Sar Zameen
Indians will not go with the UN probe because it will shame India to the bone.

Once UN has evidence of India persecuting Kashmiris and killing them, UN will be with us and we can fullfill Pak Sar Zameen

I highly doubt UN will be with us, its a very one sided and useless organization. But if Indians do finally decided to take the matter up to UN, would be interesting to see if they can gather the courage to take their pathetic 'evidence'(s) and present to the world.
Like you said, stop posting cr@p. The beheading of Indian soldier isn't the sign of PA more of TTP or other terrorists in the area. India is always very quick to blame everything on Pakistan with no concrete proofs ever.

Let us for a moment for argument's sake assume that it was only pak taliban that killed indian soldiers.What is pak army doing there then?do we have to believe that these talibans came there escaping the notice of PA.If so,it is really impotency.
UN intervention in terms of a investigation is pakistani bid to internationalize a bilateral issue.

Since this is in de facto int'l border it is an international issue. Besides, indian running its propaganda all over the world gives it more reason to have UN to investigate and clarify. Pure and simple fact is - reason india doesn't want UN investigation is that indian lie will get further exposed and propaganda will be crippled. India committing genocide and try to use "bilateral" hoax as an excuse does not fly. India is already in violation of UN resolution where india reuired to hold plebiscite.
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