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India to China and the U.S.: We'll Go it Alone, Thanks

Tell me 3 good reasons why USA will continue to need pakistans services as it did in the past 50 years ???

Let me tell you 3 good reasons why USA will not need pakistan in future as much as it needs India ;

a)No cold war and no threat from Russia any more , USA needed pak help in 80s only to drive away the soviets and do the dirty ground work on their behalf .
USA supported Pak in the past only because India tilted towards USSR in the past
b)China to be the main global challenger to USA super power status in coming years and pakistan looks like aligning itself with China , which means that USA needs India to counter balance the equations vis a vis China
c)Indian Economy is on the rise and it makes perfect sense for US to invest in Indias rise on a long run for mutual benefit

USA needed Pak as an ally in WOT in the past ten years again to do the dirty work and fight the USA's war , once WOT comes to an end which eventually has to at some point within the next 5 years Pak aligned with china is not what USA wants , its India - USA all the way !!!


Hey, don't get me wrong I don't want the US to continue to align itself with Pakistan but like kt or not the US feels they NEED to. Reasons? What does the US (and to some extent all countries, but US takes it to a whole new level) do anything? For their own self interest. So in this case for a number of reasons Pakistan is the greatest threat to US, unequivocally and stated ny many independents. Not only does Pakistan have nuclear weapons, they have stated they are willing to use them pre-emptively.Pakistan is a breeding ground for radicalised youth and a launc pad for terrorist activites carried out agaist US and the rest of the world (look into it, this is FACT). Pakistan is placed in a key location for US to get equipment to its men in Afghanistan (which it needs to do BECAUSE of the situation PAKISTAN has created in her western neighbour).

Now I'm sure US would like to engage in both sides- India for both side's benefit and Pakistan because she is a nessercary evil the US must keep "on-side' for her own security.


I can give unlimited link :)

In last couple of months, U.S. warned at least 100 times to Pakistan on other hand They are ready to sell anything to India. We are not buying much as we don't need U.S. as we have various deals with Russia, Europe and Israel and own indigenous.

What defence equipment ?? 2 Billion Military aid from U.S. to Pakistan with our 100 Billion $ defence modernization. :lol:
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