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India to China and the U.S.: We'll Go it Alone, Thanks

actions speak louder than words and indian govt actions and discussions as revealed by wiki suggest india is led by timid weak people and aint gonna go very far in the forseeable future and are pro america.

coming from someone whose country has been totally in the American basket since what?1960? cmon,we did much better than that standing on our own.
actions speak louder than words and indian govt actions and discussions as revealed by wiki suggest india is led by timid weak people and aint gonna go very far in the forseeable future and are pro america.

So true mate..!!

That's why even after lobbying by the president of lone super power on this earth we did'nt chose there fighter jets? ;)

Sounds strange? watch this...:)

See ..how so called timid leaders ain't so weak ;)
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actions speak louder than words and indian govt actions and discussions as revealed by wiki suggest india is led by timid weak people and aint gonna go very far in the forseeable future and are pro america.

Who is the people who kept their tails in between their legs and run for life, who is the people who didn't even accepted their fellow country man bodies, who is the people who are begging for help (one master after the other master) who? You know the answer, don't you
I still feel that India will side with USA more than they would towards China , its very easy to say India would stick to its Non aligned stance in the foreseeable future,but since China is going to be the only threat to USAs superpower status and Chinas support and arming of pakistan and its boundary disputes with India is going ensure that India will Align with USA and China with Pakistan !
I say, China is not trustworthy and moreover, it is our competitor and it has nothing much to offer to India - be it technology or international influence, hence I would prefer a status co relationship with China; however, US is different proposition. US is dependent on India, if it were to continue as the only superpower, moreover the dependency would only increase in future, hence it is the US that has to do all the trustworthiness with India and not the other way round. I would advocate much closer relationship with US.
You got very close there, why do you want us to take sides. Why is it not possible for us to remain equidistant from every one? Yes, I admit that the US has been good to us lately, but the problem comes when in return for its favours, the US expects our blind support on issues like Iran, Myanmar or Syria. We are in no position to give such unconditional support because there are some areas where our views do not converge. That is why India is different from Australia or Japan or South Korea who support the US in everything it does. Also, do you expect us to ditch Russia who stood by us always and is doing so even today? India has strong views against use of military force to degrade the sovereignty of any nation while the US has been doing just this with impunity for many decades now. the point is that just as our strategic interests converge on many issues, there are also some substantial issues on which we differ. This aspect has to be understood, good relations with a super power is great but we do not wish to become camp followers.
This is how it is. Do not take this as a Marxist/Socialist inspired view or a NAM hangover. We want to retain our independence in choosing our own path for ourselves. We wish to retain an independent foreign policy. This is the reality. The sooner America understands this, the better.

Yes, the Arunachal thing is not very important. We know that the US will not go to war with China for India. We are working towards a point where China will realise that attacking India over Arunachal or Ladakh is no longer a cost effective proposition. It is called dissuasive deterrence. Your country has helped us in that endeavour, so has Russia, thanks.

There is lot of misconceptions in your post above about the relationship they seek. first, who says that it forces India to take the US stance on issues it finds important in every case? You have NATO countries that never went into Iraq, you have the same NATO countries that has relationships with countries that US did not. Now if you are talking about Iran and its obvious nuclear weapons program, it's not good for India too. This would create an arms race in the midldle east and in the hands of crazy mullahs and dictators. If india is to be a global power then it must assume the role of Global speaker too. But bottom line: does it not speak volumes about the US pushing for India to be a UNSC premanent partner, that inspite of India's reluntance on Iran and others of their ilk. The US still finds vaule in being a true partner?

Second, you don't have to give up Russia for the US. thats not even what is asked, just a more aligned strategy. afterall does russia not provide China with tons of military technology that can be and will be used against India?
I notice the article was written without a single mention of the latest "buzzword"- Pakistan. Let's not forget that another reason India faces difficulties in aligning closer to US is the US's insistence to maintain its relations with Pakistan despite all evidence that goes against maintaining this strained relationship. India very much feels frustration that even though the world has finally woken up and started learning for themselves what India has been shouting about for years, the US allows such things to slide as long as their own interests are looked after.
Well, India is actually much pro-America than i expected, so i'd rather see more action than simply empty talk.
India to China and the U.S.: We'll Go it Alone, Thanks

Not surprisingly, the end-game is that India will chart its own course, relying overwhelmingly on no-one but itself. It is true that much of Indian foreign policy allies nicely with U.S. aims at the moment. For example, India is expanding its relations with countries throughout Asia, such as Australia and Japan (apparently a favorite of PM Singh), as well as advancing ties with more politically sensitive players, such as Taiwan and North Korea. Such a strengthening of relations among various Asian nations is precisely what the U.S. is seeking to keep Chinese assertiveness at bay. At the same time, on issues that cross business with politics, such as Iran, Sudan, and Burma/Myanmar, India is far more inclined to see common interest with China. India, unlike China, might support democratic transition in Burma, but unlike the United States has strong reservations about breaching sovereignty to promote democracy. In the United Nations, for example, India is far more likely to ally with China's position on sanctions and sovereignty than with that of the United States.

All of this suggests to me that however much Washington would like to partner with India in much the same way that it cooperates with Australia, Japan, and South Korea, that scenario is probably wishful thinking. Instead, Washington can take advantage of where interests with Delhi overlap--on China for example--but move cautiously on issues such as advancing India's desire for a seat on the UN Security Council, where our interests diverge far more than coincide.

India to China and the U.S.: We'll Go it Alone, Thanks - Elizabeth Economy - International - The Atlantic

The embolded parts above are the operative portions .

Its India first always & every time.
I notice the article was written without a single mention of the latest "buzzword"- Pakistan. Let's not forget that another reason India faces difficulties in aligning closer to US is the US's insistence to maintain its relations with Pakistan despite all evidence that goes against maintaining this strained relationship. India very much feels frustration that even though the world has finally woken up and started learning for themselves what India has been shouting about for years, the US allows such things to slide as long as their own interests are looked after.

I would not call it being alinged with pakistan when your troops are being killed by terrorists within and when many past attacks have a origination point or alignment with the terrorist out of pak. It's more of need to maintain the ties for self preservation than a choice. But I'll tell you this - the lines are being drawn and US is at its wits end - I forsee an action within Pak if these attacks keep coming from NW. what other choice does it have? This visit from hillary with the entire contigent is a come to jesus moment.
There is lot of misconceptions in your post above about the relationship they seek. first, who says that it forces India to take the US stance on issues it finds important in every case? You have NATO countries that never went into Iraq, you have the same NATO countries that has relationships with countries that US did not. Now if you are talking about Iran and its obvious nuclear weapons program, it's not good for India too. This would create an arms race in the midldle east and in the hands of crazy mullahs and dictators. If india is to be a global power then it must assume the role of Global speaker too. But bottom line: does it not speak volumes about the US pushing for India to be a UNSC premanent partner, that inspite of India's reluntance on Iran and others of their ilk. The US still finds vaule in being a true partner?

Second, you don't have to give up Russia for the US. thats not even what is asked, just a more aligned strategy. afterall does russia not provide China with tons of military technology that can be and will be used against India?

A good post Jay. We are not aligned with China at all. We have fought a war with China in the past and no one knows what the future holds in store. We have good business relations with China which will get better when China lifts the barriers in areas in which we are strong. If the one way trade continues much longer, we may have to clamp down in certain areas. Yes we side with China on certain issues where our interests coincide. China is one area where we agree with your country. I am amazed at the hurt and anger coming through against India from the US media if we chose better and more advanced fighters over the ones the US offers or abstain on a vote on Libya or Syria or fail to condemn Myanmar vociferously enough or support Palestine. If anything, India definitely has a pro US tilt. Any more tilting and we will fall on our face and become just another client state. We don't want that. Let us agree to agree in areas in which we agree and disagree in other places. Being able to accept dissent is an important part of any relationship. OK? Regards.
I notice the article was written without a single mention of the latest "buzzword"- Pakistan. Let's not forget that another reason India faces difficulties in aligning closer to US is the US's insistence to maintain its relations with Pakistan despite all evidence that goes against maintaining this strained relationship. India very much feels frustration that even though the world has finally woken up and started learning for themselves what India has been shouting about for years, the US allows such things to slide as long as their own interests are looked after.

Tell me 3 good reasons why USA will continue to need pakistans services as it did in the past 50 years ???

Let me tell you 3 good reasons why USA will not need pakistan in future as much as it needs India ;

a)No cold war and no threat from Russia any more , USA needed pak help in 80s only to drive away the soviets and do the dirty ground work on their behalf .
USA supported Pak in the past only because India tilted towards USSR in the past
b)China to be the main global challenger to USA super power status in coming years and pakistan looks like aligning itself with China , which means that USA needs India to counter balance the equations vis a vis China
c)Indian Economy is on the rise and it makes perfect sense for US to invest in Indias rise on a long run for mutual benefit

USA needed Pak as an ally in WOT in the past ten years again to do the dirty work and fight the USA's war , once WOT comes to an end which eventually has to at some point within the next 5 years Pak aligned with china is not what USA wants , its India - USA all the way !!!

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