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India to Buy additional 39 Apache's

congratulations, now russia will drop India as strategic friend and even will make a deal with you for 126 Sukhois, and transfer sensitive technology to Pakistan also. They will also give Brahmos and satellite technology and their proton rocket technology. Start of new era between Russia and Pakistan. wow.
No one is saying that, this is just Pakistan and Russia fixing their relationship after years of neglect. Especially since the US is going to pull out of Afghanistan, both Pakistan and Russia have a vital interest in making sure Afghanistan doesn't turn to shit.
Pakistan is buying Mi-35s, haven't you been paying attention these past few weeks? The Russians lifted their arms embargo over Pakistan recently, and said they were planning on selling Pakistan attack helis.

finally deal is done for russian Attack Helo

The only ones that Pakistan really needs are Mi-35, and only for stopgap measures until it can afford to find a more suitable replacement for it's cobra gunships (hopefully with the T-129. which Turkey has been wanting to sell Pakistan).
Isn't the Chinese attack helo a better choice even as a stop gap it is newer compared to the Mi-35?
IndoUS said:
Isn't the Chinese attack helo a better choice even as a stop gap it is newer compared to the Mi-35?
It would be if the Chinese were selling it. Right now, the Chinese are too busy filling their own orders, and perfecting their technology.
No one is saying that, this is just Pakistan and Russia fixing their relationship after years of neglect. Especially since the US is going to pull out of Afghanistan, both Pakistan and Russia have a vital interest in making sure Afghanistan doesn't turn to shit.

That is possibly true, that both Russia and Pakistan desire a stable Afghanistan (just as Iran, the CARs, China and India do). However the question is whether Russia and Pakistan 'are on the same page'; i.e. are agreed on the methods to do that. E.G. are they in agreement on the roles of the Taliban and the erstwhile Northern Alliance etc etc?



Booyyy are the guys on the ground going to have some great support.

Guessing LCHs and Rudras will move a head of the armored lines like in the first video.
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That is possibly true, that both Russia and Pakistan desire a stable Afghanistan (just as Iran, the CARs, China and India do). However the question is whether Russia and Pakistan 'are on the same page'; i.e. are agreed on the methods to do that. E.G. are they in agreement on the roles of the Taliban and the erstwhile Northern Alliance etc etc?
Actually, I believe that as long as Afghanistan is stable and has no spillover effect in Russia, the Russians don't care how Pakistan goes about their strategy of fixing Afghanistan. Russian interests in Afghan only go as far as making sure that Russia doesn't ever have to intervene in the country. This is why Pakistan is becoming increasingly important to Moscow. The Russians realize that Pakistan will be the dominant player in Afghanistan, and they want to make sure that the great game being play is in Russia's favor.

From Islamabad's perspective, it has both everything to gain and everything to lose. Pakistan cannot risk another civil war in Afghanistan, so it has no choice but to help Kabul to broker some sort of peace deal between the Taliban and the government. This is especially true since it cannot afford to bring in more refugees, and the risk of a civil war might embolden the militants on Pakistan's side of the border.

Basically, what I'm saying is, shits gonna hit the fan, yo! And only Pakistan can fix it.
Actually, I believe that as long as Afghanistan is stable and has no spillover effect in Russia, the Russians don't care how Pakistan goes about their strategy of fixing Afghanistan. Russian interests in Afghan only go as far as making sure that Russia doesn't ever have to intervene in the country. This is why Pakistan is becoming increasingly important to Moscow. The Russians realize that Pakistan will be the dominant player in Afghanistan, and they want to make sure that the great game being play is in Russia's favor.

From Islamabad's perspective, it has both everything to gain and everything to lose. Pakistan cannot risk another civil war in Afghanistan, so it has no choice but to help Kabul to broker some sort of peace deal between the Taliban and the government. This is especially true since it cannot afford to bring in more refugees, and the risk of a civil war might embolden the militants on Pakistan's side of the border.

Basically, what I'm saying is, shits gonna hit the fan, yo! And only Pakistan can fix it.

That is not exactly the way the Russians view either the scenario or the putative methods to sort out the connected issues. They are not inclined to give a "blank check" to anybody at all. Considering that Russia is seriously working to regain the earlier (imperial) clout of the SU under the Putin dispensation. And to that end is again (re) collecting the members of its 'original flock' back to Moskau's "bosom". To that end; its extremely wary of any Islamist Forces in its neighborhood.
Nobody in the neighborhood is convinced that only Paksitan can fix it.
Rather all (including Russia) are hell-bent upon ensuring that the proverbial "$hit" (if and when it flies) remains confined to Af-Pak and does not fall on themselves. That is the circumscribing principle underlying their actions.
Time to get more RBS-70s and speed up Anza-III and stingers.

First of all LCH's protection systems are advanced and the chances of Anza hitting it is very fragile. Secondly the Anza MK 3 on paper has an operational range of 5 Km's while the LCH can actively target its enemy from a height of 6 Km's where the Anza has no reach unless from a nearby mountain and even still LCH can target your defense systems keeping a safe distance of 10 Km's using HELINA.
First of all LCH's protection systems are advanced and the chances of Anza hitting it is very fragile. Secondly the Anza MK 3 on paper has an operational range of 5 Km's while the LCH can actively target its enemy from a height of 6 Km's where the Anza has no reach unless from a nearby mountain and even still LCH can target your defense systems keeping a safe distance of 10 Km's using HELINA.
A soldier can get closer to the rudra to fire ,a well aimed close range shot would be deadly for any helicopter,RBS-70 will be far more deadly to helicopters as it is difficult to jam it.
Guessing LCHs and Rudras will move a head of the armored lines like in the first video.

Exactly, IA wants at least a single combat helicopter squadron supporting their strike corps, be it with fire support, recon or transport capability. But that's also the field where Apaches won't offer much more capability that LCH would offer. In standard config both would carry a quad launcher with ATGMs at the inner hardpoint and a rocketpod at the extenal hardpoint. That meas the only difference is, that the Apache can carry a rocket pod with 19 x rockets, while LCH might carry only the currently displayed pod with 12 x rockets (although I think that is more related to Rudras carrying capability).
We know that LCH will come with modern avionics and EW capabilities and the requirement of IAF showed, that they don't intend to buy a mast mounted radar for every Apache either. When you then remove all the avionic upgrades of the Apache Block 3 that are specifically aimed on operations in US or NATO forces one have to question the cost benefit ratio.
Overrated Modi's out to blow the taxpayers money :) That's all. Useless purchases.
Thanks for your concern...BTW the decision to purchase 60+ Apache was taken way before Modi was named as a PM candidate.
A soldier can get closer to the rudra to fire ,a well aimed close range shot would be deadly for any helicopter,RBS-70 will be far more deadly to helicopters as it is difficult to jam it.

No helicopter in this world is invincible and applying that Logic so are LCH and Rudra.
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