First, I think it's a sick idea. We are not merchants of death. Only a few confused idiots like Ajit Doval and his even more confused political bosses think that arming the Afghans can contribute to a successful conclusion in any way.
Second, I think that we should go all out to help build Afghan infrastructure. We should help with the basics:
- Roti - agricultural extension;
- Kapda - expansion of textile processing, and garment manufacturing;
- Makan - expansion of housing construction, but with appropriate housing technology, not high rise buildings.
In addition, we should help with infrastructure:
- Roads - all over, the more the better;
- Railway lines - initially in the north and the west;
- Telecommunications - broad band in the north and the west;
- Power supply, through solar energy and alternative energy other than fossil fuels;
- Education, primary, secondary, tertiary, at each stage accommodating the best of that stage in our own institutions above that, from primary to our secondary, from secondary to our tertiary;
I don't see what else we should be doing in there. Those who want to exploit the country might think of other objects.