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India the Superpower? Think again


Oct 3, 2005
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India should put aside pride about its growing economy and concentrate on improving the lives of average citizens, argues Fortune's Cait Murphy.
FORTUNE Magazine
By Cait Murphy, Fortune assistant managing editor
February 9 2007: 12:29 PM EST

NEW YORK (Fortune) -- Plug in the words "India" and "superpower" into an Internet search engine and it's happy to oblige - with 1.3 million hits. I confess that I did not check each one, but I suspect that almost all of these entries date from the last couple of years.

This is understandable. For the first time ever, India has posted four straight years of 8 percent growth; since it cracked open its economy in 1991, it has averaged growth of 6 percent a year - not in the same league as China, but twice the derisory "Hindu rate of growth" that had marked the first 45 years of independence.

India has gone nuclear, and even gotten the United States to accept that status. Its movies are crossing over to become international hits. The recent $11.3 billion takeover of Corus by Mumbai-based Tata Steel was the biggest acquisition ever by an Indian firm.

No wonder the idea of India as the next superpower is fast becoming conventional wisdom. "Our Time is Now," asserts The Times of India. And in an October survey by the Chicago Council on World Affairs, Indians said they saw their country as the second most influential in the world.

Sorry: India is not a superpower, and in fact, that is probably the wrong ambition for it, anyway. Why? Let me answer in the form of some statistics.

* 47 percent of Indian children under the age of five are either malnourished or stunted.
* The adult literacy rate is 61 percent (behind Rwanda and barely ahead of Sudan). Even this is probably overstated, as people are deemed literate who can do little more than sign their name.
* Only 10 percent of the entire Indian labor force works in the formal economy; of these fewer than half are in the private sector.
* The enrollment of six-to-15-year-olds in school has actually declined in the last year. About 40 million children who are supposed to be in school are not.
* About a fifth of the population is chronically hungry; about half of the world's hungry live in India.
* More than a quarter of the India population lives on less than a dollar a day.
* India has more people with HIV than any other country.

(Sources: UNDP, Unicef, World Food Program; Edward Luce)

You get the idea.

The 2006 UN Human Development Report, which ranks countries according to a variety of measures of human health and welfare, placed India 126th out of 177 countries. India was only a few places ahead of rival Pakistan (134th) and hapless Cambodia (129) and behind such not-about-to-be-superpowers as Equatorial Guinea (120), and Tajikistan (122).

As these and other numbers suggest, Indian triumphalism (a notable 126,000 hits on Google) is not only premature, it is misguided. Yes, growth has been brisk, and of course growth is necessary to make a dent in poverty. But as Edward Luce, author of the excellent, "In Spite of the Gods: The Strange Rise of Modern India," noted in a recent talk, poverty in India is not falling nearly as fast as its brisk rate of growth might anticipate.

The reason for this is that Indian growth has been capital-intensive, driven by the growth in high-value services such as IT. This is a good thing, but what it does not do is create stable and reasonably paid employment for not particularly skilled people - and this matters a lot, considering eight to 10 million Indians enter the labor force every year. Luce estimates that there are 7 million Indians working in the formal manufacturing sector in India - and 100 million in China.
India is awash in private equity

To look at it another way, the 1 million Indians working in IT account for less than one-half of one percent of the entire working population. This helps build reserves (and national confidence, and tax revenues) but is not the poverty buster that labor-intensive development is. As Prime Minister Singh told Luce, "Our biggest single problem is the lack of jobs for ordinary people."

The problem with India's self-proclaimed (and wildly premature) declaration of superpower status is that it reflects a complacency about both its present - which for many people is dire - and its future. Eight percent growth for four years is wonderful, but as the saying goes, past performance is no guarantee of future results. And India is not doing what it needs to in order to sustain this momentum.

Consider the postwar history of East and Southeast Asia. The comparison is appropriate because India started at about the same point, and has watched just about every country in the region get ahead of it on the economic curve. All these places developed by being relatively open to trade; by investing in primary and secondary education; and by building pretty decent infrastructure (not only roads and ports, but health clinics and water supplies). India has begun to embrace one leg of this triangle - freer trade.
Wireless Wonder: India's Sunil Mittal

Even here, though, many of the worst features of the swadeshi ("self-reliance") era remain intact, including an unreformed state banking sector; labor regulations that actively discourage hiring; abstruse land laws (and consequent lack of land titles); misshapen subsidies that hurt the poor; and corruption that is broad, deep and ubiquitous. Nothing useful is being done about any of this.

As for the other two legs of this development triangle - education and infrastructure - these are still badly broken. About a third of teachers fail to show up on any given day (and, of course, are unsackable); the supply of both water and power is expensive and unreliable.

These facts of life too often go unremarked in the current euphoria about the state of the nation. "We no longer discuss the future of India," Commerce Minister Kamal Nath told the Financial Times in a typical comment. "The future is India."

Hubris, of course, is the stuff of politics everywhere. But the future will not belong to India unless it takes action to embrace it, and that means more than high-profile vanity projects like putting a man on the moon or building the world╣s tallest tower. It means showing that the world's largest democracy can deliver real progress to the hundreds of millions who have never used the phone, much less the Internet. And in important ways, that just isn't happening.

India has many reasons to be proud, but considering it remains a world leader in hunger, stunting and HIV, its waxing self-satisfaction seems sadly beside the point.

Yup, they are way far away from world super-power. unfortuantly, many people believe india will be ahead of China simply because it is a democracy country and China is not. Anything with the name of Democracy will become pure saint and all other non-democracy stuff will become pure evil. That's how western ppl classify good nations and terrorists
Yes is not a super power until it proves, Till then its not it has lots of areas to improve on.
Is there anything to even say here, Welcome to the obivious truth; But then there is a gleeming light at the end of the tunnel; We have a chance, far away but the oppertunity exists.
This article is one of those 'glass half empty' ones. There are thousands with the 'glass half full'. So no point in taking up this topic. Depends how you look at it, if you look at it from where we have come, then India is rocking, if you look at where we should be, then we are lacking. Depends on perspective.
India is a regional power there is no such thing as a superpower. The only superpower would be a government which through science and exploration explores the solar system and exports their own population onto other planets then they are a superpower.
lo india is miles away from being a superpower. we r taking baby steps into gaining power. but yes fortunately we have a huge population which will boost massive damand in coming future. it is inevitable that country of this size doent grow. india will kep growing until each and every citizen gets home, food and an ipod to listen to songs. it might take 60 yrs. but think abt that the later we become supperpower the longer we stay in that status. coz after india and china reach their full potential, whats next AFrica
I won't say India is an Super Power at present but its definatly an Super Power in the making.....i mean here Nobody can deny that -
¤Ninteenth Century belong to the French and Britsh..
¤Twenteth Century belong to United States and Soviets
¤Like that this Century belongs to Chinees and Indians...

Hate it or Love it but you deny it
I don't understand the motive behind the thread, India is not a super power, neither we wish to be one dictating the rest of the world on how they sould do things like US.
The thing that worries me the most is that a respected ADMIN of the forum has started a flame baiting tread and yet he knows that this is going to invite more trollers and mud slinging than any constructive dialogs,

Any way I am just a blogger here so my voices will not be sound enough to make the OP feel what he has done is wrong.
one thing these westerners will keep on making their opinions. our govt has now given the economic development fulll proirity over anything else. thats whats we need right now. forget being superpower. just keep working. fortunately we have all elements to be superbpower way more than america. we r abig country and our growth is invitable. chinese and pakistanis u r welcome to start ur poverty and toilet attacks..
This superpower tag was thrust upon us by the Western media. The Indian media happily caught this notion and propagated this myth even further. But ordinary Indians don't think we are superpower of any sort
india is already regeional superpower.

Its taken you 5 years to respond to this thread? Wow.
India have got some exciting years ahead and if the right people are promoted and lead the nation then they can go along way and i hope they succeed but to suggest the word "superpower" can be used already is i believe a little premature.
You really need to take a pill as i think you are being dellusional. Its important to keep your feet on the ground and look in your own back yard and view your population. Are you seriously wanting the world to use the word "superpower" when discussing India??
Potential is huge and good look to you but reality check dude.
The problem with India's self-proclaimed (and wildly premature) declaration of superpower status is that it reflects a complacency about both its present - which for many people is dire - and its future.

Eight percent growth for four years is wonderful, but as the saying goes, past performance is no guarantee of future results. And India is not doing what it needs to in order to sustain this momentum.

Exactly right. :tup:

Indians thought that they could become a superpower by maintaining 8% growth? Really weird, since China has been growing at 10% for three decades already... and we are nowhere close to becoming a superpower. :lol:

India on the other hand, was never even able to sustain double-digit growth in the first place.

And now, India's GDP growth rate has fallen even further:

BBC News - India's growth rate falls to 6.1%
Exactly right. :tup:

Indians thought that they could become a superpower by maintaining 8% growth? Really weird, since China has been growing at 10% for three decades already... and we are nowhere close to becoming a superpower. :lol:

India on the other hand, was never even able to sustain double-digit growth in the first place.

And now, India's GDP growth rate has fallen even further:

BBC News - India's growth rate falls to 6.1%

Don't beleive everything you read. Wait till the end of the yr....and you;ll see. Look it at this way.....India is so highly dysfunctional yet it stil achieves such a high growth. Just imagine we implemented some or half the measures that China instituted berfore opening your economy, where will India be .....give India 30 yr....and you'll see wonders...as folks get more educated....even the Chinese will see the difference....i can tell you the difference is incredible....but not always in a good way. But even bad changes will change to positive ones

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