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India the Superpower? Think again

Its taken you 5 years to respond to this thread? Wow.
India have got some exciting years ahead and if the right people are promoted and lead the nation then they can go along way and i hope they succeed but to suggest the word "superpower" can be used already is i believe a little premature.
You really need to take a pill as i think you are being dellusional. Its important to keep your feet on the ground and look in your own back yard and view your population. Are you seriously wanting the world to use the word "superpower" when discussing India??
Potential is huge and good look to you but reality check dude.

it also takes 5 years for me......tooo
India is not a superpower yet, we are still quite a way from being one. Nevertheless, we have every potential to be one and we are getting there slowly but surely. And we should be proud of what we have achieved till now since independence. We have uplifted a very large number of people from poverty into the middle class, actively participated in space research, have made great progress in education and healthcare. Still there is a lot more to be done. We have a strong, democratic system in place, have an environment sound for investors and a large young population.

And cut the comparisons with China please, our economic reforms began only in '91, more than a decade after China's. So comparisons with China are needless. Both countries are potential superpowers, but neither is there yet and both are still far from it. Heck even Russia is having trouble reclaiming that tag.
First define the world "Super Power".

The USA had got troubled from the Cuba, vietnam.

the Russian economy was not better than also Rus was the Super Power.

(1) The super power country is that whose voice is highest and who can do undo anything he wants as per the his desire. it has good relations with many country and it has power to compell them to do something or not.
(2) Have good militery command to controll all. or in threat to war on other country.

India is neither super power in that context. even economy is better(economy is not relevant factor at all in deciding Super Power only your muscles should be powerful, thats it) JAPAN is not a super power, there is only US who have control over other countries. India is peace loving and war avoided country, in that circumstances it is not possible to be world power. Even india has thousand ballistic missiles with thousand nukes, and great Aircraft carriers like US run on nukefuel, and satelites but as India is peace loving and avoid in any matter related to other country (especially after Srilankan shanti sena failure) India cant be super power.


Sorry: India is not a superpower, and in fact, that is probably the wrong ambition for it, anyway. Why? Let me answer in the form of some statistics.

* 47 percent of Indian children under the age of five are either malnourished or stunted.
* The adult literacy rate is 61 percent (behind Rwanda and barely ahead of Sudan). Even this is probably overstated, as people are deemed literate who can do little more than sign their name.
* Only 10 percent of the entire Indian labor force works in the formal economy; of these fewer than half are in the private sector.
* The enrollment of six-to-15-year-olds in school has actually declined in the last year. About 40 million children who are supposed to be in school are not.
* About a fifth of the population is chronically hungry; about half of the world's hungry live in India.
* More than a quarter of the India population lives on less than a dollar a day.
* India has more people with HIV than any other country.

Now if Administrator would welcome troll what else can be do.....:hitwall::blink::blah::confused::frown::whistle:
No one can disregard the rapid development of India in every major sector, no one thought 20 years ago that India would stand 4th in world ranking and today some people still not believe it will prove to be a superpower one day but only time can satisfy such people.

Another example is Iran wait for some more years and everyone would see a new regional power!

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