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India suspicious as Chinese submarine docks in Sri Lanka

LOL..we're scared..because its a HAN Submarine with its impeccable records of gurantteeing Radiation dose if you go anywhere near it..but wait a minute.you want to say that China made a counter move against puny,next to nothing India and its puniest missile "Brahmos" and call for freedom of navigation in SCS??a country of China's stature??World's Next Superpower with double digit growth and all??was this counter move even needed??

guess what??China don't even publish this kind of news..only some times later,few random pictures and some unconfirmed news takes its place.no need of being accountable to the citizen,because,its a Communist country.. :lol:

we welcome you as we are preaching for "Freedom of Navigation".. LOL..

For the underline, yes the counter move is need to tell India that we will not be deterred by your sugar diplomacy with Japan or Vietnam, India can go ahead and do what ever it wants, PLAN present in Indian Ocean will ensure the freedom of our merchant ships that 80% of our oil import through this road and to reinforce our friendship with SA nations, India navy will never dictate ever this region.

South China Sea is not China's sea and Indian companies will explore Oil and natural gas no matter how much China protests, to make sure of this .;)

you are welcome to come for the free of charge exploration for Vietnam and then pack & leave as usual after few moment of self contemplation. :lol:

You don't make enemies in your neighbourhood if you are as Tiny as Sri Lanka and your neighbour is India. Please learn from your past experience. You will loose men and face.

And that why the present of Chinese Navy in Indian ocean is important, we will make sure that Indian navy will restain itself and confine your coastal water :lol:, try to bully a small nation such as Sri Lanka then we will sell the super-duper "chini- brahmos" to counter your Navy:D.
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It is up to us how we interpret your actions. Sri Lanka will get effected "a lot" if we feel threatened by a Puny Island Nation. Small players usually end up being used as cannon fodder in big power games.

are you talking Japan, Vietnam or talking about yourself India? :lol:
:rofl: chitroll thinks his PLAN stands a chance against IN in indian ocean
you have a better chance against the US navy in the south china sea buddy
:rofl: chitroll thinks his PLAN stands a chance against IN in indian ocean
you have a better chance against the US navy in the south china sea buddy

When we have navy in Indian Ocean, we stand a chance, when we have nothing there we stand no chance..comprendo???
Very interesting development. Our Chinese brothers sure know how to keep people guessing. :o:
you are welcome to come for the free of charge exploration for Vietnam and then pack & leave as usual after few moment of self contemplation. :lol:.

well then just don't thrown tantrum over our collaboration with Vietnam like a cry baby :p:

we are there to make money and not give any freebies but at the same time we show you that South china Sea is not Chinese Sea by exploring Oil in right 'your' backyard .
When we have navy in Indian Ocean, we stand a chance, when we have nothing there we stand no chance..comprendo???
i dint know your "navy" consisted of 1 chinese made sub, sorry
well then just don't thrown tantrum over our co-operation with Vietnam like a cry baby :p:

lol, what is big deal of your co-operation, oil exploration, sell Russian Brahmoski?? we're not like some Indian is crying over to threatening Sri-lanka over our sub. present in Indian Ocean as Mr. @DingDong ...LMAO
lol, what is big deal of your co-operation, oil exploration, sell Russian Brahmoski?? we're not like some Indian is crying over to threatening Sri-lanka over our sub. present in Indian Ocean as Mr. @DingDong ...LMAO

It seems to be a big deal for you guys ( although you pretend not to ) or else why will your external ministry throw protest-tantrums over it ?
It seems to be a big deal for you guys ( although you pretend not to ) or else why will your external ministry throw protest-tantrums over it ?

Explore oil in the Chinese-Vietnamese contested zone, you India is fishing on trouble water, we will be careless if dig any oil in Vietnamese sh1t-hole.

Like I said a Puny Island Nation should not have big dreams because those dreams can drag it back into another civil war or something disastrous of that proportion.

lol why should Sri-Lank shouldnt have big dream?, not only Sri Lanka people has dream but bigger dream, the future is bright for this nation as you can see in this video :lol:, and we will make sure to arm Sri Lanka government force with an overhelming power to crush the unrest and prevent any civil war.;)

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Explore oil in the Chinese-Vietnamese contested zone, you India is fishing on trouble water, we will be careless if dig any oil in Vietnamese sh1t-hole.

see we will explore oil in Chinese - Vietnamese contested zone to make it a point that South china Sea does not belong to you !

You can just fret over it and throw temper tantrums with expletives ( which is actually sign of frustration ) that you did just now ...

We are only paying back China in same coin !!!
oooo,,,,we r so scared,,mighty submarine came :lol:
but will we stop our deals with Japan,Vietnam,,,dont think so.
you know that a sub is cable of carrying a lot of a anti-ship weaponry? and a sub cant take down up to 30+ destroyer's right?

you know that a sub is cable of carrying a lot of a anti-ship weaponry? and a sub cant take down up to 30+ destroyer's right?
maybe so,,,,,but to press the button,2 things r needed: motive n will
once u figure that out,u will understand why I am sooo scared
Indian Ocean is not Indian's ocean, the present of Chinese sub is to make sure of this. ;)

True. But China is not very smart to send a diesel electric sub to Indian ocean. For the distance covered, it should send a nuclear sub. Otherwise, the sub is where the refueling tanker going to be. To track that sub, just track the tankers. lol

the chitrolls should know that india has a very good sub hunting experience. IN even sunk an american made submarine in 1971. the chinese clanky rust buckets which they call "submarines" wont be much of a challenge

Its a diesel electric sub. Just look for the oil tankers and that is where the sub will be as it needs refueling.
maybe so,,,,,but to press the button,2 things r needed: motive n will
once u figure that out,u will understand why I am sooo scared
Button ? This isn't some indian sub from the 80's this is a state of the art sub meaning there are no such thing as big red button's the world has moved on -.-
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