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India should stop using Mumbai attacks for propaganda: FO

Kashmir is a mutual problem, a legacy of 47 -- regardless of how you may think it is, reality is that the people of captive kashmir seek freedom from India -- Now this problem has a solution, it was nearly resolved when Musharraf was around -- So, Karthic you must take some time and consider your position.

It is right and a privilege of India to employ any tactic, strategy, ploy propaganda, or whatever to gain diplomatic and other advantages over her adversaries -- but these advantages must be employed to resolve problems -- trust me on this, today, things are going in a direction Indians are not used to experiencing, the going is good -- but so long as problems are not resolved, the good going is under threat.
Kashmir is a mutual problem, a legacy of 47 -- regardless of how you may think it is, reality is that the people of captive kashmir seek freedom from India -- Now this problem has a solution, it was nearly resolved when Musharraf was around -- So, Karthic you must take some time and consider your position.

Sir, that is how Pakistanis think, Not Indians. We see it as the loss of our land due to the stupid,idealistic policies of our first Prime Minister.
And yes it was nearly resolved during Mushy era , alas due to the actions of some terrorists and untimely removal of Musharraf everything went back to square one.

And I dont think the same comfort level will be there for the talks to happen again, without some improvement on Pakistan's part in prosecuting those responsible for scuttling the ever-so-elusive peace which was almost on hand.

It is right and a privilege of India to employ any tactic, strategy, ploy propaganda, or whatever to gain diplomatic and other advantages over her adversaries -- but these advantages must be employed to resolve problems -- trust me on this, today, things are going in a direction Indians are not used to experiencing, the going is good -- but so long as problems are not resolved, the good going is under threat.

How can problems be solved when all Pakistan does is asking India to move on while letting the master-minds of the heinous crime to roam free and set shop elsewhere with just a change in name-plate.

What steps has Pakistan taken in prosecuting the LeT and its front JuD ?? Until solid steps are being taken by Pakistan in this direction and the common Indian is convinced that Pakistan is sincere in its efforts to make it a terrorist-free nation, it difficult for the INdian to move on
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Respected Sir,

So long as India continue to evade their own responsibility and deposit all responsibility on Pakistan, it's difficult to argue that India have moved on - India's internal problems and her external problems require that Indian policy makers begin to move away from the paradigm in which India does not have problems and all problems come from across the border - that's not moving on, that's delusion.

India did its part , showed restrain even after India was suffering from terrorist attacks again and again which were originated , planned and financed from our loving neighbor.

Pakistan got shamed in the international community many times for not taking Indian concerns to notice.

For example , Sir you might had known after Reporter Denial pearls murder that took place in Pakistan a couple of years and the person that was arrested was a indian fugitive who was released by India in exchange of passanger of Air hostage crises. Pakistan for years denied exixtence of him in Pakistan but later he himself aressted him to save his face only when international community ran over like a bulldozar., Might had Pakistan taken Indian concerns into account, Denial pearl might had been alive today.

India is dealing with its internal problems .
India gives equal rights to its minorities ,
many pakistani friends talk about gujarat roits without even knowing that over 700 people have convicted so far ( convicted not accused, many are their term to hang and many serving their terms in jail,)
About insurgencies in North-east...................only Manipur and Assam is left .....................Ulfa is on the table to talk................their was a news that its president might even join politics.
In kashmir , almost 90% encounters take place in areas near LOC and pakistans border..................what a coincidence ?

Naxals will take time , but Indian govt. takes Naxals and Terrorism too separate issues
Respected Sir,

So long as India continue to evade their own responsibility and deposit all responsibility on Pakistan, it's difficult to argue that India have moved on - India's internal problems and her external problems require that Indian policy makers begin to move away from the paradigm in which India does not have problems and all problems come from across the border - that's not moving on, that's delusion.

I really find it funny when people use statements/words like "respected sir" "sir" etc.
Cuz we all know how much respect we have for each other.

I did not mean to put you on the back foot -- if you think India is handling it's problems as they relate to Pakistan, that there is progress being made, then you should feel no reason to be on the back foot - but look, lets all be reasonable for a couple of minutes - Does "progress" look the way present and near future Pakistan and India relations look??? Does "progress look the way India's internal security problems look??

You don't have to be on the back foot with me, you just have to be reasonable -- this just cannot go on, with every passing day, it's those who seek to create such divergence between Pakistan and India, particularly over captive Kashmir, that the two states are closer and closer to a war neither wants nor can afford , who see "progress"-- so, please, just be reasonable, not just for my sake but your own sake and the sanity of our readers.
It's not just 160 odd people, but the way it was executed, like slow, painful death, makes it hard to forget. It was more of a hate crime than a terrorist attack.

I did not mean to put you on the back foot -- if you think India is handling it's problems as they relate to Pakistan, that there is progress being made, then you should feel no reason to be on the back foot - but look, lets all be reasonable for a couple of minutes - Does "progress" look the way present and near future Pakistan and India relations look??? Does "progress look the way India's internal security problems look??

You don't have to be on the back foot with me, you just have to be reasonable -- this just cannot go on, with every passing day, it's those who seek to create such divergence between Pakistan and India, particularly over captive Kashmir, that the two states are closer and closer to a war neither wants nor can afford , who see "progress"-- so, please, just be reasonable, not just for my sake but your own sake and the sanity of our readers.

India moved on may times , sir. During PM I.K. Gujaral period RAW was ordered and forced to pull back its all operations in Pakistan.
India stood on its stand of peace but a mistake by Dictator brought Kargil into it.

Mumbai attacks was after a series of Blast that rocked India for continously for years.................nearly every other day bomb blast occured.....................To control anger, there is a limit.

I am glad that Indian administration gone against public aspirations and didnt do what USA is doing now .

every one in Pakistan talks about talks talks.................but can anyone tell me what benefit will India get in return If we talked???
Hey we got Mumbai when we were talking..................we got Kargil when we were talking???
Pakistan is fighting same non state actors and protecting India.Instead of India Pakistan is suffering Mumbai bomb blast on daily basis. India must shut up and stop crying foul over Mumbai.After all only 200 odd people died during Mumbai incident.here our Pakistanis are dying in 1000 just to save India.Pakistanis are sacrificing a lot in protecting India and world from non state AL-Qaeda terrorist.

That's your personal issue, Kasab was not Al_Quaida terrorist, he was trained by some cruel agency (ISI, RAW, CIA, MoSAD, Mi6 , you can pick any one according to your convenience)
I did not mean to put you on the back foot -- if you think India is handling it's problems as they relate to Pakistan, that there is progress being made, then you should feel no reason to be on the back foot - but look, lets all be reasonable for a couple of minutes - Does "progress" look the way present and near future Pakistan and India relations look??? Does "progress look the way India's internal security problems look??

You don't have to be on the back foot with me, you just have to be reasonable -- this just cannot go on, with every passing day, it's those who seek to create such divergence between Pakistan and India, particularly over captive Kashmir, that the two states are closer and closer to a war neither wants nor can afford , who see "progress"-- so, please, just be reasonable, not just for my sake but your own sake and the sanity of our readers.

I agree but who do we work with? When compromises to existing positions are required, how do we know that an agreement reached with considerable expenditure of political capital on the Indian side would be adhered to be all sections(stakeholders, if you prefer) of the Pakistani power structure. If we were dealing with you & the likes of you, this matter would be over & done with. The fear in the India circles is exacerbated by acts like Mumbai & excuses trotted out thereafter( whether they be of uncontrolled non-state actors or rogue intelligence agents). Unless Pakistan is able to speak in a single voice and has the determination to go after those who step out of line, a plan like that almost agreed with Musharraf would be dead in the water. No one is going to agree to soft borders if the result is more carnage by terrorists. Unfortunately this is a classic chicken & egg situation. Pakistan wants India to move first before cracking down on the extremists/terrorists & India would need to see them put away before conceding anything.
It's not just 160 odd people, but the way it was executed, like slow, painful death, makes it hard to forget. It was more of a hate crime than a terrorist attack.

You hit the nail on the head.
Respected Sir,

So long as India continue to evade their own responsibility and deposit all responsibility on Pakistan, it's difficult to argue that India have moved on - India's internal problems and her external problems require that Indian policy makers begin to move away from the paradigm in which India does not have problems and all problems come from across the border - that's not moving on, that's delusion.

i agree with u r comments. but one has to find a middle path which is acceptable to both the governments and people. i agree compromises will have to be made on both sides. now what is the compromise. in my mind there is only one practical compromise

make loc permanent. free trade between booths sides of kashmir. is pakistan ready to accept that.

secondly pakistan should abandon its policy of bleeding india through thousand cuts. pakistani army has used Let and other terrorist organisation as a leverage against india. pakistan should have realised by now that terrorism is a double edged sword. it cannot be an instrument of state policy. i agree pakistan has become a major victim of terrrorism and world community is not as sympathetic towards pakistan as it is towards india. this is because the world thinks that pakistan still remains the breeding ground of terrorists who carry out operation in afghanistan pakistan and many other countries.

is pakistan ready to adress these problems?
26/11 was the incident that proved to all Indians i.e. civilians that peace with Pakistan is not possible and with Pakistan dilly dallying on persecuting the perpetrators behind 26/11 the fact that (peace is not possible) just becomes more concrete

Now when the civilians have this anger towards Pakistan, no political party can be seen warming up to the idea of beginning the dialogue etc unless the perpetrators behind 26/11 are bought to justice

After 26/11 now Indians (civilians) no longer want peace/dialogue with Pakistan, Indians now believe that India should play the tit-for-tat game and try and harm Pakistani interests where ever possible and unless that changes dialogue is not possible or atleast is meaningless
After 26/11 now Indians (civilians) no longer want peace/dialogue with Pakistan, Indians now believe that India should play the tit-for-tat game and try and harm Pakistani interests where ever possible and unless that changes dialogue is not possible or atleast is meaningless


this attitude will be music to the ears of the fanatics on both side...
only now you are propogating that the Indian public is asking its goverment to start a subversive and terrorist operations in Pakistan?

well where would the moral high ground then? would there be any bases for Indian goverment to go to the rest of the world and cry? they will say well its your state policy now to stage acts of terror in pakistan so deal with it.

its a shame when moderate and civilised people talk the language of the right wing hawks.. because the only loosing party on either side of the conflict are the people who have nothing to do with the politics. people who get killed are the ones getting along with their daily lives.

this is the kind of situation that people like Bal Thakeray & RRS will love to have in India and Mullah Fazlullah & Sipah Sahabah / TTP will love to have in Pakistan.

no terrorist act should be forgotten not even a single one that didnt make it to international news.. be it Pakistan or India.. its the loss of innocent life.. but the point is.. lets not act the way.. these barbarians want these two countires to act... Al qaeda/ Taliban already expressed their desire that India and Pakistan have an all out war with each other. does Indian goverment and India want to play into their hands?

as far as the non-action of Pakistani justice system is concerned, circumstantial evidence doesnt hold ground.both countries use the same British law of evidence.. whatever has been handed over to Pakistan regarding the LeT's leaderhsip will have the same outcome in Indian courts. if the judges are decidng without any pressure.
I really find it funny when people use statements/words like "respected sir" "sir" etc.
Cuz we all know how much respect we have for each other.

Don't know about you but we have many respectful members from both sides on this forum.

Its those who have no respect that are given the boot.
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