As I said before, dont write checks you cant cash kid. Nehru found that out in a ruthless way in 1962. It was a national humiliation to India that still hurts your ego. Indian soldiers were shredded to bits by the PLA. Indian military is as rag tag as the country itself, just look at the power outages, level of corruption, kaveri engine failure, commonwealth games farce, etc.
The Indian military is poorly equipped, poorly trained, poorly integrated and the Indian generals are full of airheads thinking Indian military is an invincible power.
Dont kid yourself son, Indian military is a fragile fighting force glued together with imported weapons. Its not what you have, its how you use it and when you use it. Wars are about strategy, Sun Tzu taught that. Outsmarting your enemy by identifying weaknesses and attacking them and avoiding their strengths. Indians are utterly clueless about fighting wars, you think militaries go head on fighting the enemy without strategy.
Indian military is in no position for an all out war with the PLA. PLA is a well drilled, well equipped and disciplined fighting machine. Indian military is target practice for the PLA. Boys(India) up against men(China).
Even if the PLA was behind the Indian military in technology, quantity and training, the PLA would still win a war with India due to superior capabilities in strategy and intelligence.