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India seeks full membership of SCO

this is typical india. all that they want is the sweet part. they don't want to take any responsibility or hard work.

the main responsibility here in this region is controlling terror..
i think u shud teach this to some one else.........here is the so called hard work needed...
and its strange that u r justifying pakistani presence for ur so called hard work and responsibility taking.........
hypocrisy at its peak
Just an excuse. Does Russia really trust India? Even they trust you, do they really want to share their power with you?

Similarly, does Russia support India UNSC seat from their heart? My answer is NO, they just don't want to anger India. Also they knew, with US and China, India does not have a chance.

My point of view: SCO is about central Asia which is Russia's backyard. Russia does not want others in their backyard, but they need China to counter USA. If this is enough, there is no reason for another powerful player to join. For China, we do not want to share oil with others.

So there is almost no chance for India.

Exactly darkhero. Russia needs this as a military alliance. It's things like Georgia, Afghanistan where they see foreign countries surrounding it on its energy corridors and trade corridors. China has the same interests as Russia here. Pakistan is both their energy corridors (along with some other countries).

In my opinion India is not that necessary, but it would be worth India joining for its own interests.
I don't think SCO is really an economic cooperation organization as a security one. Economic cooperation can be done with BRIC or SAARC or just informally.

So you're claiming that the United States wanted to join a "security bloc" (and was rejected) against its own sphere of influence (NATO)?

Doesnt make any sense. SCO is an economic bloc and that was the motivation for partnering in the SCO...Unless the charter of the organization has changed, every other theory on the blocs function is pure speculation
Exactly darkhero. Russia needs this as a military alliance. It's things like Georgia, Afghanistan where they see foreign countries surrounding it on its energy corridors and trade corridors. China has the same interests as Russia here. Pakistan is both their energy corridors (along with some other countries).

In my opinion India is not that necessary, but it would be worth India joining for its own interests.

think like the EU , you PAK don't bring anything to table but economic hardship that would need other member countries to then bail you out all the time- but far worse than Greece for example ( where it's economy only related bail out by the EU)- you ALSO bring huge instability in security . honestly- as a think tank you should be wiser to the facts on the ground and above silly banter.
Defense can mean anything. Cooperation in defense can mean forming a military alliance. It is open.

NO it cannot. As Much s you want to force feed that fantasy of yours... as a organization SCO will never form NATO like military alliance period. You can scream that from top of the building, have every Chinese's here give you thumbs up - but the smart folks here know that this is not an NATO like alliance and will never be.
Greece was allowed in because they managed to con the Euro leaders into thinking they were stable.

Greece is not of any strategic important to Europe. This isn't the same situation

---------- Post added at 04:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 PM ----------

NO it cannot. As Much s you want to force feed that fantasy of yours... as a organization SCO will never form NATO like military alliance period. You can scream that from top of the building, have every Chinese's here give you thumbs up - but the smart folks here know that this is not an NATO like alliance and will never be.

why not???????
So you're claiming that the United States wanted to join a "security bloc" (and was rejected) against its own sphere of influence (NATO)?

Doesnt make any sense. SCO is an economic bloc and that was the motivation for partnering in the SCO...Unless the charter of the organization has changed, every other theory on the blocs function is pure speculation

SCO is an economic bloc? what are you talking about?

SCO is formed in 2001 when Russia was facing NATO trespass and TMD close Russia border. It certainly is military bloc, focus on Security Issues. How you get the idea of economic bloc, totally trolling. Imagin your diplomatic guy tell China and Russia, we want to join your economic bloc...

As to the topic, India's bid is not convincing and even childishly wishful. Just because Pakistan got the pass does not mean it's the time of India to join. Solid backing of your application and show the group how much you can contribute.

before you submit your application, please also tell the world you are abandoning non-alliance policy. this is not Childish Game.
Of course. India had always said they are non alligned and had no intention to be. Sitting at the fence to rip the benefits of both sides have always been the game they played. The surprise decision to suddenly wanting to be a part of the SCO was somewhat contradictory in this regard.

I dont see how joining the SCO will affect our non-aligned status in any way....

By your logic, was the United States trying to join the SCO in an attempt to leave the camp of its own sphere of influence (NATO) and join the Ruso-China camp?
SCO is merely an organization for economic partnership with stress on regional security....It is not a military alliance and has no binding clauses similar to the NATO members.

I beg to differ and I don't have to make anything out of India. The attitudes and quality of posts made that are anti-Pakistan and China says it all don't you think? The fact that PDF got swamped by Indians after the OBL incident was perfect prove of Indians willingness to hop on to the Anti-Pakistan bandwagon at any given opportunity it finds. It was also an excellent indicator to the Indian mentality on negative issues relating to Pakistan.

Since when did popular opinion on PDF become the driving factor for Indian foreign policy?
I think you're underestimating the effect of what an anonymous identity masked behind a computer screen can do to even the most moderate of folks from both sides of the border....
If I were to go by your logic, one would think that the Pakistanis based on their comments in PDF (in real life) are nothing more than insecure, paranoid individuals with major "step-child" syndrome and a penchant for being trigger happy with nukes....

But thats not at all true in reality if you've ever come accross a Pakistani....

I think you need to look beyond the wall of PDF...
Greece was allowed in because they managed to con the Euro leaders into thinking they were stable.

Greece is not of any strategic important to Europe.

again coming up with conspiracy theories unbecoming of a ' think tank' here. there are other countries within EU that needed bailouts too. But the point is - you are far worse headache for being a part of any union given your economic and security brinkmanship. it is what it is..
Peshwa i don't understand what you mean.

Would the USA aspire to join a security bloc such as SCO (if SCO is actually a security bloc) that aims at limiting the influence of the NATO?
Why would the USA do so?
You're comparing apples and oranges.

Greece was an economic mess and conned its way into the Euro which could not cope with nations that are an economic mess.

SCO knows Afghanistan and to an extent Pakistan is a security mess, but realizes they are of importance as energy and trade corridors for Asia.

SCO invited Afghanistan and Pakistan to join in order to sort out its security problems. Greece was invited into Euro on the belief it had no problems.

The comparison is poor.
bottom line I see is that it's hopeless to debate Pakistanis here. they are looking at the SCO, not like how EU was formed similarly, ( economic, trade bloc) but as as some fantasy that it commits member countries to go to war like a NATO alliance.
SCO is nothing like the EU.

It hasn't defined its objectives clearly yet, but it probably will be a bit like NATO when it does.
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