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India Scraps Domestic Jet Engine Plan

India(Indian politicians) truly believe in 'GLOBALIZATION'.......
Therefore their motto is, never become self-dependent....keep yourself dependent on others forever....so that when push comes to shove, everything can be blamed on 'globalization'.......
Like the falling rupee can be blamed on Greece's economic turmoil.....
-ve industrial growth on global crisis....
etc etc...

Since India cannot make jet engines, it should make gliders instead of fighter-jets......and use human bombs tied to the glider in place of missiles....
Atleast we made something but wasn't good enough to meet the requirement. We don't compromise when threshold requirement is not meant......that's how research in any area progresses but what do you know about research....:smokin:

Just dont give the Serial TROLL guys the needed attention.

They are intented to spoil even the defense threads with the hate inside, thereby sending the quality of defense forum which is already at rockbottom to further down..
Atleast we made something but wasn't good enough to meet the requirement. We don't compromise when threshold requirement is not meant......that's how research in any area progresses but what do you know about research....:smokin:

In all fairness to Indians, they accomplished a lot even though the Kaveri Engine did not work as well as the Indians hoped for. After all there are only 4 or 5 countries in the World who make jet engines. Well done Indians....
man drdo should sell gtre and kaveri division to l&t or tata or some other company in that has potential to handle such a complex tech. most foreign engine companies are also private then why not india. they will find their ways to fix the problem and will come out with something much better also create manufacturing facilities for engines.

we should not forget that this engine is just short of a few kn of power, it is still a very able engine, i dont see a single reason to derail the project.

In all fairness to Indians, they accomplished a lot even though the Kaveri Engine did not work as well as the Indians hoped for. After all there are only 4 or 5 countries in the World who make jet engines. Well done Indians....

we got the to know how to make an engine.
we made a gas turbing out of it 50 of them are ordered by navy, so this project paid off.
then we will use it in future for other planes.
This doesn't surprise me a lot, as Kaveri was expected to power the Tejas Mk I version but with the later GSR of more powerful Mk II where engine power requirement have be increased to 98-100 kn class, the K-9 Engine falls no where near to it, as it was struggling to reach its pre specified 80 kn, while the report says nothing about the K-10 project, I don't keep much expectation from it either where we have no reports of its development.Anyways, I dont think the report means abandoning the project as a whole, it says it wont power the Mk II, but as far as I know K-9 would be tested on Mk I version even it is not inducted into the armed force.

The engine development process have not stopped at all, their are reasons behind it, for developing UAV and UCAV specially the later one the engine would be needed, An UCAV with a payload of <500 kg and a range <300 km would violate the MTCR rules and if we want to have a UCAV we need to have a domestically produced engine. High altitude test for K-9 was not performed in a vain, although we should accept that the development process have taken very long and failed to perform its primary objective, that is to power the Tejas.
India(Indian politicians) truly believe in 'GLOBALIZATION'.......
Therefore their motto is, never become self-dependent....keep yourself dependent on others forever....so that when push comes to shove, everything can be blamed on 'globalization'.......
Like the falling rupee can be blamed on Greece's economic turmoil.....
-ve industrial growth on global crisis....
etc etc...

Since India cannot make jet engines, it should make gliders instead of fighter-jets......and use human bombs tied to the glider in place of missiles....

take a chill pill...
A load of bull **** written by Indian for Foreign news agency. Nothing new. where is the official confirmation?
I will give India credit because only a few countries have mastered Jet Engine TurboFans, USA, Russia, Eu even the chinese are still having problems with engines they still need 5 more years on it. but well done

no i do not think it will be scrapped. Not yet decided in Parliament too, so that means funding is on and the project is making significant progress. It could be just to hide the advancement. I am not worried.
no i do not think it will be scrapped. Not yet decided in Parliament too, so that means funding is on and the project is making significant progress. It could be just to hide the advancement. I am not worried.

LOL what a reason.
no i do not think it will be scrapped. Not yet decided in Parliament too, so that means funding is on and the project is making significant progress. It could be just to hide the advancement. I am not worried.

25 yrs, 3000 cr ruppes. lolll indian govt is stupid but not that much that they will scrap it.
This is what happens when politicans are voted in who dont have a clue how to run a nation. Instead, they keep certain parts of society poor so they can reap bigger rewards and line their own pockets thru corruption. Their lack of insight all these years compunded by the fact that Nehru and others did not take recommendation to strengthen our primary education seriously as proof that India needs radical change. Anna hazare porposed some clear cut changes but got muffled by who exactly? The very same politicans who are the problem. Unbelieveable isn;t it? There has to be a pivotal moment in India's history where ppl, young and old, have to march and protest like Gandhji nt aginst the Brits but against our own politicans and burecrats. When an administrator in a tiny village in Gujurat can turn around and show imporvements in all sectors like economy, education, employment, etc., that data and expertise should be spread throughout India wherever possible. His success further hardens my stance on the incompetence of our political system. Time to wake up. As we build engines for jets, we should have implemented a parallel program to re enigneer any tech we could get our hands on. Where was the insight, the vision of these stupid idiotic leaders?

Time to take an engine apart and anlyze the crap out of it...
It'll be more like Trishul project, which was eventually scrapped and we went for superior Akash missile. Hopefully DRDO can achieve similar feat once again.

Trishul and Akash are two different missiles in the same program.

Trishul went over budget and the IN went for the Israeli Barak SAMs for their ships.

Both Trishul and Kaveri engine are failures.(didn't meet its purpose) But both have spun off. Knowledge gained from Trishul was incorporated into Astra A2A missile and Karveri will power UAVs and Naval vessels.

It was a good try, but it's only a matter of time before India gets good at this.

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