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India’s new game plan in Kashmir

No that would be an injustice to the Kashmiris and Pakistan.

I hope you are only being sarcastic in your post, because nobody in Pakistan will accept that proposition. Its an insult to anyone who believes in just and moral principles.

Islam says to believe in just and moral principles.

There is NO just or moral principles! It is the need for more land and control of the rivers! Let Pakistan and Pakistanis not accept it! So what are you going to do at EOD?
There is NO just or moral principles! It is the need for more land and control of the rivers! Let Pakistan and Pakistanis not accept it! So what are you going to do at EOD?

Army needed a war-prone situation to keep its dominance in Pakistan, so Kahsmir which is a great strategic asset in terms of geopolity & water asset is painted with muslim brotherhood of violations of human rights etc etc to paint picture such that whole nation will support the futile cause which has given nothing more than harms & losses to nation. Since Zia's reign, its feeded to most of Pakistani maases since their Childhoods that Kashmir war is a holy war for kashmiri muslims & blah blah for same support.

Lust for more land,ownership of water resources, easy land routes to China is hidden desire which is hypocritically masked with sympathy for kashmiris, muslim brotherhood, etc etc.
Dimagh kharab ho gaya hai tera kya ??? BD to theek hai, Pakistan ko merge kar ke America ki museebat apne gale baandhni hai kya >???

Honestly, Pakistan needs to worry more about the Duran Line at the moment ;)

Pakistan already taking care of that but focus still on boundary i described in my post.
Army needed a war-prone situation to keep its dominance in Pakistan, so Kahsmir which is a great strategic asset in terms of geopolity & water asset is painted with muslim brotherhood of violations of human rights etc etc to paint picture such that whole nation will support the futile cause which has given nothing more than harms & losses to nation. Since Zia's reign, its feeded to most of Pakistani maases since their Childhoods that Kashmir war is a holy war for kashmiri muslims & blah blah for same support.

Lust for more land,ownership of water resources, easy land routes to China is hidden desire which is hypocritically masked with sympathy for kashmiris, muslim brotherhood, etc etc.

Completely agreed! They sent mujahideen terrorist after the fall of Soviets in Afghanistan in 1989 and made Kashmir to bleed! India had some how stopped 99% of terrorist infiltration into Kashmir, Now they not having any option blabbering that 'Kashmir is one of UN failures!'
Completely agreed! They sent mujahideen terrorist after the fall of Soviets in Afghanistan in 1989 and made Kashmir to bleed! India had some how stopped 99% of terrorist infiltration into Kashmir, Now they not having any option blabbering that 'Kashmir is one of UN failures!'

Invasion of Afghanistan decades before & its present day effects on world peace are examples of Pakistan's blaberring of saving muslims & fighting for rights of muslim brotherhood. Afghanistan government as well as taliban tribal leaders has both seen the real face of their Saviour or Messiah PAKISTAN and are now missing no oppurtunity of hitting them back on b*tts :yahoo:

Neither India will never let poor kashmiris in hands of mass murderers & terrorists or have something like south Afghanistan & KPK on its borders.
Kashmir is a muslim majority state our hatred of hindus alone is enough to want independence from india

it is the duty of all muslims to support the muslims of kashmir

and the duty of kashmiris to keep hindus out
Whole of J&K state with its 1947 borders is an integral part of Pakistan.There can only be two solutions of Kashmir disputes.....
1.Whole of J&K state with its 1947 borders become independent country.
2.Whole of J&K state with its 1947 borders merge with Pakistan.

J&K isn't an integral part of Pakistan, as per the Maharaja's wishes, nor is it an express part of India. Option "1" is the correct outcome here.
The majority of kashmiris would not support independence they will pick to side with pakistan

as a kashmiri myself i know for a fact our hatrred for the hindus is so strong we could never side with india

independence for a small mountain kingdom us too difficult

our only choice is pakistan
The majority of kashmiris would not support independence they will pick to side with pakistan

as a kashmiri myself i know for a fact our hatrred for the hindus is so strong we could never side with india

independence for a small mountain kingdom us too difficult

our only choice is pakistan

Indian side of the land will be a part of India, and this is not gonna change. SO if people want a free country better move to Pakistan and ask them to give their land to you. India is fine with the current boundary and will continue to keep the status. Its up to the other side if they can keep the thing going. Because as of now the other nations in the UN don't really give a cr@p is the India and Pakistan issue.
The majority of kashmiris would not support independence they will pick to side with pakistan

as a kashmiri myself i know for a fact our hatrred for the hindus is so strong we could never side with india

independence for a small mountain kingdom us too difficult

our only choice is pakistan

Yet you don't know that Kashmiris can be Hindu, Buddhist or even Sikh as well. Shame.

Indian side of the land will be a part of India, and this is not gonna change. SO if people want a free country better move to Pakistan and ask them to give their land to you. India is fine with the current boundary and will continue to keep the status. Its up to the other side if they can keep the thing going. Because as of now the other nations in the UN don't really give a cr@p is the India and Pakistan issue.

Bit hypocritical coming from the nation that fought for its independence for around a century and claims the title of the "World's Largest Democracy".
Yeah and the US is considered as the greatest democracy yet it took the land of the Native Americans and created many nation at gun point. Its all up to a nations interest. And if people have hard time realizing it then it their own lack of understanding that no nation is going to back down and give up their land.
Bit hypocritical coming from the nation that fought for its independence for around a century and claims the title of the "World's Largest Democracy".

i'll say this for the million and one'th time.....being democratic has nothign to do with encourraging secession or compromising on the territorial integrity of ones country...the best example is usa...it has been a democracy for more than a 100 years when the south rebelled.....but just because it was a democracy it did not allow secession....it went ahead, crushed the rebellion and protected the territorial integrity of the country.....

democracy is about how you govern the country....not about how you break the country....that is called an anarchy....
An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly that made the world community smile.
A representative from India began: 'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Rishi Kashyap of Kashmir, after whom Kashmir is named.
When he struck a rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What
a good opportunity to have a bath.' He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Pakistani had stolen them.'
The Pakistani representative jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Pakistanis weren't there then.'
The Indian representative smiled and said, 'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech. 'And they say Kashmir belongs to them"
No that would be an injustice to the Kashmiris and Pakistan.

I hope you are only being sarcastic in your post, because nobody in Pakistan will accept that proposition. Its an insult to anyone who believes in just and moral principles.

Islam says to believe in just and moral principles.

After having lost 3 wars and 2 skirmishes and having lost half your country....it always amazes me that you still crave for Kashmir. Why don't you guy work on keeping your country united first?? I see fissures and cracks developing along the fault lines. Will you ever allow a formation a Pakhtoonistan, if pashtuns wanted one??? How about Baluchistan, the land of Baloch???
The majority of kashmiris would not support independence they will pick to side with pakistan

as a kashmiri myself i know for a fact our hatrred for the hindus is so strong we could never side with india

independence for a small mountain kingdom us too difficult

our only choice is pakistan

Funnily enough, last I checked, a survey revealed that 98% of Kashmirirs do not want to be a part of Pakistan... And me as a Kashmiri agree to that POV.. Either you are a part of 2% or are really not a Kashmiri and are just a fake like your flags :)
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